Thursday, September 12, 2002

So why is it that I can never figure out my roommates?

On Wednesday, I told Debbie that I was going to need the downstairs table to sew over the next few days. But I was going to be starting THURSDAY night. So what does she do? She has a little dinner party downstairs until about 9pm. So I don't get to start on anything until that time. Not only that, but I wasn't invited to join in on the dinner party or go to the movies afterwards either. I thought we had everything worked out! Then Marty walks through the door and mumbles something... throws somethings around... and leaves again! THEN... when they all get home, I try to be social and talk to them, but Debbie doesn't speak the entire time. Then later she ends up crying or something and telling Greg that "everything is wrong". WHAT THE FUCK?!

Now, I think I have reason to be upset about things... but they shouldn't be upset about anything. We are still going to help them out... and we aren't leaving town. So what the fuck is the porblem? They even found a really well paid guy who wants to move in! Thats a good thing right? GOD I AM SO CONFUSED!

I am curious as to why people do these kinds of things. I can kind of understand why people say that there are two kinds of logic. "Regular Logic" and "Women's Logic". But I thought before that women's logic was based purely on emotion... but evidentally not. GAH!!!!! Oh well.

Well I know that you are looking forward to my daily jokes now... so here it is.


"There were two blondes going hunting. It was getting late so one of the
blondes said to the other that she heard if you ever get lost in the
woods to shoot three shots into the air. So she did. A few hours went
by and so she fired three more shots in the air. A few more hours went
by and they fired three more shots in the air. Then one of the blondes
said, 'someone better hurry up and save us...we only have two more arrows

So there it is. If you ever want to e-mail me to tell me to fuck off e-mail "" but if you want to e-mail me to tell me how sweet I am.. then e-mail ""...hehe. See ya all tomorrow!



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