Thursday, September 26, 2002

I did, in fact, get my Mongolian BBQ last night, at this great place called Su's, down in Santa Clara. Yeah, yeah, 20 minute drive, but who cares... the food was excellent.

There's a bit of friction in the apartment now. I'm a little concerned for Joe and Lara, who were arguing last night when I went to bed. I don't know what about. Hell, they might have even been arguing about me. But since I leave early in the morning, I haven't had a chance to find out what it's all about, and that makes me a bit nervous.

Oh, on the positive side again, the pictures I took on Sunday turned out fairly well. There's a few incredible pictures, several very good ones, quite a few okay ones and half a roll that's basically unusuable in any way, shape or form. I really need to get a light meter. Maybe I'll pick one up today when I'm getting a larger print made of one of the pictures.


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