Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pardon my rare bit of fanboyishness, but...



So I will be seeing the first showing of "Wanted" assuming I can't kill someone to get in to see it early, and then I will be seeing it a dozen times more past that. Shit. YEAH.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I did, however, get a hell of a laugh. If you haven't played Portal, you won't understand. If you have, you will.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What a fun week. Seriously, it has been the kind of week where you just want to bash your head against a brick wall.

So Monday I found out that Greg and Liz were moving to Texas from their website, as apparently they decided not to tell anyone personally. Greg has apologized, and I have a hard time holding a grudge against him, but I still feel like a second-class citizen, seeing as they will be leaving the state and could not be bothered to even tell me personally. I will also be sad to see them go, but I understand their reasons. So, y'know, that was fun.

Also, work has been a bear this week for reasons I will not get into on a public website. Thankfully, I have the full backing of the company and the knowledge that I'm doing the right thing. (And for those users who think they're going to "get" me, good luck, fellas, you keep on trying! Heh.)

Fast forward to yesterday. Went and saw Yellowcard and Blue October with Sherrie and Chirsty. The show was okay. The bass drum on Yellowcard was so damn loud that it drowned out the band half the time, which pissed me off to no end. Blue October also felt like a schizophrenic performance, as if they could not make up their mind what they wanted to do. I liked seeing both bands live and I am glad I went, but it certainly ranks near the bottom in terms of quality of shows I've seen.

We got back to Christy's car and my ipod was missing. Apparently Christy's car was broken into with a slimjim and the only thing taken from the car was my relatively new 160 gb ipod. For those of you who know me, I am certain you are probably wincing just reading that, as you know how personal my music is to me. When my car has been broken into before and either my stereo or my loose CDs stolen, I have been difficult and combative for days, if not weeks. Right now, I just feel a massive sense of loss. Can I afford another ipod? Yes. I may have to push back a few things I wanted to get in the near future, but it is not going to break the bank. This not make it any easier to swallow.

I am simply tired of thing after thing going wrong, going foul, being ignored, being forgotten, being overlooked, being out-of-control and just generally shit. Even last week, when I was kicking ass at Magic night, a large contingent of our regulars were yelling, screaming and swearing about how much they hated the set, so much so that a couple of people just basically stormed out, and that killed what little satisfaction I had from doing well. I guess what I am saying is that I am tired of everything being crap. I am not going to Magic tonight, as I have no desire to deal with that level of hostility while I am still reeling from the violation of having my music stolen from me yet again. I turned off the stereo in my car and rode the train in silence this morning, simply because I am afraid that the sound of music will set me into a fit of rage, so the only background sound I have right now is the sound of my tinnitus ringing in my ears.

I know things will turn around sooner or later. I honestly am not the pessimistic emo bastard some people would like to paint me as. I do not sit around and mope all day. I do not dwell on the doomed aspects of my personal life at all hours of the night. Despite my gruff and cynical responses to things, I do tend to have a hopeful eye towards the future, and am always hoping for things to continually get better and I push for positive change anywhere I can. Sadly, it seems as though many people believe their first impressions and then choose to let that color all perceptions of me in perpetuity. And while I will always offer a cynical response regarding myself, my welfare or my future, it should be clear that I still want my life to go in a good direction. I am, despite what some people make think, not an idiot, and not self-destructive. I am doing the best I can to make my way in the world and not go insane, or more insane than I am already. And I realize that this post probably does not convey the serene and wizened illusion that people have of me, and instead plays into that tormented and tortured image that I really wish I could dispel. But it has been a rather taxing period of time for me, and I genuinely wish things would go right for a change, that the surprises could be good ones and not bad ones, and that life would stop kicking me in the balls and pissing on me while I am bent over in pain.

Yeah, I know, "cheer up, Cliff." Fuck it. Today I just want to lay down and take a few days away from the world. Who knows what will go wrong today...

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

I was bored too...
Your results:
You are Princess Leia

Princess Leia
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Mace Windu
Lando Calrissian
You are an excellent friend
and an unselfish person,
yet you like to spend a lot of
time on your hair and fashion.
You spend most of your time
with guys that are too cocky,
too hairy, or too related.

(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)

Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Test

Saturday, October 06, 2007

I was bored, what can I say?


Your results:
You are Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Princess Leia
Qui-Gon Jinn
Lando Calrissian
You are civilized, calm, and
have a good sense of humor,
even when those around you don't.
You can hold your own in a fight,
but prefer it when things
don't get too exciting.

(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)

Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Quiz

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

So I'm still alive. I survived 3 concerts and a Magic prerelease in 4 days and didn't die... yet anyway. I'm fighting the plague hardcore, and I'm more than a little creaky. Throw in a handful of other unpleasantnesses and it's a cocktail for an exhausted and cranky Cliff. Oh well.

Here's a quick rundown of the last few days:

Saturday morning: Prerelease for the new Magic set, Lorwyn. Scrubbed out after three rounds, which was kind of okay because it meant I was home in time to get a shower and do a few other small chores around the house. It's bad in that I got my ass handed to me and didn't get any prizes. Oh well, you can't win them all. I like the way the new set's looking, but there are a handful of ridiculous bombs that I'm going to have to watch out for. It'll be an interesting set to draft, which we're doing tonight (assuming I live that long) so I'll have more to report after that. Of course, I haven't had a chance to try a Planeswalker yet, so I'm curious how that'll go.

Saturday evening: Dave Matthews Band. I didn't care for the opening act much (Bob Marley's kid) but I think that's just because I'm not into reggae. It's okay, I suppose, but it all sort of sounds like the same song to me, after a while. While I was off getting a t-shirt, Dave Matthews came on stage and no one let us know, so Christy and I missed the first song, which pisses me off, but oh well. The show itself was pretty good. There was a drunk asshole off to the left of me who kept belting out the words to most of the songs off-key. I told him to shut up a bunch of times. After one particularly gruff time, he wandered off a ways then came back fifteen minutes later and resumed drunken idiotness. Fucking moron. There was, however, a funny drunken guy wearing a shirt with the number "22" on his back. He would wander by with a plastic cup full of beer in each hand. He'd look around, confused as to where he was, trying to find his friends, then sort of wander off in a random direction. He did this FOUR TIMES each time with full beers. So, either A) he was continually lost each time he went for beer, B) he got lost, drank the two beers and went back to get more beer only to get lost again, or C) he brought his friends the flattest two beers in history. I personally find B) the most entertaining option.

Sunday morning: Slept through all of Sunday morning. No joke.

Sunday evening: They Might Be Giants in the city at the Fillmore. Sat in one of the balconies with a very nice couple who had brought their son and his girlfriend to the show for his 18th birthday. The son and gf were down on the floor, which left us plenty of space to watch TMBG. There was also a good opening act, Oppenheimer, who I enjoyed. There was, however, no poster. Damn you, Fillmore. Jesus and Mary Chain are playing there at the end of the month, and I'm tempted to go, but I'm also afraid I'd lose my hearing, even with earplugs. Plus, while I like JAMC, I wouldn't call me a massive fan. The Pogues are also playing there soon and while the idea of seeing the drunken Irish folk-punk legends in person sounds cool, tickets are way more than I'd like to pay. (That and I'm pretty sure the show will be chaotic.) TMBG was taking phone calls on stage from dead people. Jerry Orbach called. (Or, rather, Jerry Orbach Impersonator Man.) It was a fun show, overall. Song selection was a little odd, but TMBG is a little odd over all.

Monday day: Work. Fighting cold.

Monday night: Watched How I Met Your Mother, and Journeyman, which I'm now hooked on. Good show, if you haven't seen it.

Tuesday day: Work. Still fighting cold.

Tuesday night: Jimmy Eat World at the Catalyst. Opening band bored the crap out of me. Jimmy was great, although, really, they should have been front-lit at least some of the show. They were backlit the entire time, which was cool for some songs, but really, some front lighting wouldn't have killed them. Good song selection, like what I've heard from the new album, got a cool t-shirt (got shirts from each band I saw in the last three days that I liked, so DMB, TMBG, Oppenheimer and JEW) and they played a couple of songs I was delighted to hear. ("Disintegration" is just as cool live as it is on the EP.) I also wanted to throttle whoever was running their soundboard. I'm convinced there must have been a second soundboard somewhere, because the guy upstairs wasn't paying any attention to the board in front of him. If there was some other guy running the soundboard, though, he needed a punch up the bracket. Far too often the lead guitar was turned down too far and the rhythm guitar was turned up too far. I often wonder if I should just start trying to run soundboards. I realize I'd have a lot to learn, but hell, a lot of shows, I'm wondering what the hell people are doing... All in all, the Catalyst was a very nice venue, but not as good as The Fillmore. (Circulation was TERRIBLE, which was one of the big killers.) Despite that, I'm going to keep tabs on who else is playing there in case there are other good shows to see. It's certainly one of the better venues I've seen shows at.

One more show later this month (Blue October/Yellowcard, at the Warfield, which means nice views, sitting down and the ability to enjoy the show without shoving for room) and then I think I'm good for a while. We'll see. Both The Pogues and The Jesus and Mary Chain were tempting shows, as was the Dashboard Confessional one, but certainly not enough to make me want to go out for another concert. We'll see. I'm sure someone will sneak in a great show in November or December for me to go to.

So I'm holding it together, but I'm exhausted and battling a cold like nobody's business. We'll see how the rest of the week pans out.

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