Monday, September 23, 2002

GAH!!! I'm home, and I'm posting!!

*grabs the stick that's being shoved in her side* Jeez!! Stop poking me already!! ^^

And yes, I'll update my webpage sometime in the near future. When exactly? That, I can't tell you. Why? Cause I'd have to shoot you. Either that, or cause I don't know. Pick which ever one amuses you more.

So, what's up with Erin? Nothing horribly important, really. I've started school, and, thank whichever diety you prefer, I got past the audition for my acting class. So that's one worry off my shoulders. So my class schedule is thus: Acting Studio 2 (with probably one of the most respected teachers in the theater department. YES!), History of Design (it was either that or Theater of Cultures at 8am, which is a bad time for any class, really), and TA 50 (a production class where you basically become the slave of one of the production departments: costumes, scene shop, electrician, or video. Guess what I'm doing. *dusts off the sewing machine* Right.) So I have a pretty easy schedule of classes. I didn't make it into the writing class I was trying to get into, but that's okay. I'll just join the masses and take it next quarter. *sigh*

But wait, Bob! There's more!

I need a job, so there's that. I've got an interview at Suncoast video store tomorrow, which isn't bad. I know the manager, so I'll probably get the job. I just hope they don't overwork me. I would like having a day off occasionally... it'd be nice. Along with work, I've also got rehersals starting for Real Inspector Hound starting probably next week, and this weekend, I'm flying to San Antonio to record the next episode of Gold Digger. ^^ Nooooo, I'm not keeping busy...

Anyway, that's the basics of my life. The only worries I have right now are whether or not I'll be able to find my connecting flight in Dallas on Friday. Cause I've never flown alone before. Yes, that's right, my mommy takes care of stuff like that for me, and I'm a lame ass. ^^

Go. Play.


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