Monday, September 16, 2002

Dude, Cliff...hope you feel better, bro. Seems like everyone i know has been sick lately...

So, it's been a while since i've blogged. No really good reason, I just haven't had anything interesting to say, I suppose. But I do now! :) This afternoon I met up with a guy who writes for the Sacramento Bee, and he interviewed me for a piece that's going to run in the bee next week!! Hopefully they'll even include a comic in the article...that would be awesome. But anyway, we met over at the local Starbuck's and he asked me why I started, who I'm trying to reach, all that kind of stuff. Hopefully it'll bring in a LOT of new readers...particularly the local kind. ;D Local readers are the best kind.

And the ren faire this year was MUCH better than when it used to be in Vacaville. If only the shops were better, it could be one of the top faires around. As it stands, I'm a little more partial the the Fair Oaks or Tahoe least they had more than one pathetic sword vendor. Never been to the folsom faire though...we should be going this october. :) Oh! And some noble guy inducted me into Queen Mary's army (like, he actually asked someone to get me so he could speak with me, I guess because of all the armor and stuff.) Hopefully there'll be something for me to do at the folsom faire. I just need to get some sort of padded undershirt, because with the way the pauldrons rest on the maille, it tears the crap out of my shoulders. I can't even wear the claymore for more than 30 minutes before it starts to kill my shoulders. Not so much because of the weight, even...more because of the way it all rubs together. Blargh, I say. Good thing my trusty squire Cliff was on hand for the occasion. ;)

And, after all that time, that's about all I have to say. Now to mess with Dreamweaver MX. :)


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