Monday, September 23, 2002

So apparently I've been coming across as depressed lately. This is inaccurate, at least to some extent. I'm doing just fine. I'm not depressed at all, actually. I have a lot on my mind, but that's something entirely different. See, just because I have a lot to think about doesn't mean I'm depressed.

It was tough having to suddenly adapt to having roommates within a week. I knew in the back of my mind that it was always a potential thing, and Joe's my best friend and Lara's great, so it's not that I mind having them around. Part of it is just getting used to having people around all the time again. Sure, I had roommates all the time (with the exception of one semester in college, and most of that semester Chris lived in the room with me anyway) when I was in college, but I've been out on my own two years straight now. And there are times where it's depressing, being home alone by yourself. But there's also times where it's very nice. It's a give-and-take situation, really, and I'm just slowly figuring out how to convert my mind back from living by myself to living with roommates.

The nicest thing is the ability to get a second opinion on anything right away. And a third, in all actuality, because Joe and Lara don't agree a lot. And it's nice to have people to talk to when I get home from work, and people to hang out with. It just means a mindshift. That's all. I'm not complaining. Honestly. Promise. Seriously. I'm not complaining. It's just something to wrap my head around.

As for my other problems, I seem to have gotten most of them into some state of mental stability. That which I can change, I have, or am in the process of changing. That which I cannot change I have either dealt with, am planning to deal with, am in the process of dealing with or am accepting. No point in giving myself an aneurism (sp?) or anything...

Oh, Starfox Adventures comes out today... mmm... Zelda-like game. Rare seems to be going over to Microsoft... and if that means I get a new Conker game, that's just peachy with me.

I dunno why everyone else stopped posting so much. Maybe I'll email some Boots To The Head... *evilgrin*

"And to my dear friend Greg, I bequeath... a Boot to the Head."


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