Monday, August 30, 2004

And Kevin's thoughts on the whole thing...

So I guess Green Hornet's just a script for him now, and he won't be directing it. And there is still a Clerks cartoon movie coming, but that's going to be different than this... interesting. It'll be strange to see Randal and Dante ten years later, but y'know, sign me up....
I found this important:

(From Kevin Smith is making a sequel to 1994's Clerks titled The Passion of the Clerks. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the film will pick up 10 years after the original, with Brian O'Halloran and Jeff Anderson once again starring.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

We've been too quiet here lately. Let's talk politics....


Seriously. I'm not incredibly pro-Kerry, but if Bush had made any more mistakes in the last four years, if he had done anything else wrong, I'd be complaining from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean by now...

Good lord. And yes, I fully expect all the conservative readers to come out of the closet and try and defend President Bush. And I will IGNORE YOU ALL.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Ok...fuck developers have gone off the deep end if they think I'm gona pay $50 for a game then be subjected to this. Then again it is Activision. When was the last time I actualy bought one of thier games? Oh yea...Spy Hunter...Wonder how long before EA picks up on this crap. *shudder*

Monday, August 23, 2004

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Ok...loseing sanity over this, but I have faith. I need ONE more person to click on this link, signup, do an offer (AOL is easiest since you just signup then cancel a week have 45 days). I have 4 people that have thus far managed to do it right out of 13 (one is Cliff and I am very thankful for that which I hear he’s got all 5 he needed). Someone out there please?

Oh yea btw use Internet Explorer ONLY when you click this link and NO POP UP BLOCKERS. It screws their weird system up somehow.

Help me get an iPod!!!

This one's for the Hamu.
Okay, so everytime I try to send an e-mail about this, I get distracted and it doesn't work.

So, general annoucement. The parental units are gone as of tomorrow afternoon for the weekend. Anyone who wants to come over and hang out, please do. BYOB, and if enough people show up, I'll BBQ.

Dom, Keith, this means both of you too. The rest of you know who you are. If you don't, call me. ^_^

Somewhere along the line, my musical tastes seem to have gone haywire. I've gone from listening to neu-glam-rock like The Killers to alt-country-rock like Ryan Adams, Cracker and Jesse Malin to the beat-folk of Leonard Cohen to the sampling genius of DJ Shadow to the neo-post-metal of The Cult to classic Led Zepplin to the piano meanderings of Ben Folds... Seriously, I must be more musically diverse than any other human being on the planet. I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

I mean, ME, alt-country?

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Final bruise count: 19, most on my upper left thigh, and I'm only counting the bruises that are larger than a quarter. I have a very nice one on my rear end that was incurred while walking backwards up an aisle only to have an unfortunate run in with a theatre seat and the lead actress in the show look at me and say "That's gonna bruise." The nails went on Wednesday, and the social life was happening all week long.

And then I had to go back to my real life. Albeit, much happier. My summer is complete.

Monday, August 16, 2004

As of today (well, the few minutes that are left of today), it's been a month since my Grandmother died. That little anniversary has apparently been accompanied by a gigantic case of writer's block.

I can pretty much sum up how I feel about it like this: I don't remember what her voice sounded like. That's going to haunt me, I think. It's understandable--I haven't heard her voice doing anything but coughing or wheezing in over six years--but it disturbs me nonetheless.

I'll stop drifting aimlessly any day now, I swear.
So I found that I had a bit of extra money on Friday after taking care of some finances, so I bought an iPod, 20gb.

And to quote McDonalds, "I'm lovin' it". I did my first workout with it today, and there's nothing like rowing to large men chanting "ESCA-FLOWNE" in ones ear to make you work that much harder.

Ah, sweetness.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Is it sad that I realized that it was halfway through the summer and I hadn't sustained any bruises, my nails were growing long and I was painting them (this was making me seem girly, and I'm not ready for that yet), and that I hadn't really gotten my fill of second-hand smoke? I'm spending the week at my old job volunteering and in 3 days, received 10 bruises (running with chairs, if you must know) inhaled 2 or 3 cigarettes through walking from the dressing rooms to the theatre (for the record, I am not a smoker, although I get some sick pleasure from getting it secondhand, it reminds me of theatre and theatre is home for me), and I'm pissed that I have yet to break a nail.

And I'm loving every minute of it.
So my mom sits down next to me today while I'm writing up Evil Genius, and tries to give me the "if your friends try to get you to smoke, just say no" speech. Good Lord. You'd think that my substance-free existence (no caffeine even, not these days) would be good enough for them... but no, they're that out of touch.

I have to get a job and get out of here. I really do.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

*places a small soapbox on the ground and steps up*

I'll try to keep this short.

I am not a celebrity. I am famous in no way.

In understanding of that, I would *really* appreciate it if I, my problems, faults, defects, and mistakes, or my supposed inner wants, desires, and what I should do with my life, were not discussed or listed in open forums and open websites as it has happened in the past, and continues to occur. While I am willing to share some portions of my life on certain webpages, and while I understand that people like to vent, sharing with the *entire computerized world* my faults and what my problems are believed to be, with insight as to how I can be fixed, is not productive, whether or not my name is mentioned in full.

Stop it. It's annoying, it's painful, and it's nobody else's business. When/If I achieve celebrity status, then I surrender my rights to a semblance of privacy, but it hasn't happened yet.

I will not discuss this further, so don't message me about it, or apologize for it. You didn't learn in the past, but you damn well know now. It's done already. Just shut the fuck up and stop.

*steps off the soapbox and walks away.*

Monday, August 09, 2004

I had an excellent weekend. Good friends, good food, good reminiscings, and great new memories. AND I got in my workouts.

Every once in awhile good news needs to be shared too.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Today we lay the Superfreak to rest. Go on, Superfreak, stay superfreaky....
When the strip goes away for a bit, so does my sanity, I think. Now that it's back up again, it's like letting out a slow sigh of relief, and a little smile to myself.

I'm getting by, know I haven't posted here in a while. Haven't felt like talking much.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Welp, my cat is fine, she just had some very personal cat problems that I'm soooo not going into right here. Let's just say that it involves certain parts of bowel functions, and leave it at that.

My ankle is still swollen, and I'm horrifically afraid that by the time it heals, all the good I've done myself by exercising is going to completely negated. So if anyone has any suggestions as to keep the weight off, let me know. Eating less is something I'm sorta of doing, but it's never been my strong suite... *sigh*

E-mail if you have suggestions on recovering faster from a twisted ankle. Cause this is sucking ass.
Note to self: Diet Coke, after quitting caffeine, is NOT good. Repeat. NOT good. Being awake at 3 AM is not normal... anymore. Grr, damn gaming food!

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Okay, I'm officially bored of the Scott Peterson trial. I mean, not just disinterested, not just bored, but I'm actively avoiding the thing. Why, WHY does the media find it necessary to tell me that he ordered porn on his satellite dish? WHY?

Monday, August 02, 2004

Hmm.. life update time.

So, San Diego was fantabulous, I had a wonderful time geeking out. I got to meet Michael Shanks and Christopher Judge from Stargate SG-1, and they were ridiculously cheerful, so that was pretty cool. Firefly r0x0rs, and stoned voice actors are highly entertaining. Oh, and if you ever have the opportunity to see Shaun of the Dead, go. And then tell me about it, because I want to see it sooooo bad…

Got lots of autographs, some spiffy pics (Thanks Dave Kellet!) and met tons of cool people. Overall, I loved SDCC, and I pray I can go again next year.

The news of last week: I’ve screwed up my ankle royally. It’s not broken (I’m pretty sure), but it definitely got twisted, and is currently several lovely shades of purple. Oddly, it hurts more today than it did last week… It’s still swollen, and very stiff, but it’s healing, which is a good thing. I just won’t be running, or walking quickly, for a few weeks, which means I need to find a different method of exercising so I can keep healthy and not get all pudgy again. But I’m not using a cane to get around anymore, which is good. ^_^

My cat has developed an open sore in a very sensitive place, which has me a little worried. But I’m taking her to the vet tomorrow, so we’ll see on that.

Hmm… I think that’s about it. I’m still employed, still alive, and still awake, so those are all good things. I’ll just go from there.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Back after the bandwidth-induced death.

Just want everyone to know, you need to see Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. After the first five minutes, I was laughing almost non-stop. Good shit.