Saturday, May 26, 2007

In the tune of random, I had two events happen today, and it's yet to be noon.

1. I was attempting to get coffee with the Johnsons, when a member of my crew pulled up in his car. It being both his birthday and his graduation day, it was nice to wish him well in person.

2. Whilst moving about orchestras for a festival that takes place where I work, a woman came up to me and asked if I was in fact, me. I spent my summers swimming with her kids and her husband recognized me.

I figured I should write this down before anything else odd happened.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

LOST is completely insane. I'm convinced either writers are writing scenes almost independently of each other, or that they have an intricately woven plot that is highlighted each week with 1) "Cool things", 2) "Mysteries we'll never solve", 3) "Characters acting completely out of character", 4) "Things that will make people hate us", 5) "Things we want to get away with."

Certainly not the season finale I was hoping for. I feel somewhat let down. Also, I wasn't entirely pleased with the season finale of "Heroes" either, and the "24" season finale was good, but entirely too telegraphed. "House" better end well, otherwise it's pretty much an endgame fail across television. Oh, except "How I Met Your Mother," which had a fantastic ending.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Today while fooling around with my electric guitar, I discovered the opening riff to U2's "I Will Follow." I realize it's a painfully easy riff, but I'm still just discovering the "big rock" sound, and the change from acoustic guitar to electric is a big shock to me... I'm getting there, although I really should play more.

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My dad usually picks up the phone and says "Fine, and how are you?" He claims it cuts to the chase. I call him this afternoon and he picks up "As well as can be expected, and how are you?"

So I came up with the following catastrophies:

1. Midgets have invaded the house and are biting at his knees. "As well as can be expected, and how are you?"

2. The house has flooded, which is ironic, as they live on a hill, because the last house they owned was flooded. Twice. "As well as can be expected, and how are you?"

3. My nephew has taken over the porn industry at the ripe old age of 22 months. "As well as can be expected, and how are you?"

4. A lighting fixture has fallen on his head. "As well as can be expected, and how are you?"

After illuminating him to these scenarios, he thought it best not to use that particular phrasing ever again. He did tell me that I should write it down. I invite you all to add your own scenarios for this phrase.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I have finally found something good about Turlock. The local theater closes at 8:00pm on Thursdays so for the premier of Pirates, they are showing it at 8 instead of midnight. I get to see it four hour ahead of time. I so can't wait.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Wheeee! I'll be on the plane to Hong Kong in under 24 hours. Back on the 7th!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Just so you're aware, the price of stamps goes up today.
Studio 60 is officially over, sadly. I'm none too pleased about this, but oh well, a lot of good television gets canceled, and a lot of less than great things stay on the air.

Friday, May 04, 2007

I guess I'm kind of incensed about this. Oddly, I take issue with stupidity in the workplace. It's no secret that I work in HR, which can be one of the stupider departments in any company (the stories I hear...) but I try and balance out those stories by being good at what I do, and helping out people more than being a hindrince. And making fun of the stupid people, of course. I'm not a saint, c'mon (and no, I'm not pregnant...).

But that story above just pisses me off. I can understand firing someone for gross imcompetance, or rude/offensive behaviour, but for talking about a hobby? And then sending the cops after him for taking out some of his frustrations in an idle, and funny, commentary via the internet? Give me a break! What, do people expect us to vent our frustrations in quiet, calm ways, that give offense to no one? I can't believe that a JOKE about a really crap situation would be taken that far? It's a waste of time for the cops, and it's a loss of a good employee for a company, simply because of someone's extreme paranoia.

Matt, I know you have little idea who I am, but you've got my sympathies, and a bit of rightous anger on your behalf. This is complete and utter bullshit, and while I know you probably don't want the attention, this is worth that attention, and I hope it gets a lot of it.

Yeah, I'm done. I've run out of coherent for the morning...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A little more about the personality types, in regards to that test I linked to earlier. Oh, and for the record, I took the longer version and was an 8 there, so I suppose I'm part 2, part 8...

-Good stuff: Able to create order from chaos. Wise. Idealistic. Self-Disciplined. Honest. Hard working.
-Not good stuff: Comparing self to others. Inflexible. Judgmental. Critical.
-Care and Feeding of a 1: Teach them to laugh and play. Thank them for their efforts. Listen to them.
Passion: Anger
Habit: Resentment
Higher Mind: Perfectionist
Virtue: Serenity

-Good Stuff: Easy to connect to all different types of people. Supportive. Generous. Intuitive. Selfless. Loving.
-Not good stuff: Manipulative. Possessive. Indirect. Hysterical.
-Care and Feeding of a 2: Appreciate them even when they are not supporting/helping you. Teach them to ask for what they what. Encourage them to relax and enjoy the day.
Passion: Pride
Habit: Flattery
Higher Mind: Freedom
Virtue: Humility

-Good Stuff: The ability to achieve and successfully complete a task they decide on. Self-Motivated. Confident. Industrious. Decisive. Optimistic.
-Not good stuff: Deceptive. Pretentious. Ruthless. Vain.
-Care and Feeding of a 3: Appreciate their work and praise and encourage often. Remind them to share their feelings. Encourage them to take mini vacations from projects and work.
Passion: Deceit
Habit: Vanity
Higher Mind: Hope
Virtue: Honesty

-Good Stuff: Appreciation for beautiful things, both tangible and non tangible. Artistic. Creative. Passionate. Intuitive. Compassionate.
-Not good stuff: Moody. Over-Dramatic. Withdrawn. Feeling Rejected.
-Care and Feeding of a 4: Remind them that you are there for them. Don't dismiss their moods; allow them their feelings, even if it is silly to you. Share nature or art with them.
Passion: Envy
Habit: Melancholy
Higher Mind: Connections with higher being
Virtue: Equanimity

-Good Stuff: Contentment in solitude. Wise. Loyal. Sensitive. Thoughtful. Calm.
-Not good stuff: Reclusive. Detached. Arrogant. Unavailable.
-Care and Feeding of a 5: Give them space and privacy. Be patient and calm around them. Let them come to you.
Passion: Avarice
Habit: Stinginess
Higher Mind: Omniscience
Virtue: Nonattachment

-Good Stuff: The ability to analyze and appreciate complex issues. Hardworking. Witty. Likable. Dutiful. Practical.
-Not good stuff: Sarcastic. Paranoid. Defensive. Insecure.
-Care and Feeding of a 6: Do not diminish their fears, work with them to diminish them. Do not overreact when they do. Don't be put off by their sarcastic comments, it is their fears.
Passion: Doubt
Habit: Cowardice
Higher Mind: Faith
Virtue: Courage

-Good Stuff: Experiences and embraces adventures fully. Curious. Spontaneous. Charming. Enthusiastic. Optimistic.
-Not good stuff: Scattered. Impulsive. Undisciplined. Rebellious.
-Care and Feeding of a 7: Encourage them to be alone and focused on a quiet activity. Share their adventures and ask them to share them with you via questions or activities. Appreciate their sparkle and joy.
Passion: Gluttony
Habit: Rationalizing
Higher Mind: Sobriety
Virtue: Constancy

-Good Stuff: Does not experience danger or fear. Protective. Loyal. Straightforward. Self-Confident. Fair.
-Not good stuff: Domineering. Aggressive. Insensitive. Rebellious.
-Care and Feeding of an 8: Confront them in honesty. Stand up for the 8 if they are right, too often no one does. Match their energy and passion with some of your own.
Passion: Lust
Habit: Vengeance
Higher Mind: Truth
Virtue: Innocence

-Good stuff: Able to enjoy and like things and people without needing to change it. Reassuring. Peaceful. Patient. Non Judgmental. Empathic.
-Not so good stuff: Stubborn. Not acknowledging anger. Nonassertive. Critical.
-Care and Feeding of a 9: Share quiet times with them. Allow them time to make their point. Let them work independently.
Passion: Sloth
Habit: Indolence
Higher Mind: Love
Virtue: Proper Action