Sunday, April 03, 2005

Cliff and Dom, ranting about superhero continuity...

Dom: so let's see... Robin 2 is alive. Green Lantern 2 is also alive, and not evil anymore. Blue Beetle 2 is dead, and people are saying that Booster Gold will become Blue Beetle 3 and Beetle will become Spectre 3.
Dom: Am I the only one who thinks that Infinite Crisis is otherwise known as "The Superhero Shuffle"?
Cliff: Doo do doo do doo da doo doo...
Dom: I'm totally waiting for Superman, Batman and Martian Manhunter to switch costumes
Cliff: "Superhustle!"
Cliff: "I'm SuperBat!" "Aw, suck! That makes me ManMan!"
Dom: "No, dammit, I wanna be Martian Bat!"
Dom: "But that makes me Superhunter!"
Dom: "...I'm STILL ManMan!"


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