Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Got this from my boss, and I thought it was relevant, considering the season.

Hi Everybody,
I was just making an appointment to give platelets, and was told an astonishing fact. The Bay Area is notoriously very low in blood donation, especially as compared to the amount needed. This is true even more during the holidays, when you would think that people had giving at the forefront of their minds. If you go to http://www.bayarea-redcross.org/topnav/blood.htm, you can get more info and even schedule an appointment. The chapter in San Jose is open through Dec 23, and then again after the 26th. With all the disasters happening, on top of regular needs, the entire nation is very low. Please go out and donate, and encourage your friends and families to do the same.

She donated a kidney earlier this year, so I'm encouraging people to give blood, it's far less painful then donating a kidney.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Yeah, I'm older now.

Friday, November 25, 2005

According to Paul Harvey's Friday afternoon show, REAL Pirates have been attacking the set of Pirates of the Caribbean. Actors fled for safety, pay checks, lap tops, and cash have been stolen but most importantly filming is at a stand still.

This makes me sad.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I'd say it's amazing what people will do for money these days... but really, I'm not impressed any more...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

This is my first post HOOOOOOOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!
New vision obtained. My head is still adjusting...

Friday, November 18, 2005

For once, I whole-heartedly agree with the Vatican:

Intelligent Design Not Science, Vatican Says

Freaking. Awesome.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

So to confirm it for the world, I am indeed allergic to yogurt, and I currently feel really, really icky... ><

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

So I may not be an engineer after all. We shall see.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

My car is a total loss. Officially.

Monday, November 14, 2005

You know, I love Cameron Crowe films, but this is just damn funny...
The worst thing about this car accident is my parents asking me every hour if my neck hurts.

It doesn't. It didn't an hour after the accident. It didn't 12 hours after the accident. It's over 24 hours after the accident, and my neck doesn't hurt. Goddamn.
I feel bleh and lethargy.

I'm well-aware that's poor English. I'm somewhere between not caring and giving less than a shit.

Friday, November 11, 2005

You know you were tired when you go to in the morning and like three days later your husband pulls the orange juice out of the cupboard. have a good weekend.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Morning walking stories - Part One
Erin: Don't get Blueberry Thumb.
Cliff: You mean Blackberry?
Erin: ...
Cliff: ...
Erin: Whatever. I'm not awake yet.

(later that walk)
Cliff: Here's your stop.
Erin: See ya.
Cliff: See you tomorrow.
Erin: ...
Cliff: I meant tonight.
Erin: Suuuure.
Cliff: Whatever. I'm not awake yet.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hoooooooooooly shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
I post this from work.

Every so many months I come across a new webcomic and yell at some of you to go read it because it is the "funniest comic I've seen. Seriously, it makes me laugh harder than -insert comic here-". However, ignoring quality or rating of greatness of actual comic, I can tell you the following link has quite literally made me luagh harder than anything else I've read. I think I possible fell out of my chair once. I know my stomach and throat have hurt after reading through the archives. And I want to share it with you: (I should also note that the following comic may only be funny to someone as warped and twisted as I am, but you won't find out if you don't read)

Spamusement (it's even better if you read it late at night)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


even if i had to go to church to vote, again.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I'll be in Berkeley on Saturday. Wanna hang out at the arcade before it dies?
So the UC Berkeley BEARcade is shutting down by the end of November. Another gamer's arcade gone. What will we do?

If you see the ASUC president (they shut us down to replace us with a gelateria), please kick him in the nuts repeatedly for me.

What really bothers me is that there are two ice cream places less than a block off of campus, maybe a couple hundred yards from the arcade. There is a gelateria a block off of campus, about ten minutes' walk from the arcade.

We are the only arcade in Berkeley. The closest arcade is probably in San Francisco, though there's Sunnyvale Golfland and Milpitas Golfland an hour's drive or so away as well. (I don't count Dave and Buster's because you have to be 21 and that's stupid. =P)

I hate people. I really, really, really hate people.
So as some of you may have realized, I've been unemployed for a little while now. While this contributes nicely to my World of Warcraft habit, it's bad for the pocketbook.

But I seemed to have allieviated that fact as of today, getting an offer (during the interview, no less!) to work, temp to perm, for a company called AdBrite. I haven't given my final decision yet, but it will probably be a yes, as I find them to be a spiffy company, with equally neat people.

They're good people, and if you use Google, but hate the randomness of the ads that pop up, I highly recommend AdBrite (and not because I'm potentially working for them), just because you can pick and choose what ads show up on your site.

Anyway, so that be the happy news. I'll make my final decision tomorrow, but barring an amazing offer to do Cliff's job at C-Net, I'm probably going to take it.

And since I'd be working 2 blocks from Cliff, I can still harass him on a regular basis anyway. So, win/win. ^_^
This is a test. Blogger's DNS may be fuxored, since oop-ack is doing just fine, but I'm getting "001 java.net.UnknownHostException: www.oop-ack.com" when I try to post.
You know, why DON'T I participate in NaNoWriMo? It's not like I'm short on time.

Alright, time to pull up my old notes and write Tsai Fong.

...oh yeah, that's because my old notes are on my old hard drive, which is in my old computer, which has been "being fixed" at my cousin's place for a while.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

So we got a customer support query in Swedish today... And of course I don't speak Swedish. But I ran in through a translator, hoping to try and offer some help... Here's what the translator kicked back:

"Whys am note acting the that fraught down Kingston kong demot sun IDS in have recorded me on Gamespot? The am pc anticipating stupid only when house tied pinch on Download on Demot that house bands will product member on gamespot. But in sea of course recorded wild duck then should the walk! queer Able yous say how self will husband now? In will deed act Kingston kong demot!""

I think that just about says it all, doesn't it folks?
Nanowrimo Day one count: 3125 words.

Not a bad start.