Saturday, March 26, 2005

I realize now, having seen NIN last night that in the world of anger, loathing and self-destruction, I am purely an amateur. Listening to angry, depressing music isn't a good thing when you're angry and depressed, but in the words of Trent, "I just don't care anymore. Nothing can stop me now."

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

This morning I woke up, lettered Devious, posted the strip, then went out and learned I hate my car. Flat tire. After getting help from Sean and AAA, took the car to get a new tire. Then I found out I *really* hate my car... Going to lose it for a day in the shop some time in the next two weeks, and my wallet is already screaming in pain.

I really hate cars. I'd be swearing a lot more, but I'm angry about too many things right now to be bothered with swear words...

Monday, March 21, 2005

Fuck the prudes! I'm tired of everything in our society being forced into being "child-safe."

I don't want my movies PG, I want my sex and violence to be R. I want to be treated like the adult I am. Stop pandering to the kids and forgetting that the rest of us exist, because I'm sick and tired of a world aimed at teenagers who can't handle the real world.

Some of us LIVE in the real world, and this toning down of society is fucking bullshit. Kill all the puritanical bastards. Rip open their chests and shit down into their black hearts for all the harm they've done this fucking country over the last decade. I am not ashamed of myself, my body or anyone else's body. I am not ashamed of sex... I'm just ashamed of these people.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Behold, the amazing tale of my survival! Fresh from the first person I told it to (You know, the person who gives me sex):

[09:50] Mav the Evil: HOLY #%#%^@ !@#$@ @# I'M ALIVE!
[09:50] Mav the Evil: *victory dance*
[09:50] MysticDragoness: . ..?
[09:51] Mav the Evil: and before you ask why I say this, I will tell you that today I have seen what oncoming traffic looks like on 50 from the wrong side of the divider
[09:52] MysticDragoness: . . .
[09:52] MysticDragoness: Erm
[09:52] MysticDragoness: What?!
[09:53] Mav the Evil: there was a metallic ladder in the offramp lane at folsom. Because it was metalic finish, and its slightly blue skies but overcast, I didn't see it until I was right up on it... and since this thing comes up to where my wheels meet the bumper, I did not want to hit this. So I swerved left and lost traction as I was trying to correct, and basically over corrected, so now I'm heading torwards the ditch, or starting to, so I swerve left again
[09:53] Mav the Evil: so now I'm looking at an awesome impact with the center divider, I start trying to even out and apply brakes... and its around that time I do a one 80 and start facing the card behind me
[09:53] Mav the Evil: fortunately he was one lane over and was smart enough to slow down and move so we didn't collide
[09:54] MysticDragoness: .... oh god
[09:54] Mav the Evil: and I come to a stop facing the wrong way in the left lane, or what is now the right lane
[09:54] Mav the Evil: and then pull onto the shoulder
[09:54] Mav the Evil: about 4 minutes later there was 3 highway patrol bikes driving by and one of the camaros, which slowed down traffic so I could get off the freeway
[09:55] MysticDragoness: ><
[09:55] MysticDragoness: *hugs tight*
[09:56] MysticDragoness: You scare me. You're not allowed to get in near-death situations anymore
[09:56] Mav the Evil: meep meep
[09:57] Mav the Evil: well near car accident anyways
[09:57] Mav the Evil: I wouldn't have swerved if there was more traffic
[09:57] Mav the Evil: but the road was clear to my left so I took it... I just didn't expect to take up 4 lanes to correct myself
[09:57] Mav the Evil: so basically I've just been trying to figure out what I did right and what I did wrong
[09:58] Mav the Evil: I'm pretty damn sure I did something wrong that I went through that much of a problem just to stop
[09:58] Mav the Evil: but I'm pretty sure I did something right because nothing bad happened to my car
[09:58] MysticDragoness: *hug*

So, in summary, I probably did something just a little too wrong considering the rammifications my first swerve took on my traction with the road, but considering how many idiots crash on 50 daily to lesser things than this, I take comfort in I did a good enough job to stay alive.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

And another one's gone, another one's gone, another one bites the dust...

Three people gone from my department in two weeks. This does not bode well.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

About time =P

Yay, California! I hope it all goes through. LBGT people deserve their rights to be happy like anyone else.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

I'm going to Seattle on Friday.

Microsoft is paying to fly me up there to talk to me for 5 or 6 hours, and paying for a hotel, and everything, to see if they want to hire me for a position.

And all of this from a phone call last Friday at lunchtime.

My brain is spinning.

Friday, March 11, 2005

One of these days, I will understand where this email came from, why I got it and what it all means... most importantly, though, did he get the help he was looking for? It's a few years old, but I thought I'd share it all with you...

"Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
Frank Young ( on Thursday, January 10, 2002 at

message: If you are a time traveler or alien disguised as human
and or have the technology to travel physically through time I
need your help!

My life has been severely tampered with and cursed!!
I have suffered tremendously and am now dying!

I need to be able to:

Travel back in time.

Rewind my life including my age back to 4.

Be able to remember what I know now so that I can prevent my
life from being tampered with again after I go back.

I am in very great danger and need this immediately!

I am aware that there are many types of time travel, and that
humans do not do well through certain types.

I need as close to temporal reversion as possible, as safely as
possible. To be able to rewind the hands of time in such a way
that the universe of now will cease to exist.
I know that there are some very powerful people out there with
alien or government equipment capable of doing just that.

If you can help me I will pay for your teleport or trip down
here, Along with hotel stay, food and all expenses. I will pay
top dollar for the equipment. Proof must be provided.

Also if you are one of the very few beings with the ability to
edit the universe PLEASE REPLY!!!

Only if you have this technology and can help me please send me
a (SEPARATE) email to:

Please do not reply if your an evil alien!


God bless the Internet.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Ring Moans. What a wonderful use of technology... (Sarcasm off.)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I'm remembering why I named the car Puck*.

So I take the car in to have the rear brakes replaced, and ask the service tech to see how much it would cost to replace some buls in my dashboard, as they've been going in and out for the past few weeks. The number comes up in the triple digits. I decline, thinking that I can buy a manual for $20 and the errant bulbs for under $5 apiece. As I'm driving home, I notice that as it gets darker, all the bulbs that were on the fritz are now lit.

The car likes to mess with me. If I wake up as a donkey tomorrow, I'm selling it.

*Puck was the mischievious fairy in Midsummer Night's Dream.

Monday, March 07, 2005

*chugs 3rd can for today*

Red Bull gives you wings!!!

Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! *vanishes*

Sunday, March 06, 2005

I now officially hate Ticketmaster.

The Killers, two shows at The Fillmore, sold out in 30 minutes, couldn't get in the whole time. Tix now being scalped on Ebay for $100+ a ticket.

Nine Inch Nails, two shows at The Warfield, sold out in 35 minutes, couldn't get in the whole time. Tix now being scalped on Ebay for $75+ a ticket.

Maybe I should just stop going to fucking concerts...

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Look what I can do!

A website!

I designed this site, I put this site together. As per the specifications of the application that is going into it, the design can stretch horizontally and vertically without "breaking". Now I just have to wait for my boss to finish programming the back-end data base stuff.

Also, it turns out I got a 1230 on the SAT's. Considering I haven't been in a math class for 5 years, I'm somewhat pleased.

But mostly, look what I can do!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

So... I have the plague.

It's actually The Plague: Reloaded, to be honest. Hmm... let's be less vague (and ixnay the bad movie references.).

So the skin on my lower back, in a strip that goes from my spine to my belly button on the left side only, had been sensative, starting at Wondercon. Thinking nothing of it, as I get sensative patches every now and again, I ignored it. But it kept getting worse, till it was pretty painful, like a really bad sunburn. But only on the left side of my abdominal and back region.

And then little blisters started forming.

I finally went to the doctor today, and confirmed my suspisions, though only vaguely.

I have shingles.

"Huh?" I hear you say. Okay, let me explain. Shingles are chicken pox: redux. Basically, once you recover from chicken pox, the virus actually never leaves your body. It goes dormant, and basically sits in your spinal fluid as a pretty non-threatening little bug. But if you're immune system gets weakened at all, it takes advantage of the thinning of the guard, and reactivates, only this time, in the form of shingles. Basically, the disease travels along a nerve bundle along one side, reaches the surface, and then turns into happy blisters that eventually rupture, seep, and then heal. And all the while, there is pain. Lots of pain. Though I'm pretty lucky. I have a mild case only.

You can see some gruesome pictures if you do an image search for 'shingles' on Google. It's not pretty.

Mine don't look that bad, but the doctor says she's never seen it like I have it and that I have all the rest of the symptoms. So I now have to take a freaking HUGE pill (it's blue, haha), that I swear is the size of my thumb from the tip to the first joint, 800mg. That's a large pill. Thankfully, my pain is ignorable, if obnoxious occasionally.

So, I have the plague. But I'll survive. And I'll work too, just in really loose clothing that won't irritate my poor, sore skin.

Thus, the news of Erin.