Monday, September 30, 2002

Well some very good news just came Greg's and mine way. We got the apartment we applied for! We didn't think we were going to get it, but after about 2 weeks of waiting, we finally got an answer and it was yes! So moving day is November 1st. The only problem now is finding the money to do the double deposit we have to do and the $400 deposit for the cat and the first months rent... plus utilities and such..... *bangs head against the wall*

I would like to apologize for the crapiness of my web page's server. It is most crappy. We went down for about 48 hour a few days ago, and they erased the site. So I uploaded it again, but then its down again today. What crap is that? I am frightened that I paid for a year of pure crap. They said that they have a 99.7% up time. I didn't know that .3% was so much. Did you? If things don't pick up soon, then I am going to try to get my money back and move somewhere else. So don't go through ok?

I am just really excited about having a place of my own. Where I can decorate, and have room for things, and have my kitty and my Greg all to myself. Its in a really quiet neighborhood too, so I am glad for that. There WILL be a party once we get the house settled. *dances in circles*

Martin Blank and Pitchspork Queen (from Real Life Forums) are up in Sac visiting us for a few days. They are really nice people. I am glad that we finally got to meet.

Ok the moment I know you have all been waiting a few days for:


A guy just died and he's at the pearly gates, waiting to be admitted, while St. Peter is leafin' through this Big Book to see if the guy is worthy. St. Peter goes through the Book several times and furrows his brow
"You know, I can't see that you ever did anything really bad in your life, but you never did anything really good either. If you can point to even one REALLY GOOD DEED -- you're in." The guy thinks for a moment.
"Yeah, there was this one time when I was driving down the highway and saw a giant group of Biker Gang Rapists assaulting this poor girl. I slowed down my car to see what was going on and sure enough, there they were, about 50 of 'em ripping the clothes off this terrified young woman. Infuriated, I got out of my car, grabbed a tire iron out of my trunk, and walked up to the leader of the gang, a huge guy with a studded leather jacket and a chain running from his nose to his ear. As I walked up to the leader, the Biker Gang Rapists formed a circle around me. So, I ripped the leader's chain off his face and smashed him over the head with the tire iron. Layed him out. Then I turned and yelled at the rest of them, 'Leave this poor innocent girl alone! You're all a bunch of sick, deranged animals! Go home before I teach you all a lesson in pain!'" St. Peter, impressed, says, "Really? When did this happen?"
"Oh, about two minutes ago."

And a second one because I haven't posted in awhile....

There was once an old pheasant who was chatting with a bull. The pheasant said, ''I would love to get on top of that yonder tree, but I haven't got the energy''.
''Well,'' said the bull, ''why don't you eat some of my dung? It's packed with nutrients.''

So the pheasant ate some dung and found that it gave him enough energy to get to the first branch. The next day, he ate some more and it gave him the energy to get to the next branch. This cycle continued for a week. Finally, the pheasant was at the top of the tree, whereupon he was spotted by the farmer who ran into the barn, came out with a shotgun, and shot the pheasant right out of the tree.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Bullshit might take you to the top but it won't keep you there.

And yet another! I am crazy!!!!!!! hehe

There was a dentist, an electrician, a salesperson, and a carpenter that met everyday for breakfast at a low income diner. They were all married except the salesman. When he was married, he went on his honeymoon with his wife. The other three still met for breakfast when he was gone. An idea came up to play some practical jokes on the new married person.
"I'll make his bed slant so his bed will collapse when he is making love," said the carpenter.
"I'll hot wire his mattress so that he'll feel immence heat while making love.'
"Those are good ideas," said the dentist. "But I am not going to tell you what I'm going to do.'
The next day the salesman comes into the diner. He says "I congratulate you guys for making my bed collapse, and I thank you for making my bed really hot, but I'm going to kill the bastard who put novocaine in the vaseline."

Ok ok.. thats all for today!

Yes, ladies and gentleman (and that other dude out there, you know who you are), I'm back.


And I brought a lovely cold with me. ^^

Anyway, I spent Friday through Sunday in sunny San Antonio, recording the next Gold Digger OVA. I'll give you the run down of the weekend's events.

Friday: Got to the airport around 6am. We had this paranoia that it would take me a long time to check in and that I should get there early. I was in the door and at the gate in 10 minutes. Right. So I was really bored most of the morning.

So I got to San Antonio around 3pm central time, and headed out the door, nervous that there wouldn't be anyone to meet me. And guess what? There wasn't. I wandered for a few minutes, wondering what I should do if no one showed up in the next few hours when I saw a guy whizz by me a little fast with a sign that looked like my name on it. I followed him and caught him, and it turns out he was from Antarctic Press. ^^ So that ended well. I spent the day in the AP offices, meeting everyone, talking, and socializing a bit. Went back to the hotel they got for me after awhile, and had dinner on my own (only in Texas will the steak at a buffet be better than a steak at a steak house...), watched some tv, then went to bed.

Saturday: Woke up early to get to the AP offices. Finally got to meet Fred Perry, which was great. ^^ I also got to meet all the other people doing voices, and they are all extraordinairly cool. The recording went well. We'd all go into this little, foam coated closet-type room, and do our job, and then happily exit the closet. ^^ After that was lunch (during which Bill Yarnell, the voice of the bad guys, did his best to make me snarf Coke), and then the afternoon was free. I have a friend who lives in San Antonio (Hi Chuck!), so I hung out with him during the afternoon, going to see the Alamo and the Riverwalk, and watching him play ParaParaParadise and DDR. There was a huge quantity of Air Force Airmen around, and the funniest thing I saw during my stay was two Airmen in uniform playing DDR. ^^ After that, we (all the AP people and Chuck, who turns out knows all the AP people anyway) went and saw the Tuxedo, which was a decent movie. ^^ Chuck and I hung out some more, and then sleep occured. ^^

Sunday: The dead day of the trip. I woke up, watched tv for awhile, then checked out of the hotel. Hung out with Doug (one of the AP guys and the voice of Tark in the OVA), and had lunch. We went to the mall, and I got a trinket for my housemate, and then back to the airport, for more happy waiting. By this time, the cold I'd been fighting bloomed into full coldy goodness, so I was sniffling the whole way back. Which is uncomfortable at altitude. Bleh.

So that was my trip. It was a lot of fun, I made many good friends, and saw new things. ^^

And now I recover from my cold.

Oh... for those of you who were asking about what I do in the office all day... let me share with you an image that was sent out to our internal email "general discussion" list...

Look, just don't ask anymore, okay? We're as odd as they get, and we're happy with that... =)

(Special thanks to BJ West for letting me use the image.)
So we got G4 this past weekend...

...and we've been watching it, right...

...and Wil Wheaton is co-hosting this show called Arena...

...where they basically announce while people game against one another...

...this weekend was the Halo tournaments, but we also saw DOA3, Mechwarrior 4 and other stuff..., on TV...



...God it's good to be a gamer some days.

Sunday, September 29, 2002

*Is dead...*
I always feel like a small piece of me dies everyday I work for Earthlink x_x
And a hush fell over the site...


*picks up the hush and puts it aside*

No, don't ask why I'm up at this hour...

Friday, September 27, 2002

All is well in the house again, after they had some time to smooth things over amongst themselves. It had nothing to do with me, so I feel better, and better still that they've gotten things worked out.

Joe spent some serious time with Robotech last night and he's digging it, and I put in a bit more time on Starfox after that, and I'm digging that, although I did find today's Penny Arcade particularly funny. You don't HAVE to find all of the stuff, of course ... but they'd like you to.

Erin's off to San Antonio this morning to record for Gold Digger. Let's all wish her well and hope that the trip goes as planned (and that she doesn't get lost in the airport -- she was worried about this, not us!) I'll be interested to hear how it all turned out when she gets back.

I dropped off some of the pictures at the developing joint near work and am getting some large prints made of some of them. We'll see how they all turn out when they're blown up a bit. Unfortunately the place wouldn't do any touchups on the prints, so I'll be stuck with exactly what's on the film. Some days I wish I still had access to a darkroom. Oh well, when I make the images digital (I'm acquiring a 35mm film scanner in the near future) I'll be able to do the touchups there before any of you see them. =P By touchups, BTW, I generally mean burning/dodging. This means making portions of the image darker and portions of the image lighter. It's the easiest of the photo editing tools a photographer has at his/her disposal.

Anyhow, maybe I'll make another post later today, but I wanted to give you all something to read so you don't think we're all dead or something.

Thursday, September 26, 2002

I did, in fact, get my Mongolian BBQ last night, at this great place called Su's, down in Santa Clara. Yeah, yeah, 20 minute drive, but who cares... the food was excellent.

There's a bit of friction in the apartment now. I'm a little concerned for Joe and Lara, who were arguing last night when I went to bed. I don't know what about. Hell, they might have even been arguing about me. But since I leave early in the morning, I haven't had a chance to find out what it's all about, and that makes me a bit nervous.

Oh, on the positive side again, the pictures I took on Sunday turned out fairly well. There's a few incredible pictures, several very good ones, quite a few okay ones and half a roll that's basically unusuable in any way, shape or form. I really need to get a light meter. Maybe I'll pick one up today when I'm getting a larger print made of one of the pictures.

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

If anyone cares (I know there are at least two of you), I updated my webpage a bit.

Don't you all start cheering now.

Anyway, I put up a new audio section, with my demo tape in mp3 format, so you can all listen and enjoy.

And yes, those are all me. And if you think they all sound the same... well, that's cause they're all me. ^^

Go here and click on 'audio' on the left side, to listen.
Oh, and an extra lil tibit thats keeping my sanity...I am the proud owner of a Microsoft Ultimate TV (35 hour model) for the grand cost of $85! Screw Tivo!
Haha! So I'm not the only one going insane here! @ work at the moment and I've come to this conclusion...People who subscribe to Earthlink dial-up and call for tech support are verry sad souls that just need someone to talk to and have nothing better in thier lives to do. Just got off the phone with the latest lucky caller (or unlucky if your realistic here..come's me they talk to!)..Once I talked to em for a few min I just pointed them to thier control pannel as a test and they fixed thier damn problem with me saying mearly uh huh, uh huh, yea, without any comprehension of what they were saying...sad sad souls are they who call Earthlink tech support...

My 2 worthless cents...
*runs to the door, ready to flee*

So... uh Erin... when you "nearly" went insane, uh... how could anyone tell the difference from the way you normally are?

*runs out the door, laughing maniacally*

I have classes before noon now. *sniffle* I have classes now that start at 9 am.

But now, I have 4 day weekends. ^^ Hee hee.

Of course the last time I had four day weekends, I ended up being an insomniac and nearly going insane, but that's a long story, that has since been remedied. Thank you sleeping pills!

And before you guys flip out on me, my doctor approved, and said they were just antihistimines. So :p

On an additional note (one that'll probably get me killed by my brother) my brother needs a date. Why? Cause I'm his little sister and I say so. Unfortunetly I know all of 6 girls, and none of them are his type really. My friends say he's cute though, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I should auction him off or something.

Don't kill me Sean, it's a joke, I swear! ^^

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Okay, I haven't posted in a while. Maybe I just didn't have anything interesting to say. :D I lead a pretty boring life, after all.

Some observations I have made about my life recently:
1) I have, for the most part, very much reduced the amount of soda I drink. The past few days, we've had a few sodas on hand here at home, but for weeks now I've had maybe 2 sodas at work, and then usually just ice water here at home. I don't know if this is a good thing, or a bad thing. What I do know is I have a whole lot of extra pocket change.
2) There is no #2.
3) I realized that I seem to be very good at finding things to do. Specifically, finding things to do so that I don't have to do what I SHOULD be doing. It seems lately that I've had a hard time relaxing and just doing whatever projects I want, because I feel like I always have these few projects hanging over my head that might actually prove easy to do, I just don't want to do them for some reason.
Bah, enough vaguness. What I'm referring to is that I've recently been interested in promoting the comic to some gaming magazines, trying to get published. Now, I've always been adamant that if I were to attempt to get published, I wouldn't do reprints- I'd do original strips for the publication. What this means though, is that I have to get a package together with a few demonstration strips so they can see what I'm offering. The thing is, I'm procrastinating making the demo strips...and I don't know why. It's odd, I try to work on them, and then I get some form of cartoonist's block, where I feel that whatever it is I'm making is utter crap, get frustrated, and push it aside. Generally, I do all this stuff at work, and since I've got nothing but free time there most days, I just read instead. Good for my reading, bad for my career. :/ I dunno.
4) See #2.

That's it, I suppose. Just general ramblings from a yahoo. Pay me no mind. :D
Well Greg told me this joke a few days ago... then I saw it on my forum... so I decided I had to post it.

A man is out for a walk when he sees that he has new neighbors. He goes over and intoduces himself.
The man says, "Hi, I'm you neighbor I work over at the plant."
His new neighbor replies, "Hello. I'm a professor of deductive reasoning at the college."
"Really, what's deductive reasoning?"
"Well," replies the neighbor. "I see you have a dog house. So I can deduce you have a dog."
"That's right."
"And since you have a dog I can assume you have a family."
"Right again."
"And if you have a family I deduce you have a wife."
"So I can reason that you are heterosexual."
"Wow, yeah. Thats facinating."

On his way home he runs into another neighbor to whom he tells about the new guy.
"Whats deductive reasoning?" asks the other neighbor.
"Well," says the man. "Do you have a dog?"

What is this, a world conspiracy against me?

I haven't got Starfox yet -- I'll get it today. They got underdelivered and who got screwed? Who? That's right, you know who...

Of the three film developing places in town, only ONE does black and white processing in town. The other two send it out! And the one that does do it has a sign that says "Same Day B&W Processing!" on their window... ... ... ... ... I can pick up my film tomorrow after 4. I'd like to point out for the chronologically challenged that tomorrow after four is not, in fact, the same day as I'm dropping the film off, unless you're talking like days on Saturn or something, in which case, I guess that's fine. My film is being developed by Saturnians... Swell. Gee whillickers.

Sorry you didn't get into the composition class, Erin, but you can always pick it up later. And flying alone is a blast. Just bring stuff to do in case you get stranded in an airport. GBA's are perfect for that kind of thing, as are these great novelties called "books." Also recommended is "music." ... Sorry, don't know why the sarcasm dial got turned up to eleven there. Sometimes these things happen. Heh.

Anyhow, despite all that minor kicks in the shin, life is generally pretty good and I'm feeling relatively good. I'm eating less and losing weight, and starting to slim up a bit. I'm hungry all the friggin' time, but that comes with it, I guess. It's all about control and I'm doing well. Had a 6 inch sandwich today and I'm still hungry, but I'm not going completely crazy. Just means drinking water and keeping my mind busy.

Monday, September 23, 2002

So I guess it's conclusive then... I suck.

AND... cosplay creations has been around for almost 2 years... AND dynamite mambo went live Sunday morning... Not Monday morning. (It was actually late Saturday night) SO there!
I would like to say that Dynamite Mambo has been around for roughly about 3 years now. It just now finally got a decent home and a decent layout. So it has been "live" for a little while now...hehe
GAH!!! I'm home, and I'm posting!!

*grabs the stick that's being shoved in her side* Jeez!! Stop poking me already!! ^^

And yes, I'll update my webpage sometime in the near future. When exactly? That, I can't tell you. Why? Cause I'd have to shoot you. Either that, or cause I don't know. Pick which ever one amuses you more.

So, what's up with Erin? Nothing horribly important, really. I've started school, and, thank whichever diety you prefer, I got past the audition for my acting class. So that's one worry off my shoulders. So my class schedule is thus: Acting Studio 2 (with probably one of the most respected teachers in the theater department. YES!), History of Design (it was either that or Theater of Cultures at 8am, which is a bad time for any class, really), and TA 50 (a production class where you basically become the slave of one of the production departments: costumes, scene shop, electrician, or video. Guess what I'm doing. *dusts off the sewing machine* Right.) So I have a pretty easy schedule of classes. I didn't make it into the writing class I was trying to get into, but that's okay. I'll just join the masses and take it next quarter. *sigh*

But wait, Bob! There's more!

I need a job, so there's that. I've got an interview at Suncoast video store tomorrow, which isn't bad. I know the manager, so I'll probably get the job. I just hope they don't overwork me. I would like having a day off occasionally... it'd be nice. Along with work, I've also got rehersals starting for Real Inspector Hound starting probably next week, and this weekend, I'm flying to San Antonio to record the next episode of Gold Digger. ^^ Nooooo, I'm not keeping busy...

Anyway, that's the basics of my life. The only worries I have right now are whether or not I'll be able to find my connecting flight in Dallas on Friday. Cause I've never flown alone before. Yes, that's right, my mommy takes care of stuff like that for me, and I'm a lame ass. ^^

Go. Play.
So I added them, already. I hadn't added Erin's since she hadn't updated it since April. I hadn't added Dave's because I didn't know if he wanted me to or not. I hadn't added yours since the link only went live this morning... Pbbbbblt.
Please don't get me wrong guys! I didn't like getting about 3 or four e-mails a day asking me which Liz I am and if I am Greg's girlfriend. I get about 3 more e-mails a day asking what Greg is like... I just hate the fact that I can't be called Liz (instead of Lizzie) because Greg dated a Liz before. It sucks! I hate being called Lizzie because it isn't as pretty and its as mature sounding. I also hate that my co-worker keeps signing me up for classes and putting "Liz" on my business cards. When I am in a professional atmosphere, I want to be called Elizabeth. But I can't do anything about it now though. *shrugs*

One question: Why is Greg's web site, and Cliff's web site linked over in the corner... but Erin's and mine are not? Erin is, however, in Neko-box and posts there... but it still should have a link to her web site. Same goes with mine. Why isn't Dave's website listed either? I know he has one! C'mon! What's the deal?


*ahem* Now your moment of Zen....


Q: What do a blonde and a turtle have in common?
A: They're both screwed on their back.

You're just like a television -- even an old man can turn you on.

Three men were walking down a street and found a bottle laying on the side of the road. They picked it up and a genie popped out. The genie said, ''You will each get one wish.''
The first man wished he was 20 times smarter. The genie made him 20 times smarter. The second man wished he was 30 times smarter. The genie made him 30 times smarter. The last man wished he was 60 times smarter.

The genie turned him into a woman.

Be de Be De Be De... That's all Folks!
I'll post! I'll post!! ^^

Actually, I'm at my friend's house recording my voice acting demo cd! Finally! An example of the crazy voices I can do, and I can do more than what I've recorded, too. ^^ If people are interested in hearing it, I'll post the link to where I'm going to put them all at some point. ^^ Bug me. ^^

I have nothing else to post. I will post things later when I am on my own computer. ^^
So apparently I've been coming across as depressed lately. This is inaccurate, at least to some extent. I'm doing just fine. I'm not depressed at all, actually. I have a lot on my mind, but that's something entirely different. See, just because I have a lot to think about doesn't mean I'm depressed.

It was tough having to suddenly adapt to having roommates within a week. I knew in the back of my mind that it was always a potential thing, and Joe's my best friend and Lara's great, so it's not that I mind having them around. Part of it is just getting used to having people around all the time again. Sure, I had roommates all the time (with the exception of one semester in college, and most of that semester Chris lived in the room with me anyway) when I was in college, but I've been out on my own two years straight now. And there are times where it's depressing, being home alone by yourself. But there's also times where it's very nice. It's a give-and-take situation, really, and I'm just slowly figuring out how to convert my mind back from living by myself to living with roommates.

The nicest thing is the ability to get a second opinion on anything right away. And a third, in all actuality, because Joe and Lara don't agree a lot. And it's nice to have people to talk to when I get home from work, and people to hang out with. It just means a mindshift. That's all. I'm not complaining. Honestly. Promise. Seriously. I'm not complaining. It's just something to wrap my head around.

As for my other problems, I seem to have gotten most of them into some state of mental stability. That which I can change, I have, or am in the process of changing. That which I cannot change I have either dealt with, am planning to deal with, am in the process of dealing with or am accepting. No point in giving myself an aneurism (sp?) or anything...

Oh, Starfox Adventures comes out today... mmm... Zelda-like game. Rare seems to be going over to Microsoft... and if that means I get a new Conker game, that's just peachy with me.

I dunno why everyone else stopped posting so much. Maybe I'll email some Boots To The Head... *evilgrin*

"And to my dear friend Greg, I bequeath... a Boot to the Head."
Ok.... I don't ever want to say this again.

Yes, I am Lizzie. But I hate being called Lizzie. The only reason I am called Lizzie was to make me different from the "Liz" that was around before I was. It completely sux because I can't go by the name I want to... I have to go by the name that makes me different. Its like my individuality has been ripped from me. So just to make it clear. I will say that I am Liz on here... but I am in fact the so called "Lizzie". Please stop e-mailing me about it please! Its depressing!

Ok... I tried to make a post yesterday... but Greg's comp shut down on me. So I got pissed and decided no post was needed. Instead I got my web pages up! Huzzah!

You can see Dynamite Mambo at and Cosplay Creations at either or I worked really hard on getting these sites kinda up to parr. I still need to figure out what I am going to do to these sites to make them useful to people... *shrug*

With the audition I am supposed to go to tomorrow, I don't have any headshots... and I am a bit scared since I am still up in the air as to where I am living and such. So we shall see. I really want to be acting... but life is a bit unstable. *shrug*

Well I hope things get better Cliff. Erin, enjoy your last year of school. Greg, stay away from Mario Sunshine and spend some time with me!!!!

Here is your joke:


A small, rural West Virginia Wild Animal Park had acquired a very rare species of gorilla. Within a few weeks, the female gorilla became very difficult to handle. Upon examination, the park veterinarian determined the problem, the gorilla was in heat. To make matters worse, there were no male gorillas of the species available. While reflecting on their problem, the park administrators noticed Ed, a part time, redneck intern, responsible for cleaning the animals' cages.

Ed, like most rednecks, had little sense, but possessed ample ability to satisfy a female of ANY species. So, the park administrators thought they might have a solution. Ed was approached with a proposition. Would he be willing to fuck the gorilla for $500? Ed showed some interest, but said he would have to think the matter over carefully. The following day, Ed announced that he would accept their offer, but only under three conditions.

"First," he said, "I don't want to have to kiss her. Secondly, you must never tell anyone about this."

The park administration quickly agreed to these conditions, so they asked what was his third condition.

"Well," said Ed, "You gotta give me another week to come up with the $500."


Or, rather, today is Monday... and I need to go to bed...
A few things from the edge of sanity:

-- Watched Hudsucker Proxy again tonight. Had forgotten what a funny little gem it is.

-- Took some portraits of Erin today, trying to get a good headshot of her. We'll see how they turned out. I may be a little rusty, but I think I've got some shots. We'll see. I'm gonna get'em developed tomorrow and then look at the negatives and see how they turned out. It felt good to be taking pictures again, behind a camera, where I was capturing little moments in time...

-- I can't stand the heat here in Pleasanton. I'll be glad when it cools down. And when we get close to summer again next year, I think we may all have to move back west of the mountains.

-- Joe and Lara have settled into the apartment just fine. We spent Saturday and got the spare bedroom cleaned out and condensed a lot of my crap. It's amazing how much shit I pitched out. I think it's easier to take stock of your possessions when there are other people around to watch and help. So I threw out like 6-8 boxes of stuff I never really wanted to see again. And before I knew it, the bedroom was clean. So how do you like that?

-- Tomorrow is, in fact, Monday, which means back to work. Maybe I'll make another long post from work. We'll see...

Friday, September 20, 2002

So, everyone's been wondering what the hell's been going on with me, and now I can reveal the whole sordid story and fill everyone as to what the hell is, as the proverb goes, up.

As of 8 a.m. this morning, I now have roommates. My best friend Joe and his wife Lara, as a matter of fact. The job Joe had up in Seattle fell through and there was just no way for them to be able to pay the rent and try to find new work. Quite frankly, the financials just weren't going to balance out. So on Monday Joe called and asked if he and his wife could move into my spare bedroom down here in the Bay area. I, of course, told them that would be fine. So Joe and Lara are starting to look for work on Monday anywhere they can get it while I basically provide a roof over their head (that's right, it would be "Cliff's Bed and Breakfast," but there's no bed in the spare bedroom and I sure as hell ain't cookin' breakfast for me, so you can be damn sure I'm not doing it for anyone else...) until they're stable and ready to live on their own again. So I may have roommates for just a couple months or maybe a year or two. We're just going to play it by ear.

I'm totally okay with this, don't get me wrong. (I'll be glad when they have employment and can help pay for food and power and whatnot, though, of course). But when the news hit on Monday, I suddenly had less than a week to get the apartment back into good shape. The spare bedroom has basically been functioning as a storage room for right now, so we pretty much just pushed shit aside to give them room to let them lay down. Tomorrow we'll do some basic sorting and compacting, and we should have the room in some form of tolerable state.

And, on the bright side, Joe being back in the Bay means that the comic will become a much higher priority and we'll all be working very hard on our proposals. I can just walk over and kick him in the nuts now instead of calling long distance. So I'm trying to keep that in mind. The studio members are all now within reasonable driving distance of the Bay. We're going to have to hold some kind of studio meeting in the near future...

On top of all that to think about, there's been a bunch of other things taking up mental processing time as well. I swear, if it's not one thing, it's fifty others. The human brain can only keep so much in mind at any one moment. So I'm prioritizing things. Long term problems go into the back of the brain and get dealt with in due course. Immediate things take priority and get more thought upfront. Most of this stuff should work itself out in the end, though. All problems find some kind of resting point. Life goes on.

And please, for the sake of my sanity, don't take this as a "pity me" post. I can't stand being pitied. It's not like there's anything wrong in my life that won't get dealt with sooner or later. The good, the bad ... I like to believe it mostly evens out in the end. So far all the bad shit I endure now, there's a greater good coming later in life. Call it karmic balance. Call it an evening out of sorts.

I do look forward to that day, though, when I get a slew of really good things happening to me. I mean, getting the job at Maxis was timely, beneficial and what I wanted, so I do count my luck there, but there's more coming sooner or later, I hope. Such is hope, I guess.

Thursday, September 19, 2002

I would like to state for the record, that last week, on Saturday, before dinner at my house:

Greg Dean drank a Coke

Yes, that's right, Ladies and Gentleman, he didn't drink a Pepsi, he drank a Coca Cola. ^^

I will tease him about this forever. ^^ Why? Because I can, and I have nothing better to do with my life. ^^

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

So Greg took me to my first drive-in movie theatre last night. It was definitly a unique expirience. There were helicopters and cats and headlights and all sorts of fun things. The best part of it was that it was $8 for the two of us. How cheap is that?

I haven't been posting a whole lot lately because I am busy revamping my websites so that they can be moved to the new server...*drum roll* DYNAMITEMAMBO.NET. But you can't go there yet because the name isn't registered. So its been pretty busy. The layouts are coming along and I am getting really excited about putting new things up from day to day. (Not that anyone attends my web site.) But its going to be fun. =0)

Well here is my joke:


A groom passes down the aisle of the church to take his place by the altar and the best man notices that the groom has the biggest, brightest smile on his face.
The best man says, ''Hey man, I know you are happy to be getting married, but what's up - you look so excited.''

The groom replies, ''I just had the best blow job I have ever had in my entire life and I am marrying the wonderful woman who gave it to me.''

The bride comes walking down the aisle and she, too, has the biggest, brightest smile on her face.

The maid of honor notices this and says, ''Hey, girlfriend, I know you are happy to be getting married, but what's up, you look so excited.''

The bride replies ''I have just given the last blow job of my entire life.''

haha... how true! *walks away laughing to herself*

Woot! I might be getting internet at the office in a few days!! Rock the hell on!

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

So, I'm now back in Santa Cruz. Whee! ^^

I have two lovely housemates, a ton of friends came by to say hi, and my room is all spiffy and rearraged. Notice I didn't say my room is clean, that won't be true until later this week, when I finally get up the motivation to finish putting my clothes away. ^^

Classes start tomorrow, and in writing my class schedule, I realized something absolutely hysterical:

A)I have no classes before noon.
B)I have no classes on Fridays.

Yes, I have the most wonderful, most slacker schedule in the history of college students. SCORE!!!

And I'm getting a degree in some of this. ^^ I love being a theater student. ^^
My mind keeps going back to Transmetropolitan... I'd tell you what's going on but "I do not want to see the word 'FUCK' written 8000 times..." Sorry. More when I'm in a state of mind where I can talk.
If anyone who reads this is working in the Bay area in a Q/A department of a gaming company with openings where you work, drop me an email and let me know how I can get in contact with your hiring manager. I have to pull another miracle out of my ass for my best friend, and let me tell you, it's getting tough to sit down some days...

Monday, September 16, 2002

Dude, Cliff...hope you feel better, bro. Seems like everyone i know has been sick lately...

So, it's been a while since i've blogged. No really good reason, I just haven't had anything interesting to say, I suppose. But I do now! :) This afternoon I met up with a guy who writes for the Sacramento Bee, and he interviewed me for a piece that's going to run in the bee next week!! Hopefully they'll even include a comic in the article...that would be awesome. But anyway, we met over at the local Starbuck's and he asked me why I started, who I'm trying to reach, all that kind of stuff. Hopefully it'll bring in a LOT of new readers...particularly the local kind. ;D Local readers are the best kind.

And the ren faire this year was MUCH better than when it used to be in Vacaville. If only the shops were better, it could be one of the top faires around. As it stands, I'm a little more partial the the Fair Oaks or Tahoe least they had more than one pathetic sword vendor. Never been to the folsom faire though...we should be going this october. :) Oh! And some noble guy inducted me into Queen Mary's army (like, he actually asked someone to get me so he could speak with me, I guess because of all the armor and stuff.) Hopefully there'll be something for me to do at the folsom faire. I just need to get some sort of padded undershirt, because with the way the pauldrons rest on the maille, it tears the crap out of my shoulders. I can't even wear the claymore for more than 30 minutes before it starts to kill my shoulders. Not so much because of the weight, even...more because of the way it all rubs together. Blargh, I say. Good thing my trusty squire Cliff was on hand for the occasion. ;)

And, after all that time, that's about all I have to say. Now to mess with Dreamweaver MX. :)
I did go home... exhaustion, I think, not sickness...
And on top of everything, I currently feel like Ass In A Can On A Stick. I may have like a 24 hour cold or something, or maybe just exhaustion. Hell, I may go home sick soon...
Oh, amazingly enough Young (Erin's friend) and I hung out all of yesterday talking about Life, The Universe and ... Everything (no, not the book, that's actually what we talked about) and yet I forgot to give him the money for the Faire tickets. Oh well, another day, or I can always give it to Erin, whichever comes first.
Alright, so someone asked "Are you having a lot of problems in your life right now?" The answer is yes and no. Yes, I'm having a lot of problems in my life at the moment, but no, I don't really want to talk about them with all of you. I mean, sure, there's some problems that I don't care if you guys hear about, but some of which are the kinds of things I only want to share with close friends, and even then, only if they really want to hear about it. Because, quite frankly, these kinds of things are not something everyone wants to hear about. Never burden your friends unwillingly. Heck, sometimes you don't even want to burden your friends at all.

Regarding one of the more complex and more personal problems, Greg said to me "Things all work themselves out in the end." And that's fine, I suppose. But I can ignore that problem, if I have to. I can keep it out of my mind for at least a while, which is a good thing. I think. Maybe. Fuck it, I dunno.

If only that were the only issue in my life. If only that was the only thing I had to worry about right now. God, if only...

Don't think things are all doom and gloom, though, because they aren't. There is hope. I have a small amount of hope that some of these problems will work themselves out. Or reach decent conclusions. Or at least find some sort of peace. I hope that my friends who are in times of strife will persevere and endure through their trials of hardship, much like I hope that I can endure through my own. I wish well to the people who I'm thinking of, hoping that they can overcome the adversities in their lives, much as I hope to overcome the adversities in my own. Are my problems as great as theirs? I wish I knew. We're all enduring different trials now. Some are of endurance, some are of resolve, some are of will, some are of sanity, some are of logic, some are of finances, some are even just of machismo. And I believe that my friends will come out alright. Because they're good people and good people usually do well in the world.

As for the rogues and villians like myself, I wish I could say I had such faith in our luck, but ...

... I will survive. Anything more, I can't guarantee.
So I haven't ranted in awhile... how lame of me.

So... lessee... whats up...

We did go to faire on Saturday, and had a really good time. I know Cliff said there wasn't much shade, but there was actually more shade than there had been at the previous Faire site, so I was quiet happy. My burns have already faded, and I probably won't peel. I have the evilest of luck with burns. ^^ I've been going to this particular faire for the last 6 years or so, and so I though this was a really good faire. But hearing Greg and Lizzie complain about the lack of good stuff to buy, and how a couple of faires they go to are better, I might have to revise my opinion on this faire. I'm going to try and go with them to one of the other faires in October, so I can judge for myself. ^^

Yesterday was pretty uneventful. I got stuff moved into my house in Santa Cruz (I live in SC during the school year), came back, did some shopping with my mother, and basically relaxed. Today, I bring the last of my stuff and myself to live in SC for my final year of college. Though I will be back. It's only 45 minutes between Santa Cruz and San Jose, so I visit home, and my friends, a lot. ^^

Not much else to say... I'm pretty braindead right now. So I'm going to go do laundry. Whee.

"To create, you must destroy..."

Sunday, September 15, 2002

We've been quiet, we understand. It's been an interesting weekend thusfar, from Erin and I having a wonderful lunch on Friday to Greg and Liz coming down that night to our day at the Ren Faire. There are so many stories to tell, I'm not even sure where I could and/or would begin. Greg and Liz just left this morning to go meet up with Liz's father and help him do some shopping, I believe. My memory of things early in the morning is generally not so clear, and I'm still a stage or two away from full consciousness. Joy, huh? It seems like about half of us got some kind of sunburn from our day at the Faire. I'm barely even red, but Liz was fairly sunburned, and Erin's back was looking pretty well roasted yesterday. Erin's roommate Sherrie looked like she was the most heavily burnt out of everyone.

The Faire itself was fun, but a little lackluster. Greg and Liz didn't seem to find much in the way of costumes, and while I had every intent on buying a blade of some kind, there were none to be had within reasonable prices. (There was an excellent wakazashi/katana combo, but they weren't sharp and they were asking $750 for the pair -- do I look like I'm made of money?) Erin got herself an excellent bottle/jug (think drunken boxing wine bottle) and is having a new scabbard made for her dagger. Greg, once again, had me carrying his claymore for half of the day. I, personally, must remember not to wear black to such events again. I don't think I was expecting there to be that much sunlight and unshaded areas.

After the Faire, we had dinner at Erin's house, and her mother is still an excellent cook. After dinner, the conversation wound through all sorts of things from dreams to sleep patterns to my legendary comrade Tristan, wherever he may be. But all things must come to a close and soon Greg, Liz and I were on our way back to my place. (I think I may start describing my place as "Cliff's Free Roof Over Your Head" -- it's not a bed and breakfast, because no one ever has breakfast here and half the time they don't even get a bed. Don't get me wrong, though, I love having company. I'd have people over every couple of days if it was up to me.) We watched "Singles" and then we all crashed to bed. (It's amazing how many fantastic movies nobody's seen...)

Today is Sunday and currently all is quiet. I may phone up Erin a little later and see if she needs any help moving stuff back down to her house at school, as I do so hate just sitting around the house when I have the option to be hanging out with friends, actually doing something.

A friend of mine recently asked me "What's up in your life, Cliff?" I had to respond "I honestly don't know... but I think I'm okay with that." I know I said I was going to talk a bit about me in an upcoming post, but for right now, I'm okay with the fact that I haven't. I have a LOT on my mind right now, but I'm not so sure that's a bad thing any more. It's good to have things to think about, things to wonder about. Life is best when interesting, at least for me. I do have a lot of questions that are floating through my head on a daily basis, but none of you could answer them, and by even telling you what they were, I might be changing the way they could be playing out. It sounds cryptic, I realize, but I have a feeling that things'll work out, at least to some extent. Sure, maybe the world won't turn into a perfect place for me to be in, but I'm okay with that. I don't think I want perfection anyway. I realized that recently... perfection... it's boring. It's dull. It's a myth and a fantasy you can't ever hope to obtain. The reality, the down-to-earth realness of it all, highs and lows, peaks and valleys, ups and downs, all the mystery, all the chaos, all the joy, all of the confusion... that's all part of it. Some of the best parts, in fact. And the things that are real? They're far better than the things you can imagine.

Now that you're all lost in that paragraph of spiralling thought, I'm going to leave you now. Probably hop through a shower in a little bit here. Maybe read a little or watch some TV or something. I'll give Erin a call in a little bit and see if she needs a hand or just some company while she's carting stuff back and forth, although now that I think about it Sherrie's there, and I don't want to impose on roomie-time. What the hell, I'll give a ring and ask. Asking won't kill.

Sorry if I seem a little dazed in this writing. It's been a very ... well, for lack of another word as ambiguous and pleasing, interesting month or two for me. I knew when I came back to the Bay Area, I'd be starting another chapter of my life, but I didn't think it'd feel so radically different. ... I kinda like it.

Friday, September 13, 2002

Alright. I want to make something clear.

When I apologized on the blog... it was towards my roommates. I felt bad that I was sharing my problems with the world instead of discussing things with them. I just want all of you to know that this entire time was just a HUGE misunderstanding. We did have problems at first, but then I felt like they were mad at me and they felt that I was mad at them. Eventually the stress finally got to me and I needed to unload some place and I chose here. They didn't mean to do any of the things that I mistook as bitterness. I feel aweful about it though. (I am sorry guys, I still love you all!) So next time I go on a rant... please just don't listen to me. Thanks...

Ah yes...

Well last night went much better. I think Debbie and I starting to become friends again. Which makes me incredibly happy. I didn't get to talk to Marty much... but I hope he isn't upset with me. (He still isn't saying much.) I also finished my skirt for the ren faire last night. YAY!

Well I mostly am making this post so I can put on my daily joke for you all to know and love. Here goes:


"A woman keeps asking her husband if her boobs are so small. ''Does this shirt make them look bigger? Does this one make them look smaller?'' she asks.
The next day her husband buys her a mirror. Before bed, she always looks in the mirror and asks her husband, ''Does this shirt make them look bigger? Does this one make them look smaller?''

Finally he gets so annoyed that he says, ''I know how to make them larger!''

''How!?!?!?'' she asks.

''Take a bunch of toilet paper and rub it in between your boobs.''

''Well how long does it take?'' she asks.

''They should expand over the years,'' he answers.

''How did you know that?'' she wonders.

''I dunno, but it sure worked for your ass, didn't it?'''

Ah yes... love... what sweet romance of being a married couple. Hehe... Well there is your daily dose of perversion from the one and only "LIZ THE MAGNIFICENT"

Ah, the weekend approacheth. It's Friday, which is always a good day. There's no such thing as a bad Friday. Tomorrow the lot of us are going to the Ren Faire. I may very well be the only one without costume, but that's okay. I won't mind too much. I'll simply be the out-of-synch one who's still talking as though he was in costume. Greg and Liz are driving down from Sac tonight, and we'll drive down to Erin's tomorrow morning so once again, the gang rides on. Only thing I'm not looking forward to is being up so damn early tomorrow morning, but we all make sacrifices.
If all we are sayin' is "Give peace a chance," then how are we sayin' the "all we are sayin'" part of the damn song?

Thursday, September 12, 2002

Oh... I have also found it interesting what sites neat sites all of you "commenting people" have. Just saying kudos! And Andy... how come you have been able to post here... but haven't been able to update your site? Hmmmm?
I realize that its not good to name names when you are talking about people... and its not right to talk about people period. It just really hurts my feelings to know that Debbie and I were getting really close. So close that we felt completely comforatable going out together. Just the two of us would get dinner or what not. But after everything came crashing down... she hasn't said more than 3-5 words at a time and she no longer likes to be around me. I hate that. Its like I lost a good friend, and I have no control over it at all. All I did was try and make myself happy...

So I guess I just got angry and decided it just didn't matter anymore. (That and I am still getting used to people reading this crap that I type each day.) So I apologize.

So why is it that I can never figure out my roommates?

On Wednesday, I told Debbie that I was going to need the downstairs table to sew over the next few days. But I was going to be starting THURSDAY night. So what does she do? She has a little dinner party downstairs until about 9pm. So I don't get to start on anything until that time. Not only that, but I wasn't invited to join in on the dinner party or go to the movies afterwards either. I thought we had everything worked out! Then Marty walks through the door and mumbles something... throws somethings around... and leaves again! THEN... when they all get home, I try to be social and talk to them, but Debbie doesn't speak the entire time. Then later she ends up crying or something and telling Greg that "everything is wrong". WHAT THE FUCK?!

Now, I think I have reason to be upset about things... but they shouldn't be upset about anything. We are still going to help them out... and we aren't leaving town. So what the fuck is the porblem? They even found a really well paid guy who wants to move in! Thats a good thing right? GOD I AM SO CONFUSED!

I am curious as to why people do these kinds of things. I can kind of understand why people say that there are two kinds of logic. "Regular Logic" and "Women's Logic". But I thought before that women's logic was based purely on emotion... but evidentally not. GAH!!!!! Oh well.

Well I know that you are looking forward to my daily jokes now... so here it is.


"There were two blondes going hunting. It was getting late so one of the
blondes said to the other that she heard if you ever get lost in the
woods to shoot three shots into the air. So she did. A few hours went
by and so she fired three more shots in the air. A few more hours went
by and they fired three more shots in the air. Then one of the blondes
said, 'someone better hurry up and save us...we only have two more arrows

So there it is. If you ever want to e-mail me to tell me to fuck off e-mail "" but if you want to e-mail me to tell me how sweet I am.. then e-mail ""...hehe. See ya all tomorrow!


Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Erin has her songs, so no worries. I tracked down some songs for her. I've often said, if you need something found, I can probably find it for you...

I've got a lot to say over the next few weeks, but tonight I have no energy to say any of it. But I will try to say some tomorrow... now I sleep...
Okay, if anyone who reads this has access to an mp3 version of a song by Ronan Keating called I Love it When We Do, I will be your eternal friend. If you have access to the whole cd (Destination), and would be willing to share with me (I'll pay a reasonable price, but Amazon's $30 is too much for my poor wallet), I would be very, very grateful, and extraordinairly happy.

Thanks! ^^

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Yeah I want an agent too!!!! Call me!!!!!
There are days when I hate what I've chosen to study.

I mean, I really wonder sometimes why I chose acting. Of couse, that wondering ends the minute I start rehersal and I get on a stage, but still I have moments.

I know my parents aren't really fond of my decision. They still support me, but my mother is constantly throwing me hints about other careers. I love her to death, but it's really starting to be depressing, and seriously not helpful.

Take my studying Chinese. For those of you who don't know, for the last 2 and a half months, I was in China with my godmother, studying Chinese. I didn't really want to stay in China that long. But my mother said I should pass up the oppurtunity, which is very true, and that learning the language is good for me. So I stayed. And really, I had a wonderful time, but now my mother is telling me to continue the studying (which is really a good idea, and I do want to), but the problem is the only classes I could take at school are at 8am, and are being taught by the teacher I absolutely despise. I'm trying to figure out other ways of studying, but it's going slow, and it's like the only other thing my mother will accept is taking the classes.

I made the mistake of mentioning the idea that my godmother had about going to China to teach english after college. Let me get things straight. I like China, really, I do. But I *NEVER* want to live there. Never. The very thought makes me shudder. It's a beautiful country, lovely to visit, but I just couldn't stand the lack of things we Americans think of as common... like a sit down toliet. Call me a spoiled American brat, but it's not just that. I couldn't live without my friends, and being able to see them whenever I could, and talking regularly on the phone with my family, and little things like that.

But the minute my mother heard the idea, *wham!* It was a wonderful idea, and should be seriously considered. No matter how many times I said, "No, I don't want to," she kept on going. I thought I was going to loose it. I don't want to study Chinese exclusively, I don't want to teach English in a foreign country, I want to act, sing, perform, and otherwise make an ass of myself in the public eye, 'cause that's what I want and like to do!

But then we get into the whole, "Am I good enough? How much more weight do I need to lose?" And don't fucking tell me I'm beautiful the way I am, cause that won't get me a job in TV or film. If I didn't love acting and performing so much, I don't know why I'd do this. I don't even know how to get an agent, much less get into tv... if any of you readers out there are a talent agent, and want a head shot and resume, let me know...

Does this make me strange? I don't know. I don't care either. I love my mother dearly, but I can't take much more of this. I don't want my summer in China to go to waste either, a lot of people helped me to get to this point in my studies.

So what do I do? I don't know. There are days when I fucking hate my life.

I gotta go memorize a monologue...
Another wonderful post from andy...

"k, so this guy walks into a bar (stop me if you've heard this one!) and he orders beer all night until he finally has to go to the bathroom. He's peeing in the urinal and this short guy next to him his the biggest cock he's ever seen! "Whoa!" he exclaims, "I'm not gay or anything but THAT is the biggest dick I have ever seen! Especially on someone of your stature!"
The short man turns to him and grin, "Aye, lad. But thats b'cause I aint no man, but I'm a leprechaun!"
"Wow really?" replies the man, "Then I caught you! You have to grant me three wishes." "Fair 'nough, lad. What do you wish for?" The man thinks for a minute and then says "I got it! I want to be rich. Like more money than anyone ever! I want to be famous. Everyone will know me and love me! ...And I want a cock as big as yours!" "Granted" says the leprechaun, "but before I kin just grant your wishes, I have teh fuck yeh." The man stares at the leprechaun in disbelief, and then down at the little man's giant dick. But before he says no out right he remembers the things he wished for and reluctantly agrees. They go into a back alley, the man pulls his pants down, and the leprachaun whips it out (you can figure out the rest). "So what's yer name, lad?" he asks the man as he's going at it. "Rrrgh! Aahh! My-name's-Dan! Oh geez!" "And how old are yeh, Danny-boy?" "Aaghh! I'm (damn!) 25! Ooohh!"
"Such a shame, Danny, yer twenty-five and still believin' in leprachauns!"

Oh behave! My gosh Andy!

I wanted to see our name on the front page....
I was reading some of the "suggested blogs" on and frankly none of them interest me.


One night, a father passed by his son's room and heard his son praying: "God bless Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma. Ta ta, Grandpa."
The father didn't quite know what this meant, but was glad his son was praying. The next morning, they found Grandpa dead on the floor of a heart attack. The father reassured himself that it was just a coincidence, but was still a bit spooked.

The next night, he heard his son praying again: "God bless Mommy and Daddy. Ta ta, Grandma."

The father was worried, but decided to wait until morning. Sure enough, the next morning Grandma was on the floor, dead of a heart attack.

Really scared now, the father decided to wait outside his son's door the next night. And sure enough, the boy started to pray: "God bless Mommy. Ta ta, Daddy."

Now the father was so scared he practically soiled himself. He stayed up all night, and went to the doctor's early the next day to make sure his health was fine. When he finally came home, his wife was waiting on the porch. She said, "Thank God you're here -- we could really use your help! We found milkman dead on our porch this morning!"

There is your daily dose of perversion...have a good night!
Oh, and I still want my Mongolian BBQ. Maybe this weekend...

...and Erin? What does "DOOM!!!" mean? My "quick" meeting took like 40 minutes longer than it needed to...
We do all read the comments and we can be caught discussing them from time to time. Here's one that caught my attention a little while back:

"From what I've read of your posts, I have been very impressed by your willingness to help out others, and your numerous offers of assistance to to your friends. Maybe I shouldn't be as impressed by this, maybe it's just a indicator of the friends I've had to put up with, but it's very cool and inspiring to read about someone who is as much of a support to their friends as I should try to be. I'm certain that you are a boon to all who welcome you in to their life."

I certainly hope so. When I was younger, I was dealing with a very difficult personal situation which I don't want to talk about here, and I basically cracked as a human being. I just lost all sense of reason, sanity, right and wrong ... I didn't have any direction, any focus, any idea what the fuck to do with myself. It was a problem so insurmountable I wasn't sure I was ever going to be able to surpass it. And then, someone came to my aide.

A friend of mine came up to me and he sat down and we talked. Not for a few minutes, not for a few hours. We talked constantly over the course of almost a month, and he helped me make sense of this problem and helped me conquer it. It was the roughest time in my life, and just when I thought no one wanted to help, my friend just strolled over to me and sat down. Easy as that. I asked him about it years later and he told me one of the wisest things I've ever heard -- "When the problems get really bad, people usually get too proud and too stupid to ask for help. You weren't going to ask for help, so by god I was going to give it to you anyway. Because you needed it."

Today, even as I go through life, there are times where I need help and I'm still too proud to ask for it. Or it's a problem no one knows how to handle. Or it's not even a problem, just a situation. Life's more complex now than it was when I was younger. But I've learned one thing -- friends are the most important thing you can ever have. More important than knowledge, than wisdom, than possessions, than anything else... friends are the most important thing. You don't need a lot of them. Heck, you may not even want a lot of them -- I've always felt that have too many friendships means you're spreading yourself too thin, but, again, that's just me. But you do need them. And you need to trust them. And you need to believe in them. And you need to help them, even when they're too proud to ask for help, because there will come a time when you will be too proud to ask for help, and they will come to help you.

I've been in a really good state of mind lately, because this weekend was the first time in a long time where I felt like I fit in with a group of people. I mean, when Joe and his wife were up here, that was all fine and dandy, but it was mainly just Joe and I hanging out, because I'm still getting to know Lara. She's Joe's wife and Joe did all the dating/wooing/engagement thing while I was away, so I barely knew her when they got married. But Joe and I are very old friends. So I'm sure she felt a little at odds. And that's normal. Given time and the ability for all to hang out (in a year or two or three), I'm sure that will fade. But this group -- Erin, Liz and Greg -- this group feels like the best group of friends I've had in a long time. Maybe even ever. Even in the moments when I'm nervous, I know deep down things are going to be okay. Even in the moments where I feel like I'm out of the conversation for the moment, I know that the topic of choice could change in a heartbeat and I could be back in the conversation in a flash. And even when I'm not engaged in the conversation, I'm listening. And I'm learning. ... I'm growing. I even find myself wishing the distance between all of us wasn't so far apart, so we could hang out more. I haven't yet seen a thing as too much time with Liz. Or with Erin. Or even with Greg for that matter. (Here's the part where Liz chimes in saying "You haven't been around Greg enough.")

So thank you for the compliment, Devin, but it really isn't because of any inner goodness that I do all these things for my friends -- I just want to give back something for all the wonderful times they've given me.

To the good times, dear friends. To Erin, to Liz, to Greg and yes, even to me. May these days never end, and may we never lose touch. I truly am having the life of my life and whatever the future holds, I hope you are all there to see at least some of it with me.
Sitting here...
I came to the conclusion that some people out there actually read this blog. Now I am not really sure why you do it. But its weird. Perhaps its the others innate sense of comedy and timing. Or perhaps some of you devilish stalkers out there are wanting the "inside scoop" or perhaps I am actually entertaining enough to keep this blog going. Oh yes, I know you all are wondering why yesterday I was speaking as if I had nothing to offer... but I myself realise how entertaining I actually am.

Here... watch me stand on my head. Or balance on one foot! That was entertaining right? No? Hmm... well perhaps some of you read just because its fullfills that human need to spy and pry. Don't think that I am attacking you. I have that need too. For example, there is this gentleman that works in the same office building as I do. He always watches me as I move past his window and when he strolls past mine. But even though I have no interest in him or in anyone else's office... I find myself looking into his office as well. Perhaps to catch him looking at me, or just to pry. Does this make me a bad person? I don't think so. I am pretty sure that everyone has this natural desire to "rubberneck: at an accident. Hence why we have televisions and the news almost 24 hours a day. So we can be in "the know".

As we start our decent into the anniversary of September 11th, I sit and wonder how hard it must have been for people in the earlier centuries to not know about anything for months and months. If there had been a war... people in other cities wouldn't have known for a few days. When the invention of a journalist came around and written documents were able to be stored... did they keep these things and bring them back out a year later to rehash the Civil War? Probably not. So why do we feel the need to put ourselves through pain? My theory is politics. If they (the government) keep showing us these sights that made us angry and sad and spiteful... then we (the people) will agree with them on just about anything. Sounds easy enough to me.

So for entertainment... so that I can keep you coming back to this lovely blog... I am going to sing the Star Spangled Banner. OR perhaps I will just end all of my posts with jokes from now on. Sound good enough? Ok... here we go:

**Please note: Some of these jokes can be perverted and sometimes just straight XXX rated. So please use care while reading.**
Mickey and Minnie Mouse are at divorce court.
The judge says," So Mickey, you say that your wife is crazy?"
Mickey replies,"No, no, no I said she was fucking Goofy."


There were three boys all in third grade: an Asian boy, a Spanish boy and a redneck. They were trying to think of games to play at recess when the Asian boy got an idea. "I know," he said, "we can play, ‘Who's Got the Biggest Pee Pee’".
"How do you play that?" asked the redneck.

"It's easy'' said the Spanish boy, "we can play it next recess."

So when recess time came, the three boys went outside. "Alright," said the Spanish boy, "Lets play."

The Asian boy explained that all you have to do is pull down your pants and whoever has the biggest pee pee is the winner. And so the Asian boy pulled down his pants and the other two boys were impressed. Then the Spanish boy pulled down his pants. His pee pee was about the same size as the Asian boy's. As the redneck boy pulled his pants down, the other two boys stared in awe.

"You win for sure," they both said.

Later that day the redneck boy went home and his mother asked him, "So did you make any new friends today?"

"Yup. I played this game called ‘Who's Got the Biggest Pee Pee’ and the other boys said I won because I'm a redneck."

His mother laughed and replied, "No sweetie, you won because you're 23."

Thanks for reading!


Monday, September 09, 2002

I would like to point out, however, that Greg and Liz had dinner tonight ... at a Mongolian BBQ.




Damn you all, damn you all to HELL!

Nah, I love all of you. =)

Erin, Liz, if it makes you feel better, I always feel like the least educated when we're talking anime. But I do my best to hang. Because hanging out with you three has been some of the best times I've ever had, and I don't want to ever give that up.
So I was reading the comments and I found this particular one: (Yes I read the comments. Yeesh!)

"I found your site through greg's site because I like comics and that just happens sometimes. What can I say? But allow me to disclose something to you: I don't like Greg Dean. Not to say I know enough to make a call on his personality, but from what he talks about i don't see him as the type of person I'd ever have a nice conversation with. My point is, even with my short attention span, I started reading your rant (or whatever) and you strike me as an interesting and integritable person. Hell, I'd even go so far as to say I like you. I don't think your writing was intended to get "I like you" s from people on the web or even that you were fishing for compliments. I think that you are a passionate person who doesn't feel as though many people understand you or even care about you. I think you wrote it because you may not feel that way every second of every day, but because it is a valid theme of your life at the current moment. To respond, perhaps you and I will not be even aquaintances, but in my opinion you will gain very good and very understanding friends. I know your type. You have few but loyal friends, because you are hard to get to know but you are also fascinating and genuine. You feel awkward when people warm up to you too easily. You would bend over backwards for those who truly love you and who make you feel loved. You're a good person. Never doubt that. As for acting, all I know is that it is hard to be successful regardless of talent, and many times you have to crawl through mud (figuratively) to get there. Cheers." -andy

Although some of this is untrue. I made me feel alot better. I have realized that most of my posts are the dark and depressed ones. (Which isn't really me anyways.) But it was the post that made me feel the best with expressing myself on this blog. So thank you Andy.

In happier moments of my life, I bought the talking Stitch Doll today... He is awesome SOOOOO much better than any Furby. He cheers me up.

I also went to go buy a hello kitty blanket... but there were none. (Well except for this hideous pepto bismol pink one.) So I bought this sweet little tea mug. The mug has a tea strainer, lid and a cut Hello Kitty in a bear costume. It is adorable. I wanted to buy these wine glasses with the Hello Kitty boy and girl in wedding garb, but Greg pulled me away from it for some odd reason. So I guess the blanket will have to wait.

So yesterday huh? Well Greg and I pull ourselves from bed around 1pm. We sit up and argue for awhile about getting some food into our poor 20-something bodies. Cliff then has the revelation to look for a mongolian barbeque restaurant that he had seen back at home. (Obviously since they are back in the central states... they aren't here.) When Cliff finally tells us, we rant and rave about all the ones we have been to in Sac. So we find some online and decided to drive half an hour to eat. We get to the first restaurant and find out that it closed only 3 weeks ago. *insert frown here* So we try to find others but they have shut their doors or don't open for lunch. About this time it is 3pm. We drive off and piss on the side of freeway 87 (in Santa Clara) then decide we will get off at Kings Road to find some food. We leave the freeway and find nothing but buildings that say ,"Pink Elephant" all over them and realize that there are hungry crack feinds looking at our delicious thighs and BREAST meat. Our tires barely hit the ground as we found the on- ramp back to downtown Santa Clara.

We get back to where the mongolian barbeque was. (Because I had seen a decent bar and grill next door.) We walk up to the dorr and I am carded. (Evidentally the California Law stating that even if they serve food people under 21 are allowed in is FALSE!) We then went in search for any restaurant that seemed halfway delicious. We finally came across "Original Joe's" Italian. We didn't care how much the prices were. We got inside and saw that the mafia runs this place. All the waiters are HUGE italian men with thick accents. The bottom of the menu said that the minimum you could pay was $4.00. We imagined our waiter coming up to us as we order our food and opening his jacket to show us his polished gun with holster. After we finished the LARGE portions of food, we hopped into the car to spend time with Erin.

At Erin's estate, we ate apple- pears and I made won-tons. (Erin has made me officially 1/4 chinese!) We had a beautiful authentic chinese meal and headed home. The entire day was entirely spent in search of food. What a way to spend a day.

In other news, I am the official Gift Wrapping Monkey (tm).
I'm sorry Liz, I didn't realize I acted like that. I apologize profoundly for anything that I did that might have made you feel that way. I act without thinking a great deal of the time, and I tend to have cause to regret it. Like now.

I'm sorry.

I do know how you feel a little though. I kinda feel strange sometimes when I'm hanging out with you and Greg and Cliff. You guys have been hanging out for longer, so I kinda feel a bit awkward joining in the banter. I'm not as much of a gamer as you guys, and I don't know as much about drama and plays as you do, so I'm not terribly sure of myself. But I do know that I really enjoy hanging out with you, and Cliff, and even Greg sometimes. I don't think I laugh harder than when I'm with you guys. ^^ I hope we're friends. I need more girls to hang out with before my testosterone level increases to the point where I start growing chest hair... O_o

Liz, if it makes you feel any better, most of us go through what you're going through right now. You wonder who your friends are and how much they care. Well, I can assure you if you vanished off the face of the earth, I'd be pissed off and depressed and I'd find out what happened. If you and Greg split up, I'd still keep in touch with you, Liz, because we are friends. Sure, we met through Greg, but we're still friends besides that. And if it makes you feel any better, a lot of the time when you, Greg and I starting hanging out, I felt like the third wheel. You remember how I kept asking "I'm not imposing, am I?"

It takes time to find your groove. Sometimes you find the groove very quickly. Within an hour of meeting Greg, he and I had a natural rhythm to our conversations, like we'd been friends for dozens of years. Other times, it can weeks, months, even years to find your rhythm with a person, no matter how much you enjoy their company. Joe and I became friends very slowly over the course of a few years. My sophomore year, he and I were light acquaintences. By my senior year, we were good friends. Now, he's my best friend. But that took time.

Hell, I still feel out of place from time to time. The social rules and boundaries, they get trickier as you get older. Remember when we were talking about photography at the party, and you mentioned how I never volunteered to take pictures of you? And I said I thought Greg would get upset? You then told me that I didn't really know Greg that well. And you're right, I have thousands of things to learn, millions. It's the same about Erin. It's the same about you. I learn a little more each time any of us hang out. The more time we spend, the closer we become friends.

If you're honestly bothered, go out and audition for some things. Try out for some local theater. Hell, try out for some non-local theater if you have to. You'll make new friends as your thrust into new enviroments. Sometimes those friends will become very important to you. Other times, they'll only be passing acquaintences. But you are a very cool person, Liz. You're funny and you have a giddy laugh that always makes me feel a little better.

Your existance is not meaningless. You are just finding your footing. You're in a new place with new people away from everything you were comfortable with. It's like starting over in some respects. Don't expect to feel like you're home right away. You need to take time to settle. Nothing in life worthwhile comes easy or quickly. Greg and I first started talking months before we actually met. But as long as something's important to you, you should never give it up. Never say you won't make it as an actress, or you might not. It's the confence and swagger that gives you the guts to do some things. There are some times when you need to put your neck out on the line. You'll get knicked from time to time. Sometimes you may even get a gash that'll hurt pretty bad. But it'll always heal back. The risks can be worth taking.

Sooner or later, you'll meet new friends and Greg will just be "Liz's boyfriend who does some comic strip or something." And some of those people will probably never be interested in what Greg's doing. Everyone has their own circles of friends. Some people have lots of friends. Others have only a small select few. It's all up to you, really, but you'll be okay. You are going to make it as an actress, you just can't give up hope, that's the important part. Believe me, hope will kick you in the stomach over and over and over again, but it will always help you back up. And just when you think your life is a total collapse, all the good things will start shining through.
PS. The story of the weekend will probably have to be left until after tomorrow. I think there might be some comics on it or something.
W00T!!! Yay Microshit!!!

(Well Cliff said to make a post eventually so hush!)

Just one more reason I'll be ditching the Windows OS/Platform (in favor of a Mac or Linux box). Just a quick thing to do if your an XP user reading this...MS has finally admitted to yet *drum-roll* (suspense killing anyone??? Anyone??? Fine then!!! =P ). Another security hole. They have however released another service pack (Yes!!! The groan!!!). But never fear...if your XP is hacked, pirated, or you’re like me and just know better than to jump on board of a new service pack within 2-3months of it's release there is a quick fix the patch the vulnerability. As for what the flaw is a little file called "uplddrvinfo.htm" What the file does is that it's a little file that’s supposed to be a "help file" (uhhh huhhhh.....I smell a backdoor myself). This will probably be a rather widely spread attack for quite a while since we all know allot of people are either A) Too Lazy B) Figure it'll never happen to them C) Just dumb...But anywich way if you fall into these or similar groups you probably don't have a viri scanner on your system unless it came with your prebuilt PC (and I hate you for sending Klez to me all the time!!!). The fix however is to just search for the "uplddrvinfo.htm" file and just rename it to whatever (uplddrvinfo.htm.old?) or even better delete it. either that or just download the WinXP service pack. *groan*

A little more info below.

The Screen Savers Story(Scroll down to Book Camp Tip)

Gibson Research Article (good site to pay attnetion to anyways)
So I realized last night that I am not special.

I just seem to drift in behind Greg's name. Forever I will be known as "Greg's girlfriend" Sort of like how Kara is known as "Gabe's wife". But what makes me stand out? Nothing I suppose. What I mean is this... Am I known for anything? Being a splendid actor? Nope. At the moment no one but my parents and Greg seem to care that I act at all. Drawing? Well I am fairly good at drawing, but no one seems to care about that either. Being undeniably beautiful? Nope again. My wonderful fashion sense? What are you kidding? I suppose I am alright at making costumes. But its not something I love to do. Its fun from time to time... but most of the time I hate to sew. Plus, the people that do e-mail me about my costumes have found me through Real Life. That makes things less cool I suppose. Its probably because they didn't find me because I am me. They found me because I am the girlfriend of "Greg Dean".

I get the feeling from time to time that my friends are only my friends because I am Greg's girlfriend. It just comes with the package I suppose. I don't really have close friends either. I have Greg... and thats about it. I hang out with Cliff and Erin... but I never seem to get the feeling that if I were to fall off the planet tomorrow, that they would be deeply hurt by it. Not that they mean to or not. I just always feel like the 5th wheel. That seems to happen alot. So I guess it kinda sucks to have a meaningless exsistance.

I'm not jealous of Greg. I am just disappointed in myself. Why can't I have some cool characteristic, where people want to be my friend? Why is it that I don't seem to have any real friends of my own? Why can't I keep friends? What happened to the girl who was nominated best actress of the year? The girl that got all the leads. The girl that people loved to hang out with? The girl that people told her that she was pretty from time to time? The girl that was told that she looked perfect in everything she wore? What happened?

I seem to feel my life turning into my mother's. I feel badly for her. She has to live in the shadows of my father. (Who is the most well- known actor in Tahoe. Ok... I realize Tahoe isn't huge, but people still shower you with compliments where ever you go.) We were at the baby shower the other day, and the girls that were throwing the party gave my brother's wife's mother a present (said it was for the grandma) but gave my mom nothing. They knew my mom was coming. I sent in the RSVP and even said that it was Rich's mom and sister. What the fuck is up with that? So she is always passed by. Why does it seem like I am following her fott steps? For godsake, the first week that Greg and I were dating... I probably got about 100 emails and 50 IMs all asking what Greg was like. Not me... Greg. I still get about 10 e-mails a day asking those types of questions. If you want to know about Greg...ASK GREG!

This leaves me wondering if I am ever going to make it as an actress. Because at the moment I just feel, well, below average.

Sunday, September 08, 2002

Liz and Greg have just headed home. I'll let one of them tell the stories, as I talk too much (shut your trap you damn fool...) and would rather let them relate them, but I will provide the basic details...

...we never did find that Mongolian Grill.
...the Mafia makes a great French Dip sandwich.
...dinner at Erin's house was splendid.
...Erin's mother is an excellent cook.
...Erin makes a much better host for guests than I do.
...Greg is not sure how to drive in the Bay area.
...the road to the ghetto is called King's Road. is never easily obtained, but much better had with friends.
So, Day 3 of Party Town... Greg and Liz are currently getting changed. I had a hankering for Mongolian Grill/BBQ and didn't know they had any out here. Since they do, we're going to one, which will put us in Erin's neck of the woods, so we're probably swinging by her place after lunch.

I don't think our parties actually stop... they just take short pauses...
2 movies. Roxanne and High Fidelity. I still can't believe that Erin and Greg haven't read Cyrano De Bergerac or even heard of it before.


Saturday, September 07, 2002

<----- Is an Airplane fan...hehe
Ah.. well we finally woke up about 4:15. You know, go to bed late, wake up even later.

I actually was up for a bit, but that damn medication makes me sleepy.

GOD THIS KEYBOARD SUCKS!!!! Just had to say it.

*rambles on a bit more about nothing*

Ok.. I can't take it any longer. This keyboard sux so badly that I can't even rant. Gah!

Over- under

Well, it's the morning after the party. Greg and Liz are still asleep in my bed (I always sleep on the couch when they're here -- call it a courtesy thing) and I've been up for a couple hours now. Erin actually called around one to see what we were up to and how we were all holding up. She's coming to hang out again tonight after she has dinner, which is good. There's no such thing as too much time with your friends, especially with the busy, hectic, fucked up lives we all lead.

The apartment is still kinda a mess. I think I'm going to start in on some cleaning after I hop through a shower. I think I'll try and sneek into my room so I can get a change of clothes. I saw Liz up and around for a little bit, but she's gone back to bed since. Hopefully they won't notice me sneaking.
The party is officially over. Erin and Sean have headed home. Liz and Greg are in bed and I'm wrapping up everything before shutting down for the night...'s good to have friends.
Dude, we're playing the most wroooong game of Magic I've ever played in my life.

It's called Chaos magic... and it's more eeeeevil than my brother...

But I'm winning... ^^
Sleepy.... Sick... Its sucks.

So I have been looking forward to this party for weeks. I have gotten sick (from Greg) and I am now on drugs that say that I should not take alcohol with it. (I tried a little... but it made my throat sore and I decided it was no longer a good idea.) So as everyone else has the ability to drink, I can not.

I don't want to take my medication because it makes me pass out. So sleepy.

I am with Erin. I have no clue how to play magic. (Its been roughly 5 years myself, and I don't remember the rules or the ways of going about and playing.)

Erin just got back from China and she gave Greg and myself some beautiful chop sticks with little turtle holders. (Its gorgeous) But about 10 minutes later Greg knocked it down from the counter and they both broke. (Its a travesty.) But we are going to try to glue them and make it all better.

Well just to let everyone know... the thing between the roommates and myself have been cleaned up, and things are going better. Except for this dreadful sickness... Bleh

My brother isn't maniacal (my brother is Sean, by the way).

My brother is just EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL!!!!

Mwahahahahahahahaha... *cough*


'scuse me...
So here I am, possibly the most drunk of everyone, enjoying myself, having a grand old time with my friends -- Erin, Liz, Greg and Sean are all playing their turns of Magic and since I haven't posted anything, I figured I should post something.


Liz is tired, which is bad. Erin is cute, as always. Sean is somewhere maniacal. Greg, well, Greg is sober, and yet has tons of energy.

I... well, I am the mildly drunken madman. Not that drunk, but I'm pleasant. Fun, but entertaining...

I should type more, but I don't want to say anything I'll regret...

The cat says hello...
I'm not sloshed... I'm mildly amused... buzzed... whatever, it's the same f***ing thing anyway.

Edited for the children in the audience... if there are any... if there aren't, whatever... I just don't feel like typing fuck.

Wait... I just typed it, didn't I? Fuck.

I did it again... Jeez... what have I been smoking... or drinking... drinking... Yeah... I've been drinking haven't I. That would explain things.

I get the feeling I'm going to regret posting this in the morning. Or laugh my ass off... either way, that's cool.

Hey, at least I can still type coherently. That beats Greg. Ha ha!

Doh, it's my turn on Magic again. Fuck, I haven't played this game in 5 years, I don't remember the bloody rules... oh well, I'll fake it. I can do that. It's an acting thing, right? Right.

By the way... I babble when I'm drunk. ^^ evening so far. :)

We've mostly been sitting around playing video and card games. We had a 4-player smash brothers melee game going. Crazy stuff. We played a card game called "spoons", which is a bit too complicated to simply explain (actually, I might explin it, but I'm typing this on Cliff's keyboard, which sucks a large amount of ass). But the greatest game is..."Asshole".

Asshole is a drinking card game. All players sit in a circle, and one person is chosen to be the "President". The president has supreme authority. Authority is limited to telling any other person to take a drink. Or two drinks. Or fifteen. Either way. Each person to the president's right has authority over the person to their right, and so on and so on, down to the last person. The asshole. The asshole has no authority whatsoever, except at the VERY beginning of the game, when he can tell any one person to drink. Those are the drinking rules.

The actual game is played as such: All cards are dealt, and the person with the three of clubs places it in the center. Each person takes turns counterclockwise trying to beat the previous card numerically. If they have two of a kind of a number, they can place those down. In that case, players must continue placing two of a kinds down (if they have them) in higher numbers until the king is reached, or until it goes around in a circle. If the king is reached, the next person can start at any card they please, or the same if a whole round goes by.

The kicker is, if you cannot place down a higher card, or two or three or four or whatever of a kind, you have to take a drink, and pass your turn. There are two annoying cards- a "2" stops the round...the round may only continue if someone can put down a 3, then it goes on as normal. However, if a 3 is used in normal play, it restarts the round, and the next person can put down whatever they want.

The nice thing is, The president has authority over everyone, and cannot be told to drink. The person to his or her right has authority over everyone but the president. The person to THEIR right has authority over everyone but the president and the second person. You get the picture. Basically, someone tells someone below them to drink if they're annoyed, and it degrades out of control until everyone is sufficiently faced. 'Cept tonight, I couldn't really drink much, so the most I had was a Captain Morgan's Gold...kinda weak. E's brother, Sean, was the asshole, and once he had the deck, he made me finish the REST OF THE BOTTLE (half was left). I upended it and finished it in one breath to spite him.

So yeah, everyone but Lizzie and me is quite sloshed. Very amusing. :)

Friday, September 06, 2002

Ladies and Gentleman, we're all in the same house...

Except Dave, but he's here in spirit, right Dave? ^^

I think the most exciting thing in my life right now is the fact that I now have a little brother.

No, my parents didn't have a mid-life crisis, thanks much.

One of my best friends has a little bro (okay, he's not so little, he's about 6'4", and he's 18) but he's pretty much taken to calling me 'big sis'. Even though it's a little silly, it's still fun, and it makes me feel good. He's a good kid (kid I say, when the boy's only 3 years younger than me. I'm such a old fart... ^^), and it's fun having someone think of you as an older sister. I never had a younger sibling, so this is just kinda nice. ^^

He's a goofball though. But that's okay, so am I. ^^
Gregtron feels like poo. Monkey poo.

Just spent 3 hours at a MedClinic waiting for the doctor to give liz a checkup so we could get her some medicine. We've both been feeling like crap the past week, (her more than me) so when she started going downhill today, we decided it would be best to see the doctor.

We arrived at 7:00. At 8:30, she was called into the office. Yay! No...wait. All they did was take her blood pressure, ask her a few questions, and sent her back out into the waiting room, to wait some more. At 9:45, she was called in, and the doctor actually SAW her. Checked her ears, listened to her breathing, checked her throat, and told her what she needed. A whole 5 minutes worth of checking after almost a three hour wait. Unbelievable. The funny thing was, though...the whole time the doctor was checking out Liz, i'm sitting in the chair there stifling a hacking cough, trying not to look sick. It would have been funny for me to be coughing up a lung while she got the checkup.

Wonderful timing on getting sick. Last monday, I thought I was having allergies, and I'd be feeling fine by the next morning. Yet, I managed to share my affliction with my girlfriend, and it manages to last all week long. Oh, glorious. Either way, we're still well enough to party hardy tomorrow. Probably won't be drinking, though... :( (I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that when you're dehydrated and have a sore throat, it's not a good idea to drink a liquid that is by nature dehydrating.)

Ah well. La vie Bohem. I dunno what that means, but it sounds good. :)

Thursday, September 05, 2002

"To being an us for once, instead of a them... La vie Bohem!"
I have obtained... cubism. I am now in a cube. I am enjoying my cube. I am enjoying having walls which safeguard me. From things. Y'know. Thingies. Wassnames. People. I think tomorrow I'll bring in some stuff to decorate the cube with. Posters, my hyper clock, stuff like that.

I made cheesesteaks last night, to get myself prepped for the party tomorrow. I put a little too much garlic on the meat, but other than that, they were delicious. It was good to get my estimates back, as I haven't made cheesesteaks in almost half a year. Vegas really sucked the life out of me from doing anything creative. I just wanted to lie down when I got home. Things are much better here. I have energy again. I actually enjoyed cooking last night, which is odd, because I haven't enjoyed cooking in a long while. Tonight I need to get the rest of the apartment in tip top shape (the kitchen still needs some straightening -- the spare bedroom is just off limits) and I need to get mixers (juices, milk, Pepsi, Gatorade, etc.) and then I should be good to go, I think. Maybe I'll do some laundry tonight as well. Laundry would be good, so there isn't a MASSIVE pile of dirty clothes in my room, although I can't imagine a lot of people will go into my room, but y'know, I guess some people might, so I'll try and do some laundry... Tomorrow I take off from work nice and early to finish getting ready for the party (get the ouderves out, prep my cheesesteak gear, make sure the cat isn't tripping out too much... the usual) and then, party time! Greg and Liz will be coming down after work and Erin will be coming up that evening bringing Young and her brother Sean with her, so it should be interesting...

All is not well for my friend Joe right now. His job which was supposed to start Monday won't be starting this Monday, if at all. He's calling me tonight so I can talk to him and see if there's anything I can do to help him and his wife Lara out. Talk about the problems that grow.

Other than that, life is decent. My apartment itself is clean, which gives me sort of a Zen-like peace. The new lamps help too, adding soft light instead of those killer fluoroscent things in the kitchen. The living room is open and has a nice airy sense to it. It's a pleasant change...

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

For those of you who kept telling me about the syntax error on the page, yes I found and fixed it. The archives are down, though, until I figure out how this damn thing works...

*grumbles and strolls off with a big hammer*

I love my housemate Sherrie and her Dad soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!

I get to go see No Doubt and Garbage in concert now! YAY!!!!

*does happy dance of joy*

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

I'm better now.

I think part of the problem was that my friend's death came as such a shock after a *really* long and tiring day. It wasn't expected, and it hit like a brick.

But I'm better now.

I am currently sucking down a mango smoothie, and clearing out the e-mail. ^^ And I'm listening to Norah Jones, who is almost as good as John Mayer, but John's cuter. ^^

And the Lilo and Stitch soundtrack is a fun listen.^^

Anyway, my Stargate SG-1 tapes are calling.