Saturday, September 07, 2002 evening so far. :)

We've mostly been sitting around playing video and card games. We had a 4-player smash brothers melee game going. Crazy stuff. We played a card game called "spoons", which is a bit too complicated to simply explain (actually, I might explin it, but I'm typing this on Cliff's keyboard, which sucks a large amount of ass). But the greatest game is..."Asshole".

Asshole is a drinking card game. All players sit in a circle, and one person is chosen to be the "President". The president has supreme authority. Authority is limited to telling any other person to take a drink. Or two drinks. Or fifteen. Either way. Each person to the president's right has authority over the person to their right, and so on and so on, down to the last person. The asshole. The asshole has no authority whatsoever, except at the VERY beginning of the game, when he can tell any one person to drink. Those are the drinking rules.

The actual game is played as such: All cards are dealt, and the person with the three of clubs places it in the center. Each person takes turns counterclockwise trying to beat the previous card numerically. If they have two of a kind of a number, they can place those down. In that case, players must continue placing two of a kinds down (if they have them) in higher numbers until the king is reached, or until it goes around in a circle. If the king is reached, the next person can start at any card they please, or the same if a whole round goes by.

The kicker is, if you cannot place down a higher card, or two or three or four or whatever of a kind, you have to take a drink, and pass your turn. There are two annoying cards- a "2" stops the round...the round may only continue if someone can put down a 3, then it goes on as normal. However, if a 3 is used in normal play, it restarts the round, and the next person can put down whatever they want.

The nice thing is, The president has authority over everyone, and cannot be told to drink. The person to his or her right has authority over everyone but the president. The person to THEIR right has authority over everyone but the president and the second person. You get the picture. Basically, someone tells someone below them to drink if they're annoyed, and it degrades out of control until everyone is sufficiently faced. 'Cept tonight, I couldn't really drink much, so the most I had was a Captain Morgan's Gold...kinda weak. E's brother, Sean, was the asshole, and once he had the deck, he made me finish the REST OF THE BOTTLE (half was left). I upended it and finished it in one breath to spite him.

So yeah, everyone but Lizzie and me is quite sloshed. Very amusing. :)


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