Thursday, November 09, 2006

In the last twelve hours I've nearly set my house on fire/electrocuted myself, and accidently injured my cat...

Details: In an accident too detailed and stupid to relate completely, last night I short circuited my phone charger, creating a small explosion of sparks and destroying said charger, the cat toy that did the short circuiting, and possibly the electrical outlet the charger was plugged into.

This morning while attempting to clip the kittens razor-like claws, he squirmed at the last second, causing me to cut his claw too close to the quick, and causing him to bleed a great deal.

All this along with the cold I've acquired this week. These several things have made me declare the week moot and a do over to be scheduled sometime towards the end of my lifetime. Maybe.

I'll be in the corner pounding my head against a wall.


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