Friday, April 29, 2005

Sleep is for the weak. Sleep is for the lucky. Sleep is for those whose worlds aren't in utter chaos.

E3 is awesome. Pre-E3 blows rabid goats. Long shifts, ridiculous overtime, fried brains...

Brains... sleep later. Weezer tonight...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I still have no ride from the airport (I don't know which airport to fly to, anyway) and no way back from E3, and no place to stay... anyone have any suggestions?

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I'd claim they're selling my childhood, but apparently I was just too young to remember when they did it the first time around.

Furthermore, sort of holy crap:
So my brain's broken or something. Yesterday, I discovered in physics that my keys were missing and decided that I must've left them in my purse in my room. After reporting a lockout, I find that my keys are not in my purse. I panic for a moment, then find my keys. IN MY BACKPACK. So I just used up my second lockout for no reason. (For those of you who don't know, we're allowed two lockouts a semester. After that, they start charging you.) Today, as I was on the train, I go to set my phone alarm and realize I left my phone at the apartment. Oh yes. My phone is now 100+ miles away. I blame school burnout in an attempt to cover my stupidity.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I had a dream last night where two of my friends got into a bitter argument with one another. They were shouting and screaming and it just wouldn't stop. Then they drew guns at one another. I lept in the middle to try and talk them down from it, or at least push the guns away, and both guns went off. I was shot twice. I don't know if I lived or died in the dream, but I remember being in intense pain in the ambulance ride to the hospital, and there was no one there to tell me I'd be okay, because the police were taking them both off to jail.


Some days I don't like dreaming.

Monday, April 25, 2005

So thanks to a May 18th Jeopardy audition, I'm changing all of my E3 plans. Any of y'alls happen to have space in your crash area for Wednesday night and Thursday night?
Who knew that the color/size of my mosaic wang would cause such a storm in our 100th strip. /shrug's a fictional work people.

... or IS it?

In any case, congrats to Cliff for not commiting suicide and sticking around long enough to humor me with 100 strips to scribble out.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Apparently happiness is for rent in Turlock. There was a sign that said so. And you should believe everything you read.

What happens if you'd rather invest in happiness?

Friday, April 22, 2005

So I learned on Monday that because of the new fire laws that went into effect as of January 1, those of us in California have to purchase mattresses that can withstand up to 30 minutes under fire from a blowtorch. It used to be 18 cigarettes.

Think of the rockin' forts you can make! Or the practical use of burying yourself under your bed if your house is on fire.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

This waiting and waiting and waiting is fucking killing me...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

"You just love being right..." a coworker told me today. He had that "I know you're right, but I'm not happy about it" tone which cracked me up...
Behold! I have uncovered irrefutable proof that Texas is full of morons!

Texas Bill Would Ban Gay Foster Parents

Because, you know, if you like taking it in the butt it means you'd also rape your foster children.

But on the more interesting side of things, Elephants Rampage Through South Korea

Or more importantly, "Three of the pachyderms had barged into a nearby restaurant."

I love how I get a whole article telling me "Animals like to go places other than cages" (which brings out a resounding DUH! I mean seriously, I have a cat. Every day I come home to him bitching at me for not letting him outside), but only ONE NONDESCRIPT SENTANCE that Elephants prefer Pizza over Chinese. I mean really, what's the priority here? Telling me the obvious - Koreans are too lazy to lock cages and Elephants like to leave said cages - or informing me that ELEPHANTS had the following conversation:

"Man, this amusement park is great and all but I'm really getting sick of this roller coaster."
"Totally, this roller coaster is so yesterday."
"Hey! I know guys, Lets go for Pizza!"
"Round Table or Pizza Hut?"
"Round Table has video games!"
"Dude! Totally!"
"Uh, no thanks guys. I'm lactose intolerant. I'm going to the garden instead."
"God damn it Frank, you're such a panzy."

Don't get me wrong, I normally appreciate the news deems that I need to know, but I'm starting to seriously question their priorities.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Not even two days on Popewatch? Sad.
Joseph Ratzinger is now Pope Benedicte XVI.

I now dub him "Das Pope"!

Monday, April 18, 2005

So I had my first nightmare that I can ever recall last night... and I have to say that I would not care to repeat the experience.

I dreamed that I'd been getting death threats, but no one believed me. Finally one came via a text message in my phone, that my next phone call was going to be my last, and that 1 minute after the phone rang, the bomb the person had hidden would go off and I would die. Then my phone rang. I ran to my Dad, who yawned, told me to pack a bag to go, and said he'd call the police, and went back into his room. I was terrified, and I ran back to my room, then I woke up. And it was bad enough that I didn't want to go back to sleep, because if the dream started again, I'd freak.

I finally fell asleep again, after about 20 minutes. I ended up in another bad dream, that luckily I don't remember, except that it was damn close to being another nightmare.

So, a fun night. I've decided that nightmares aren't cool, and I'd like to avoid them in the future.

Friday, April 15, 2005

My silence is deafening.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

My friend Allison, who lives in Palo Alto, calls me on Sunday. She was heading up to Berkeley for a housewarming party. We shot the shit, all was good, I went back to watching my movie, and then my phone rings.

"I'm on a bridge, and I don't know which one."
"Did you pay a toll?"
"Are there cranes next to you?"
"Are you approaching an island?"
"You're on the Bay Bridge. Stay on 80, don't get off the freeway. 80 will turn into 101 south and will connect with 280 so you have your choice."

This is why I'm the driving queen. That and the need for speed.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Yah what "e" said! Good luck buddy! Oh, and fix my damn face! 00101101011 ... end of messege.
Good Luck Cliff!!!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Oh, right, I'm still alive. You know the problem with me is I'm either too quiet or I won't shut up

Anyrate, I'm officially dropped out of college till next winter when I'll hit up Sac State. I'm currently designing a website for a homeless rehabilitation project. And I'm now going to be getting health coverage through work. Now granted I still have to make bills, and the extra $150 a month to get the coverage and the fact that we're switching over to a real payroll makes me worry - but I figure for being 21 and having a job I enjoy that gives me health coverage I'm doing pretty damn well.

Also, I've decided people don't see eachother enough, so there's going to be a party in the next weekend or two - I will try to keep people updated. And by party, I mean booze, poker and video games. Possibly some Projectile Sodomy(TM) as well.

Also part 2, if you have a thing for stupid games that involve blowing up ships with a steep learning curve for the first few levels, go to It's free. And things blow up.

Also part 3, I own the UoV forums. Rawr!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Even if you can't publish at the time, the Blogger software retains the post on their server and the next time a publish goes through, it should pop up. It's not 100% reliable -- more like 98.5%
Wha-! Check that crap out! It posted anyway. Something about crazy people.
I wrote something completely meaningfull... tried to publish and got a 404. Now I'm too drunk to remember what it was. I'm sure it was a secret to the universe.
So, it's after midnight on a Friday morning and I had too many stinking beers. I have to concentrate really hard to form words. Yet, in my stupor, I have a revelation. Oh wait.... I forgot what I was going to say...

... Oh yah. I got another random girl sending me naked pics from the online comic. What the hell is wrong with you ladies! Yah, I'm not complaining, but what sane chick does that based off a goofy web comic and a random pic of some guy on his blog. Stalker material. Wait... can hot chicks technically stalk guys in the first place? Being how stalking is supposed to be an unwanted act....Discuss.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Nuclear powerplants may be vulnerable to terrorist attack. Well, duh. Hasn't anyone been watching this season of 24?
Reposted from Devious, for those of you who don't read there:

Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse...

Last night at around 1 a.m., my computer fired up WinAmp to watch an episode of Tilt that I missed. Then it froze up. After attempting to reboot it, I have found I cannot reboot my PC. It gets to loading Windows XP and then resets, after briefly flashing a blue screen.

It was late, and I was tired. I haven't had a chance to look at the PC yet, but right now, I'm assuming the worst -- that all Devious assets are, in fact, totally fried. Maybe I'll get lucky and there's some way to pull all of it off the database and then simply reformat. Maybe I'll get even luckier and there's some way to get things fixed without reformatting at all. Normally, I wouldn't be too worried about any of this, because I'd have my backup CDs to reload everything with. Except, of course, the fact that my backup CDs were in one of the two small CD folders that were stolen from my car over the weekend.

Seriously, folks, I'm damn near about ready to start crying. It's been one of those weeks where just about every single thing that can go wrong has, and I feel like I'm not only at my breaking point, but far, far past it. I want to break my hands against walls and scream out every minute.

I don't know if there's going to be a strip up today, but I doubt it. I don't know if there's going to be a strip up tomorrow, but it's not impossible. We will be back in some form or another by next Monday, even if I have to hijack someone else's computer, recreate all the goddamn Devious assets from scratch and start again. Technically we have all the strips still, but none of them in our high rez format that I keep them in.

I wish I had better news. I wish my life wasn't such an f'ing mess right now. Sorry if that strong language bothers you (as we've always tried to be a PG-13 site) but right now, I'm on the verge of mental collapse. We'll be back, guys, I promise. It's breaking my heart to do this to you. The strip means everything to me. We'll be back as soon as we can. Keep checking here, and I'll let you know when I know more...
So this is pretty cool...

But seeing CNN talk seriously about Optimus Prime and Megatron just makes me giggle. ^_^

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I saw a guy wearing a shirt that said "Vacuums suck." I wish I knew where he got it. =( Also, midterms are kicking my ass. Finals will kick my ass in a few weeks. School needs to stop kicking my ass all the time.
Renew the Patriot Act? Expand it?


Monday, April 04, 2005

What a wonderful way to start my week. Back window shattered, car broken into. Lovely, lovely.

Apparently they only took about $150 of CDs from me(a small binder) not bothering with the stereo because they didn't have time. However they did rifle through the rest of my car, and didn't find anything they could steal, so the inside of my car got trashed too. Fuckin' A.
Guess WHO Bitches? Oh yah... Now this site is SCA-rewed! I'm here now. Send me your topless pix! :D No manboobs. An go check out Devious or I'll smack you.... hard.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Cliff and Dom, ranting about superhero continuity...

Dom: so let's see... Robin 2 is alive. Green Lantern 2 is also alive, and not evil anymore. Blue Beetle 2 is dead, and people are saying that Booster Gold will become Blue Beetle 3 and Beetle will become Spectre 3.
Dom: Am I the only one who thinks that Infinite Crisis is otherwise known as "The Superhero Shuffle"?
Cliff: Doo do doo do doo da doo doo...
Dom: I'm totally waiting for Superman, Batman and Martian Manhunter to switch costumes
Cliff: "Superhustle!"
Cliff: "I'm SuperBat!" "Aw, suck! That makes me ManMan!"
Dom: "No, dammit, I wanna be Martian Bat!"
Dom: "But that makes me Superhunter!"
Dom: "...I'm STILL ManMan!"