Friday, September 20, 2002

So, everyone's been wondering what the hell's been going on with me, and now I can reveal the whole sordid story and fill everyone as to what the hell is, as the proverb goes, up.

As of 8 a.m. this morning, I now have roommates. My best friend Joe and his wife Lara, as a matter of fact. The job Joe had up in Seattle fell through and there was just no way for them to be able to pay the rent and try to find new work. Quite frankly, the financials just weren't going to balance out. So on Monday Joe called and asked if he and his wife could move into my spare bedroom down here in the Bay area. I, of course, told them that would be fine. So Joe and Lara are starting to look for work on Monday anywhere they can get it while I basically provide a roof over their head (that's right, it would be "Cliff's Bed and Breakfast," but there's no bed in the spare bedroom and I sure as hell ain't cookin' breakfast for me, so you can be damn sure I'm not doing it for anyone else...) until they're stable and ready to live on their own again. So I may have roommates for just a couple months or maybe a year or two. We're just going to play it by ear.

I'm totally okay with this, don't get me wrong. (I'll be glad when they have employment and can help pay for food and power and whatnot, though, of course). But when the news hit on Monday, I suddenly had less than a week to get the apartment back into good shape. The spare bedroom has basically been functioning as a storage room for right now, so we pretty much just pushed shit aside to give them room to let them lay down. Tomorrow we'll do some basic sorting and compacting, and we should have the room in some form of tolerable state.

And, on the bright side, Joe being back in the Bay means that the comic will become a much higher priority and we'll all be working very hard on our proposals. I can just walk over and kick him in the nuts now instead of calling long distance. So I'm trying to keep that in mind. The studio members are all now within reasonable driving distance of the Bay. We're going to have to hold some kind of studio meeting in the near future...

On top of all that to think about, there's been a bunch of other things taking up mental processing time as well. I swear, if it's not one thing, it's fifty others. The human brain can only keep so much in mind at any one moment. So I'm prioritizing things. Long term problems go into the back of the brain and get dealt with in due course. Immediate things take priority and get more thought upfront. Most of this stuff should work itself out in the end, though. All problems find some kind of resting point. Life goes on.

And please, for the sake of my sanity, don't take this as a "pity me" post. I can't stand being pitied. It's not like there's anything wrong in my life that won't get dealt with sooner or later. The good, the bad ... I like to believe it mostly evens out in the end. So far all the bad shit I endure now, there's a greater good coming later in life. Call it karmic balance. Call it an evening out of sorts.

I do look forward to that day, though, when I get a slew of really good things happening to me. I mean, getting the job at Maxis was timely, beneficial and what I wanted, so I do count my luck there, but there's more coming sooner or later, I hope. Such is hope, I guess.


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