Monday, September 09, 2002

So I was reading the comments and I found this particular one: (Yes I read the comments. Yeesh!)

"I found your site through greg's site because I like comics and that just happens sometimes. What can I say? But allow me to disclose something to you: I don't like Greg Dean. Not to say I know enough to make a call on his personality, but from what he talks about i don't see him as the type of person I'd ever have a nice conversation with. My point is, even with my short attention span, I started reading your rant (or whatever) and you strike me as an interesting and integritable person. Hell, I'd even go so far as to say I like you. I don't think your writing was intended to get "I like you" s from people on the web or even that you were fishing for compliments. I think that you are a passionate person who doesn't feel as though many people understand you or even care about you. I think you wrote it because you may not feel that way every second of every day, but because it is a valid theme of your life at the current moment. To respond, perhaps you and I will not be even aquaintances, but in my opinion you will gain very good and very understanding friends. I know your type. You have few but loyal friends, because you are hard to get to know but you are also fascinating and genuine. You feel awkward when people warm up to you too easily. You would bend over backwards for those who truly love you and who make you feel loved. You're a good person. Never doubt that. As for acting, all I know is that it is hard to be successful regardless of talent, and many times you have to crawl through mud (figuratively) to get there. Cheers." -andy

Although some of this is untrue. I made me feel alot better. I have realized that most of my posts are the dark and depressed ones. (Which isn't really me anyways.) But it was the post that made me feel the best with expressing myself on this blog. So thank you Andy.

In happier moments of my life, I bought the talking Stitch Doll today... He is awesome SOOOOO much better than any Furby. He cheers me up.

I also went to go buy a hello kitty blanket... but there were none. (Well except for this hideous pepto bismol pink one.) So I bought this sweet little tea mug. The mug has a tea strainer, lid and a cut Hello Kitty in a bear costume. It is adorable. I wanted to buy these wine glasses with the Hello Kitty boy and girl in wedding garb, but Greg pulled me away from it for some odd reason. So I guess the blanket will have to wait.

So yesterday huh? Well Greg and I pull ourselves from bed around 1pm. We sit up and argue for awhile about getting some food into our poor 20-something bodies. Cliff then has the revelation to look for a mongolian barbeque restaurant that he had seen back at home. (Obviously since they are back in the central states... they aren't here.) When Cliff finally tells us, we rant and rave about all the ones we have been to in Sac. So we find some online and decided to drive half an hour to eat. We get to the first restaurant and find out that it closed only 3 weeks ago. *insert frown here* So we try to find others but they have shut their doors or don't open for lunch. About this time it is 3pm. We drive off and piss on the side of freeway 87 (in Santa Clara) then decide we will get off at Kings Road to find some food. We leave the freeway and find nothing but buildings that say ,"Pink Elephant" all over them and realize that there are hungry crack feinds looking at our delicious thighs and BREAST meat. Our tires barely hit the ground as we found the on- ramp back to downtown Santa Clara.

We get back to where the mongolian barbeque was. (Because I had seen a decent bar and grill next door.) We walk up to the dorr and I am carded. (Evidentally the California Law stating that even if they serve food people under 21 are allowed in is FALSE!) We then went in search for any restaurant that seemed halfway delicious. We finally came across "Original Joe's" Italian. We didn't care how much the prices were. We got inside and saw that the mafia runs this place. All the waiters are HUGE italian men with thick accents. The bottom of the menu said that the minimum you could pay was $4.00. We imagined our waiter coming up to us as we order our food and opening his jacket to show us his polished gun with holster. After we finished the LARGE portions of food, we hopped into the car to spend time with Erin.

At Erin's estate, we ate apple- pears and I made won-tons. (Erin has made me officially 1/4 chinese!) We had a beautiful authentic chinese meal and headed home. The entire day was entirely spent in search of food. What a way to spend a day.



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