Monday, April 11, 2005

Oh, right, I'm still alive. You know the problem with me is I'm either too quiet or I won't shut up

Anyrate, I'm officially dropped out of college till next winter when I'll hit up Sac State. I'm currently designing a website for a homeless rehabilitation project. And I'm now going to be getting health coverage through work. Now granted I still have to make bills, and the extra $150 a month to get the coverage and the fact that we're switching over to a real payroll makes me worry - but I figure for being 21 and having a job I enjoy that gives me health coverage I'm doing pretty damn well.

Also, I've decided people don't see eachother enough, so there's going to be a party in the next weekend or two - I will try to keep people updated. And by party, I mean booze, poker and video games. Possibly some Projectile Sodomy(TM) as well.

Also part 2, if you have a thing for stupid games that involve blowing up ships with a steep learning curve for the first few levels, go to It's free. And things blow up.

Also part 3, I own the UoV forums. Rawr!


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