Thursday, November 27, 2003

Today is supposed to be a day of thanks, for all that we have been given.

But today, I'm not thankful.

Yesterday was a terrible day. There was a horrific accident on the San Mateo bridge Tuesday afternoon, the driver of a Volvo station wagon was killed when it was dragged a considerable distance after being hit by a semi truck. The car was not only destroyed, it caught fire, and the victim was so badly burned as to be almost unidentifiable.

That victim was my friend, Anicka Mihalik. She was driving my friend Bodhi's Volvo station wagon, and was carrying her beloved pewterware to a fair that she was merchanting at this weekend. I got the news yesterday morning.

If anyone who reads this has *ANY* information regarding this tragedy, or knows some way of getting more information on when the police will decide whether or not to bring up charges on the driver of the truck, or any information at all, please e-mail me, and let me know. I will not let this rest, and I will not be kept in the dark.

Happy Thanksgiving.


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