Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Ah, nothing like the easy dates... Happy B-day Dave! Treat yourself after work, go get drunk somewhere. ^^

And now for something completely different...

I have returned from my Jason Mraz experience, and I am currently sitting at my desk with something resembling a hangover, but as I partook of no alcohol last night, that cannot be what I am suffering from. What I suffer from, no one knows... ^^

The concert last night was fantastic. Jason Mraz never fails to disappoint, and always puts up an awesome show. Any performance that has me up and dancing is a good show. The man has personality and major vocal skillz. I'd kill to be able to sing like him.

We got to the show a little late, due to some confusion regarding directions (the center of town is not usually the location you're looking for), but that ended up working to our advantage, as it allowed us to get a little lost, go 'round the wrong side of the building, and find Toca Rivera, the percussionist (he’s been with Mraz since Mraz started doing music. Very cool guy) hanging out with a couple of fans and smoking. He very kindly signed my CD. The amusing part of this was that one of the buses was off to our left, and with the windows open, we could clearly see Jason and some bandmates smoking. When I walked behind the bus, I got a lungful of some pot. Yes, they were very baked for the show, but it really didn’t affect the performance at all. They were note perfect on stage. My dad called it ‘taking the edge off’. ^^

The show itself had some delightful moments; during “I’ll Do Anything” Jason changed the lyrics to Toca’s actual cell phone number, which we later called and found out his voice mailbox was full (given to a house full of teenyboppers who I’m sure screamed “OMG!! Can we talk to Jason?!?? *giggle, giggle*” in to the phone…*shudder*); a disco version of “Sleep All Day” (I did my imitation of John Travolta on that one, ask Cliff, it was a sight…); teaching the audience a new language (basically scatting (dobe do do do etc.), which Jason is a master of), and beautiful performances of old and new songs, and a basically fantastic setlist. The man can truly rock. If he’s coming to your town, I suggest you grab tickets now. He’s worth every penny.

We didn’t get home until about midnight, as I tried to indulge my fangirlishness to get an autograph, but Jason was too tired, and went straight to his bus (he probably had the munchies something awful). It was entertaining to watch him walk by unnoticed, and then see all the teenyboppers do double takes. ^^ It makes my day when the glitterazzi is foiled. I didn’t care that much. I got to see a great concert, let the man get his rest.

But now I’m suffering a severe case of sleep deprivation, as I didn’t fall asleep until 2am (too excited), and then got woken up by my cats freaking out cause of the raccoon in the yard, and then woke up at 6am for a doctors appointment at 7am that I couldn’t make anyway because the freeway was backed up for 10 miles because CalTrain is really smart and closed off two lanes of the busiest freeway during the worst hours of the commute. *deep breath* So now I’m work, really kinda tired, but buzzed after my wonderful evening.

Yeah, that’s too long. But that’s me right now. Excuse me, I need to annoy my co-workers by singing Jason.


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