What IS going on in this fucking world? Any time I hit CNN I see the world has, in fact, forgotten it's damned handbasket. Unemployment continues to rise, poverty continues to rise, war continues to rage, mass hysteria is one step away from domineering our whole planet and no one's enjoying it. I find myself burying my head into music, art, literature, science, exittainment, the lot ... I keep hoping that something somewhere will hold us together.
I'm not the only one without a job, and it's not just the "no job" thing that's getting to me. Employers have such luxuries in picking people now that fry cooks are required to have completed their doctoral thesis before they're let near the grill. We are being shat upon and being told to enjoy it! Bend over, kiss ass and we might give you our table scraps. The rich are getting richer and I'm starting to be fed up with it, as the rest of us have to tighten our belts until there's no waist left.
Bonnie and Clyde, here I am. Robin Hood, you better fucking believe it. A Newry Highwayman could I be. Or maybe we should riot. A little burning and pillaging always proves a point. What will it take to get us out of this? Who do I have to personally go to and shoot before this world comes out of this self-flogging lifestyle?
Have you noticed the fascination with Las Vegas lately? Noticed that Lotto ticket sales are going up? Reality television where you make an idiot of yourself for a few dollars? What's next? Don't think bad taste has reached rock bottom, because we're still a long way from that. It can and will get worse.
I'm fed up with it. I'm done saying I want a revolution. If something doesn't happen soon, I'm going to go out and fucking start one....