Tuesday, September 24, 2002

What is this, a world conspiracy against me?

I haven't got Starfox yet -- I'll get it today. They got underdelivered and who got screwed? Who? That's right, you know who...

Of the three film developing places in town, only ONE does black and white processing in town. The other two send it out! And the one that does do it has a sign that says "Same Day B&W Processing!" on their window... ... ... ... ... I can pick up my film tomorrow after 4. I'd like to point out for the chronologically challenged that tomorrow after four is not, in fact, the same day as I'm dropping the film off, unless you're talking like days on Saturn or something, in which case, I guess that's fine. My film is being developed by Saturnians... Swell. Gee whillickers.

Sorry you didn't get into the composition class, Erin, but you can always pick it up later. And flying alone is a blast. Just bring stuff to do in case you get stranded in an airport. GBA's are perfect for that kind of thing, as are these great novelties called "books." Also recommended is "music." ... Sorry, don't know why the sarcasm dial got turned up to eleven there. Sometimes these things happen. Heh.

Anyhow, despite all that minor kicks in the shin, life is generally pretty good and I'm feeling relatively good. I'm eating less and losing weight, and starting to slim up a bit. I'm hungry all the friggin' time, but that comes with it, I guess. It's all about control and I'm doing well. Had a 6 inch sandwich today and I'm still hungry, but I'm not going completely crazy. Just means drinking water and keeping my mind busy.


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