Friday, September 27, 2002

All is well in the house again, after they had some time to smooth things over amongst themselves. It had nothing to do with me, so I feel better, and better still that they've gotten things worked out.

Joe spent some serious time with Robotech last night and he's digging it, and I put in a bit more time on Starfox after that, and I'm digging that, although I did find today's Penny Arcade particularly funny. You don't HAVE to find all of the stuff, of course ... but they'd like you to.

Erin's off to San Antonio this morning to record for Gold Digger. Let's all wish her well and hope that the trip goes as planned (and that she doesn't get lost in the airport -- she was worried about this, not us!) I'll be interested to hear how it all turned out when she gets back.

I dropped off some of the pictures at the developing joint near work and am getting some large prints made of some of them. We'll see how they all turn out when they're blown up a bit. Unfortunately the place wouldn't do any touchups on the prints, so I'll be stuck with exactly what's on the film. Some days I wish I still had access to a darkroom. Oh well, when I make the images digital (I'm acquiring a 35mm film scanner in the near future) I'll be able to do the touchups there before any of you see them. =P By touchups, BTW, I generally mean burning/dodging. This means making portions of the image darker and portions of the image lighter. It's the easiest of the photo editing tools a photographer has at his/her disposal.

Anyhow, maybe I'll make another post later today, but I wanted to give you all something to read so you don't think we're all dead or something.


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