Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Some Europeans Aren't Fans of Halloween

On the topic of cultures, if your culture can't stand up to ours to the point you're afraid of your children enjoying "our" (not the only European pagans we stole them from) customs, I have to say there is a much larger problem with your country than you think there is. I mean holy crap, I guess I better go back to only dating white people, eating hamburgers, and driving a hot pink 1967 Cadilac El Dorado Convertable with whale skin hub caps and all leather cow interior at 115 miles per hour getting one mile per gallon or else I might lose my cultural identiy! Lets ban all anime and anyone who thinks the japanese are cool, all imported movies and music must be banned, video games are right out too! The people behind Fosters and their "australian" beer shall be drawn and quartered! WE MUST PROTECT AMERICAN CULTURE!

I wonder how many of these so-called Europeans remember their anglo-saxon heritage, rather than the bullshit they made up when they decided to draw country boundries on a map. Culture my ass.


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