Friday, May 04, 2007

I guess I'm kind of incensed about this. Oddly, I take issue with stupidity in the workplace. It's no secret that I work in HR, which can be one of the stupider departments in any company (the stories I hear...) but I try and balance out those stories by being good at what I do, and helping out people more than being a hindrince. And making fun of the stupid people, of course. I'm not a saint, c'mon (and no, I'm not pregnant...).

But that story above just pisses me off. I can understand firing someone for gross imcompetance, or rude/offensive behaviour, but for talking about a hobby? And then sending the cops after him for taking out some of his frustrations in an idle, and funny, commentary via the internet? Give me a break! What, do people expect us to vent our frustrations in quiet, calm ways, that give offense to no one? I can't believe that a JOKE about a really crap situation would be taken that far? It's a waste of time for the cops, and it's a loss of a good employee for a company, simply because of someone's extreme paranoia.

Matt, I know you have little idea who I am, but you've got my sympathies, and a bit of rightous anger on your behalf. This is complete and utter bullshit, and while I know you probably don't want the attention, this is worth that attention, and I hope it gets a lot of it.

Yeah, I'm done. I've run out of coherent for the morning...


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