Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy B-Day Dev!
I roll by spinner ;-)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

30 years down, and life to go...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Brother.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I have seen the new Bond movie, and it was good.

Seriously. This is what I always expected out of Bond. The closest I ever got was Golden Eye. Now I feel satisfied finally. Thank you Daniel Craig. Thank you.

Monday, November 20, 2006


That's "wooha" #47 today. Wait, #48. It's a great word. I highly recommend shouting it at co-workers when they are attempting to concentrate.

Oh yeah, and then there's this:


Okay, so did the geek thing yesterday, and waiting in line with Cliff and my bro for Wii's. And got one (thanks guys for getting in line early). And I have to say:

The Wii is awesome.

We spent more time playing the included game, Wii Sports, than anything else we purchased (only got Zelda and Rayman), and now my arms are sore from playing too much tennis and baseball.

So, suffice to say, when I get home from work today, I'm going to play with my Wii. :)

Friday, November 17, 2006

My friend is hooking me up with pies this Christmas.

Yes, my connections are so far reaching I got the hook up on pies even.

(to further my collection of quotes from occasionally engrish speaking asian friend, this originally started from a random blurting of "Hey, do you like pies?")

Thursday, November 09, 2006

In the last twelve hours I've nearly set my house on fire/electrocuted myself, and accidently injured my cat...

Details: In an accident too detailed and stupid to relate completely, last night I short circuited my phone charger, creating a small explosion of sparks and destroying said charger, the cat toy that did the short circuiting, and possibly the electrical outlet the charger was plugged into.

This morning while attempting to clip the kittens razor-like claws, he squirmed at the last second, causing me to cut his claw too close to the quick, and causing him to bleed a great deal.

All this along with the cold I've acquired this week. These several things have made me declare the week moot and a do over to be scheduled sometime towards the end of my lifetime. Maybe.

I'll be in the corner pounding my head against a wall.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006



Yes, I'm still alive. Well, some of you know that from Comic-Con (thanks for staying with me btw, it was great).

I'm coming back out of the woodwork however, to say something important: CONGRATS DEV!

Seriously, I'm glad you've gotten to a place that will appreciate you and also will pay you for it. You rock my friend.

We both have started new jobs as well, myself at MEA Digital in downtown SD. And I'm glad to say hi to you all again, and sorry for being so reclusive :P

Monday, November 06, 2006

People keep asking, so I'll tell you.

One week from today will be my first day as Community Manager at IMVU. It was a decision I thought long and hard about before reaching a conclusion. I wanted to give it my full consideration and took almost a week to decide, because it means moving away from my first love, which is writing. But as Erin, Christy, Elaine and pretty much everyone else pointed out, I wasn't doing any writing at Gamespot -- I was Customer Support, and what little writing I had gotten, I'd had to fight for tooth and nail. Plus, let's be honest, IMVU's in Palo Alto, giving me back a full two hours a day, and the money there is a lot better than it was at CNet.

IMVU's a relatively small company, meaning I'm going to actually have a stake in things instead of just being a cog in a machine. I'm going to have the ability to actually change things. I'm going to be contributing and designing and conceiving and putting things to use. When I first went in to IMVU, I got a decent enough impression, but to be honest, I'm not sure how much I was considering the job. The second time around, however, when I found out that what I wanted in terms of salary wasn't out of the question, I started asking a lot more questions... and they had answers, which is good.

Next Monday I'll go to work for a new company for the first time in almost two years. I know a lot of people think I "hop" companies a lot, but mostly that's not by design. I'm searching for a place to call home, where I'm getting paid well, doing good things, not bored, not frustrated with management and not continually slamming my head against a wall because I'm not growing as an employee. (Or, y'know, not getting laid off because of downsizing, cutbacks or studio closures.)

It's an exciting opportunity and I'm genuinely looking forward to getting to work next Monday. But for this week, I'm on well-earned vacation, staying up late, sleeping in, playing games and working on writing. It's my kick-back week, and I'm glad I took it.

So yeah, that's the scoop, that's what's going on, and if you want to know more, just ask.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Trailer for "Unknown." Good cast, interesting premise... okay, I'll bite.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

So two odd things have happened lately. My ass is finally getting into a gym and two Carrot Top goes to my gym. When the hell did he obtain muscle mass?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

So today's my last day at Gamespot. Pardon me if I seem a little odd. More on the new job tomorrow.
The Wonderbra... for men... I'll let you figure out where it goes.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

2,000 down; 48,000 to go.