Thursday, March 30, 2006

Have survived and am in Indianapolis. Room service was closed when I got here and my hotel is right by the airport. Thankfully, I can sleep through just about anything. We'll see how I hold up once pizza arrives. ... writing off pizza as an expense is loads of fun.
Shortly I'll be on my way to Indianapolis to cover an event for Gamespot. Let's hope I survive...
The following conversation occured while playing Eve Online with Kurt (who is sitting next to me, I had been typing in Corporate Chat):

"The Loan Cruiser?"
"Yeah, like the Lone Ranger."
"But with a bank."
"Oh. Crap."


Monday, March 27, 2006

Note to self: Fool around with Pandora some and see if you can find more musicians you like...
Taken from Walter Jon Williams' blog although he openly admits to taking it from somewhere else. (I've been rereading "Ten Points For Style" and decided to do my homework on him...

Here are your instructions:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don’t search around and look for the “coolest” book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you.

For me, it's a tossup between a handful of books as to "which is nearest" so I'll post them all for your amusement...

"The hood was up, and both Barris and Arctor stood together with a pile of car tools."


"Someone should have been hit--but we were all whole and unperforated."


"She found a new roll of Life Savers in a pocket, tore off the top with her teeth, and pulled one into her mouth."

There are actually about 6 other books within immediate reaching distance, but that should be enough for the exercise.
Best sports injury... ever. Well. Maybe not better than gout.

First they thought he had pink eye. But specialists eventually determined he had an infection stemming from surgery after he was beaned by a fastball in 2004 at Class A Myrtle Beach.

The pitch broke his cheek and the orbital bone around his right eye, and damaged his sinus cavity. Francoeur said an infection apparently developed beneath one of the two titanium plates implanted during the surgery.

As Francoeur explained it, he blew his nose hard enough to dislodge a piece of cartilage and release the infection. His eye almost immediately swelled shut.

He took three antibiotics, each for an hour. Three hours in the morning, three more at night, and spent most of the time watching movies or playing Xbox on the couch of the Duluth apartment he shared with Braves catcher Brian McCann.

"I was like an old geezer, sitting there with my IV bag at home," said Francoeur, known for his high energy level. "It was awful. I [usually] can't sit around for an hour. I'd play Xbox, watch movies — I've seen every movie Blockbuster on Sugarloaf has to offer. I'd walk in there with my IV tube at 10 in the morning, 'What 'cha got?'"

Francoeur was permitted to begin lifting weights and working out in mid-December. He was prescribed pills and "salt spray" to use the next time he has a stuffy nose, and told to avoid ever blowing it so hard again.
Ocean's 13 starts filming in July. I have mixed feelings about this, but will remain hopeful.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Seemed intriguing enough....

Friday, March 24, 2006

T'is the year of pretty movies... Go watch the trailer to The Promise, which looks like Dynasty Warriors: The Movie. Pretty and epic.
Ha, screw you guys!

Every saturday night for the last two and a half months I have been drunk, possibily outside until 8 AM (except for the night I fell asleep on the floor), and uh... things... I can't remember. I'm tired and haven't been sleeping well. But I have classes! And other things! I'm young! Yoooouuuunnng!

And I like booze.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Wow, you know when we are starting to get old when all we can think of to talk about is our body functions. (Or what isn't functioning.)

Is it ok to have a mid-life crisis when you are 24?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I had another insanely painful muscle spasm last night. Not as horrific as the one earlier in the month where I actually woke up screaming, but still pretty bad... the thing that's weird about this one? It was my left leg... it's never been my left leg before...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

OK, the question of the minute is thus: Why does the party always end up in the kitchen?


Monday, March 20, 2006

Best thing I heard all day:

"Both murder and peace agreements require delightful pastries." - Ian McConville
I love talking with my sister (i.e. Sherrie), but damn if we don't turn into a couple of longwinded gossipers.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

In the absence of privacy partitions from Facilities, I may be forced to steal some couch cushions and make a fort out of my desk so I feel secure with my back to all these doors.

I hope my co-workers don't think I'm weird.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Catholicism needs more people willing to bend the rules... and I guess I'll be having corned beef at the pub this Friday.

I guess I'll just have to give up alcohol for lent in addition to burgers. Yeah, I know, big sacrifice :P

Monday, March 13, 2006

Jack Bauer
Jack Bauer

Which 24 Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
*** This is not nearly as good as if Cliff had written it for us, but I needed to send something out today to people. From now on though, we are going to commission Cliff for stuff. I'm just terrible at this sort of writing. =) ***


Elizabeth Dean

Real Life Comics has left their publisher, Starline Multimedia, in order to 'break out' on their own.

San Francisco, CA - March 13th , 2006 - After two years of partnership, Real Life Comics has decided to end their contract with their publisher, Starline Multimedia.

Real Life Comics is already working on building a new e-commerce store where new and old Real Life Comics merchandise can be purchased. A launch date has not been set, but they hope to have the store running by the beginning of May. Real Life Comics is hoping that this opportunity will allow smoother transactions for customers and perhaps some new features that were not feasible during their time with Starline Multimedia.

Watch in the weeks to come for more details.

For questions, please contact Elizabeth Dean at

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Butter Fingers

People Iced:Thirty
Car Bombs Planted:Seventeen
Favorite WeaponSteel Dildo
Arms Broken:Twenty Six
Eyes Gouged:Twenty Six
Tongues Cut Off:Three
Biggest Enemy:The Arm Breaker

Get Your HITMAN Name

This is Megs'

The Knee Bender

People Iced:Forty One
Car Bombs Planted:Eight
Favorite WeaponAngry Cats
Arms Broken:Nineteen
Eyes Gouged:Thirteen
Tongues Cut Off:Seven
Biggest Enemy:Ruphas the Terrible

Get Your HITMAN Name

In a slightly humorous touch, Kim in 24: The Game is pretty much as useless as Kim in 24: The Show...

Friday, March 10, 2006

I may be shakey, but I'm damn good.

Shakey Fingers Stevey

People Iced:Forty One
Car Bombs Planted:None. Pathetic.
Favorite WeaponA Fire Extinguisher
Arms Broken:Thirty Two
Eyes Gouged:Twenty Four
Tongues Cut Off:None. Pathetic.
Biggest Enemy:The Weasel

Get Your HITMAN Name

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Mav has taken a dump. The toilet is now UNCLOGGED
DJ Devinoch is OFF AIR.
Bring it...


People Iced:Thirty Five
Car Bombs Planted:Seventeen
Favorite WeaponA Candlestick
Arms Broken:Thirty Four
Eyes Gouged:Twenty Eight
Tongues Cut Off:None. Pathetic.
Biggest Enemy:Bloody Benny

Get Your HITMAN Name


People Iced:Twelve
Car Bombs Planted:Eighteen
Favorite WeaponPVC Pipes
Arms Broken:Thirty Two
Eyes Gouged:Twelve
Tongues Cut Off:Six
Biggest Enemy:Smuggler

Get Your HITMAN Name

This is Micheal's. Check out his enemy!

Joe Bananas

People Iced:Thirty Eight
Car Bombs Planted:Two
Favorite WeaponCircular Saw
Arms Broken:Twenty Seven
Eyes Gouged:Twenty Seven
Tongues Cut Off:None. Pathetic.
Biggest Enemy:Rusty Rastelli

Get Your HITMAN Name

Fat Tony

People Iced:Six
Car Bombs Planted:Fourteen
Favorite WeaponBare Hands
Arms Broken:Nineteen
Eyes Gouged:Twenty Three
Tongues Cut Off:Eleven
Biggest Enemy:The Knee Bender

Get Your HITMAN Name

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Can someone do me a favor? Can someone go door-to-door in the state of Missouri and explain to them the whole "separation of church and state" bit? 'Cause somehow I don't think they fucking get it...

The headline: "Blair Plays the God Card"

Dom's immediate reaction:

(Tony Blair stands on the podium, raises his left hand which is wearing one of these)
Blair: Terrorists, it's time to...
(dramatic triple-take of his face)

This image may stay with me for the rest of my life.

Monday, March 06, 2006

ACTING! (Jon Lovitz clap)

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Ambiguous Floating Head says that when the Amiguous Floating Head was a child, it would occassionally snow in Livermore once every few winters. It would melt instantly ofcourse, but snow none the less. Dom is just a noob.

Friday, March 03, 2006

There is ICE. Falling from the SKY.

Are schools off today? ;P

- Dom
Bay Area vintage Californian for 24 years
There be snow in them thar hills!!!

Driving to work this morning (I'm up in Redwood Shores for the next week and a half), and not only was there a smattering of snow in the hills behind me, there was also a substantial dusting in Santa Cruz Mountains ahead of me. Made for a pretty commute.

I'd take pictures, but I'd rather have it as a pleasant memory.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sitting on a train, typing on a laptop, posting through a Treo... I am technological.
Charley horses are ass, especially when they're painful enough to wake you up from sleep and make you limp the rest of the day.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I am impervious to the power of suggestion placed by the evil Mav. Do you hear me? IMPERVIOUS!
Comment here.