That's me. Screw the cool part. The one college I applied for a lower division transfer from Community College rejected me based on the grounds that I was missing art, math, and langauge classes. I tend to get miffed when a school requires me to have already taken the same classes that they STILL TEACH at college. Cause you know, I really would have liked the chance to learn Japanese AGAIN. Seems kind of pointless.
At anyrate, I've decided to suck it up and finish what will most likly be a year at community college and then transfer as an upper division student - which should be quite easy given my GPA. But for some reason I would have rather done 3 years at Sac State than 1 year at jerk-off school and two years at Sac, just to avoid feeling like a total retard. Seriously, I have some kind of anti-slacking mechanism built in, regardless of how much I actually try to slack. I get tired of work (or more, tired of trying to figure out how to get more money at work), figure taking a few small loans and hitting my dad up for cash for the next three years would be fun, and then when I actually get close to it I start thinking I should just keep working and keep making something of myself, furthermore, I get even more pissed when I find out it's going to be even easier than previously expected. I don't care what people say, give me 20 credits at Sac State a semester (or any school for that matter) without havign to work and I'll still consider it easy compared to figuring out how to pay rent, make my car maintence bills and still be able to afford Taco Bell for the night (which when I eat alone, is about as cheap as actually cooking).
Maybe I should grow dread-locks and start smoking pot while I'm at it. Then my clothes would smell just like everyone elses at school!