Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Okay, okay...so I haven't posted in a while. Maybe I just didn't have anything interesting to say. :D I lead a pretty boring life, after all.

Some observations I have made about my life recently:
1) I have, for the most part, very much reduced the amount of soda I drink. The past few days, we've had a few sodas on hand here at home, but for weeks now I've had maybe 2 sodas at work, and then usually just ice water here at home. I don't know if this is a good thing, or a bad thing. What I do know is I have a whole lot of extra pocket change.
2) There is no #2.
3) I realized that I seem to be very good at finding things to do. Specifically, finding things to do so that I don't have to do what I SHOULD be doing. It seems lately that I've had a hard time relaxing and just doing whatever projects I want, because I feel like I always have these few projects hanging over my head that might actually prove easy to do, I just don't want to do them for some reason.
Bah, enough vaguness. What I'm referring to is that I've recently been interested in promoting the comic to some gaming magazines, trying to get published. Now, I've always been adamant that if I were to attempt to get published, I wouldn't do reprints- I'd do original strips for the publication. What this means though, is that I have to get a package together with a few demonstration strips so they can see what I'm offering. The thing is, I'm procrastinating making the demo strips...and I don't know why. It's odd, I try to work on them, and then I get some form of cartoonist's block, where I feel that whatever it is I'm making is utter crap, get frustrated, and push it aside. Generally, I do all this stuff at work, and since I've got nothing but free time there most days, I just read instead. Good for my reading, bad for my career. :/ I dunno.
4) See #2.

That's it, I suppose. Just general ramblings from a yahoo. Pay me no mind. :D


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