Monday, October 31, 2005

Too stupid for school.

That's me. Screw the cool part. The one college I applied for a lower division transfer from Community College rejected me based on the grounds that I was missing art, math, and langauge classes. I tend to get miffed when a school requires me to have already taken the same classes that they STILL TEACH at college. Cause you know, I really would have liked the chance to learn Japanese AGAIN. Seems kind of pointless.

At anyrate, I've decided to suck it up and finish what will most likly be a year at community college and then transfer as an upper division student - which should be quite easy given my GPA. But for some reason I would have rather done 3 years at Sac State than 1 year at jerk-off school and two years at Sac, just to avoid feeling like a total retard. Seriously, I have some kind of anti-slacking mechanism built in, regardless of how much I actually try to slack. I get tired of work (or more, tired of trying to figure out how to get more money at work), figure taking a few small loans and hitting my dad up for cash for the next three years would be fun, and then when I actually get close to it I start thinking I should just keep working and keep making something of myself, furthermore, I get even more pissed when I find out it's going to be even easier than previously expected. I don't care what people say, give me 20 credits at Sac State a semester (or any school for that matter) without havign to work and I'll still consider it easy compared to figuring out how to pay rent, make my car maintence bills and still be able to afford Taco Bell for the night (which when I eat alone, is about as cheap as actually cooking).

Maybe I should grow dread-locks and start smoking pot while I'm at it. Then my clothes would smell just like everyone elses at school!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Good/bad news, ma'am... The good news is you just won the state lottery. The bad news is that you did it with a stolen credit card... so, anyhow...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

King Kong to cost HOW much? Good GOD, man! Seriously! This thing better have people going 10-12 times to see it in the theater otherwise they are BROKE!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Some Europeans Aren't Fans of Halloween

On the topic of cultures, if your culture can't stand up to ours to the point you're afraid of your children enjoying "our" (not the only European pagans we stole them from) customs, I have to say there is a much larger problem with your country than you think there is. I mean holy crap, I guess I better go back to only dating white people, eating hamburgers, and driving a hot pink 1967 Cadilac El Dorado Convertable with whale skin hub caps and all leather cow interior at 115 miles per hour getting one mile per gallon or else I might lose my cultural identiy! Lets ban all anime and anyone who thinks the japanese are cool, all imported movies and music must be banned, video games are right out too! The people behind Fosters and their "australian" beer shall be drawn and quartered! WE MUST PROTECT AMERICAN CULTURE!

I wonder how many of these so-called Europeans remember their anglo-saxon heritage, rather than the bullshit they made up when they decided to draw country boundries on a map. Culture my ass.
Tooth repair complete. Coming soon, new eyes...

Monday, October 24, 2005

This just in. I am not dying. That is all.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Since today is Sunday, yet yesterday felt like Sunday, and the day of the party felt like Saturday, does that mean my timescale is totally shot for a few weeks?

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Piss plus off.
Do you care? No. No you don't.

Friday, October 21, 2005

And now, for something completely different. I am Cliff.

While I am not drunk (I am never drunk), I had the misfortune of sitting next to the computer when they decided that there had to be a drunk post.

Well, I do have no pants on, so that's a plus.

Oh, and I have not shoved McConville's head in my crotch. He apparently has something against that.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

My latest piece over at Gamespot. Go read it. It's good for you, and good FOR you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

"Can I take'em to the bridge?!"
-James Brown

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ode to Kirby
(to the tune of Monty Python’s “Henry Kissinger” song)

Dear ol' Kirby,
How I love ye.
You're the vacuum of my dreams.
With your rounded face,
The way you suction space,
You should join the Dyson Team.
I know they say that you are very strange
and short and round and pinkish
but you've fantastic acting range!
Dear ol' Kirby,
How I love ye,
And wish that you were real!

Dear ol' Kirby,
How I love ye.
You're so chubby and so neat.
With your Beam hat, or your Fighter cap,
You just make my life complete.
The people who feel like I do are too few.
But you're much cuter than Mario,
Yet less annoying than Pikachu.
Dear ol' Kirby,
How I love ye,
And wish that you were real!

I should never get bored....
Just got beck from the dentist. My last visit was 4years, 2 days ago. I forgot how relaxing the whole thing is.

The reason I'm typing this is so that when I go back for my fillings, I can be reminded that I like the dentist. Everyone should go, it's good for your teeth.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Yes yes, you can build something out of anything. We get it, okay?
WTF? Man, did I miss out in high school! I feel conned!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Attention: I am naked. That is all.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Daniel Craig is the new James Bond and having seen "Layer Cake" I'm completely okay with that...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Kevin Mitnick is my generation's Frank Abagnale.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It is definitely turning into one of those semesters.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I think I have found something very close to the perfect game. It involves both CCG elements and porn. Add some aggressive driving and I'd never leave the house.
Burn the souls of these peasants who cannot operate machinery. Destroy all of those who take their opposable thumbs for granted. Incinerate the ignorant masses who cannot spell simple words, use capitalization or punctuation. Let loose the dogs of war and point them at the "1337speek" community who will forever roast in the lava pits of hell. By decree, I command thee!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Me ranting about the Govenator's new bill ... fucking moron. I say we blame parents. I'm tired of them getting away with this shit. Go read the rant -- you'll understand...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

So in the finest of our Touched traditions, I'm posting while drunk.

And just so you know, going out for drinks when not having dinner, and only having light tuna type stuff for lunch, means you're going to be wasted after one Cosmo.

Well, you are if you're good ol' light weigjht.

I did not delete the last mistake, as I had before. If you'd seen how many times I hit the 'delete' key during this typing session, you'd have laughed yourself silly.


Friday, October 07, 2005

So, my geeky brethren, which is better: this or this?

I eagerly await your opinion.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

My poke came up negative.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

You know, assuming I go through with my plan to stop working and hit school full time x2 to finish up my degree in 2 years, I'm going to miss my job.

The following is an IM conversation with my Boss while he had to wait at home for some garage door guy (over MSN, for the record):

We Fear For Our Lives says:
You finally got a call, if you can remember wild west domains - apparently your reseller account there is about to expire

The Real Problem says:

We Fear For Our Lives says:
I'm assuming you don't care, but do you want the number?

The Real Problem says:
put it on my desk

We Fear For Our Lives says:

The Real Problem says:
whats going on if anything

We Fear For Our Lives says:
internet bit it for about 20 minutes, I had lunch, and I should be close to finishing the broadstone template this hour. Real exciting.

The Real Problem says:
no amanda?

We Fear For Our Lives says:
want to place bets on whether second skin (the company name of a client) actually shows up or not?

We Fear For Our Lives says:
well, she isn't scheduled for another 30 minutes

The Real Problem says:
50 50 probably

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Nicholas Cage will do you one better, Erin... He's named his new son Kal-el, the Kryptonian name of Superman. You know, that Superman movie that Cage was going to be a part of, that fell apart? Yeah, that. What a great thing to name your kid after...

Monday, October 03, 2005

If these names stick, I'll worry for all of humanity... I mean, can you imagine in the future us teaching our children about the 10th planet of our solar system, named for a mythic, powerful hero named Xena, the Warrior Princess, and the 10th planet's moon, the ever faithful Gabrielle?

I got poked today.
Being sucked dry by leeches isn't so bad.
You will be sucked dry by a leech. I'd stay away
from swimming holes, and stick to good old
cement. Even if it does hurt like hell when
your toe scrapes the bottom.

What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
brought to you by Quizilla
New Devious strip and newspost up.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Go easy on that.
You will drink too much gin. Not the worst way to
die, but you won't remember too much of your
life. Hey, at least you made some people laugh!

What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
brought to you by Quizilla