Monday, April 18, 2005

So I had my first nightmare that I can ever recall last night... and I have to say that I would not care to repeat the experience.

I dreamed that I'd been getting death threats, but no one believed me. Finally one came via a text message in my phone, that my next phone call was going to be my last, and that 1 minute after the phone rang, the bomb the person had hidden would go off and I would die. Then my phone rang. I ran to my Dad, who yawned, told me to pack a bag to go, and said he'd call the police, and went back into his room. I was terrified, and I ran back to my room, then I woke up. And it was bad enough that I didn't want to go back to sleep, because if the dream started again, I'd freak.

I finally fell asleep again, after about 20 minutes. I ended up in another bad dream, that luckily I don't remember, except that it was damn close to being another nightmare.

So, a fun night. I've decided that nightmares aren't cool, and I'd like to avoid them in the future.


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