Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Wheee!!! It's fun how something with the words "First Aid" in it's title does nothing but make matter worse -_-
Goddamn MT fans! I have an appointment with Square Enix! YES, I'll be seeing FFXII. YES, I'll be seeing Kingdom Hearts II. YES, I'll probably see a blurb about Advent Children. STOP TALKING TO ME

Tuesday, April 27, 2004


Saturday, April 24, 2004

Just so everyone in The Touched crew knows, we'll be down a bit until Dom finds out what's going on with the server move...
Me too!
See, now, this is sad. I'm posting here just to see if it lets me sign up for Gmail. How sad is that. :D
I am nucking futs.

Oh yea...g-mail account here too...lets see how long before it gets spammed into oblivion!

Friday, April 23, 2004

So, just to recap yesterday's news, I have a phone interview today with Google, at noon, Pacific time, for an AdWords Representative job.

I'm really, really, *REALLY* nervous, and I'm not sure why.

It probably has a lot to do with the fact that I would love to work at Google. It just strikes me as a pretty nifty company, with cool people. But then there's also the desperation of getting out of the job I currently have, which is not only a dead end, but provides no benefits whatsoever. And since I have recently discovered that the only way I can get health insurance is to get a job that provides it (I have some previous health problems that made the insurance company go "No way!"). Being sick this week with something weird didn't help either. I *need* to get out of here.

And I'm writing this at work too. ^^

So this phone interview becomes even more important. It's a chance at something more stable, so I can stop worrying about how much my parents support me. And stability can help me pursue other dreams, including my acting and singing.

But the nerves come back again, because if they do offer me a job (they won't in a phone interview, but I'm still worried), I can't start for about 3 weeks from next Monday, since I need two weeks notice from work, and then the week after that is E3, which I already have tickets and hotel rooms for, and I don't want to miss that. So again, the hoping that it won't be a problem, and won't make them say "Oh, that long? Oh, well, we can't hire you then." *cringe*

So, if there are any readers out there who work for Google, and can reassure me that your HR department doesn't breathe flame, and isn't out to get me, I'd welcome the reassurance. ^^

But in the good Google-y news department, I got Gmail, from Google. I won't post the address, the spam is getting insane, but I'll let every know who needs to know the new address. My address still works, so if you need to contact me, please feel free.

Whoo! That's a rant. I'm going to go do actual work now.

*And yes, I posted this on Nekobox. But some people here don't go there, so there's the life update for you.*

Thursday, April 22, 2004

By the way, in a completely unrelated note--oop-ack is moving servers in a few days, which means I'll have to get in touch with Cliff and's admins to get moved over too.
Ever since I read Love in the Western World by Denis de Rougemont back in high school, I've wondered. Do I actually fall in love with people? Or do I fall in love with the roles that traditional/popular romance sets forth? Do I actually enjoy fitting myself into romantic archetypes? Do I like setting up little tragedies just so I can feel that cathartic moment as it comes to the inevitable (or perhaps prepared) conclusion? Do I not actually want to get into a relationship because the reality of an actual relationship pales in comparison to the drama I play out in my mind?

Whenever I ask myself these questions, I have to wonder what I'm looking for in relationships--whether I'm evaluating the other person as they are or I'm evaluating them as they relate to my conception of what a relationship should be in its idealized form-which is not to say unflawed, but rather conceptualized to fit a story.

I also have to read Love in the Western World again, because I may just be blowing smoke out of my ass.
Somebody up there loves me...

I've got a phone interview with Google tomorrow at noon. ^^

If I get the job, I'll pee my pants. ^^

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Dingonosuke has a new friend~

Monday, April 19, 2004

So let's see... assuming a $25.2 million yearly salary, divided evenly over 162 games... that makes for about $155,555.56 per game for A-Rod. Over 12 games, that's 1.87 million, divided by 7 hits...

Which means that Alex Rodriguez has been paid $266,666.67 per base hit this year. Note that the Yankees don't pay all of his salary--Tom Hicks still has to pay for some. But even still, at least Hicks got something vaguely resembling his money's worth.

Add in his 6 walks, and you get a more modest $143,589.74 per time he gets on base. Man, I wish I could make that kind of money for walking 90 feet.
Attention all E3 planning commit members. If you want to see me while you are down here I need to know what you all plan on doing Wednesday after geek-fest. If you don't already have plans I want to come see you for like dinner or something. Tell me what you think.
We're suddenly discussing sports...

I'm afraid...

Go Sharks!! ^^
The monkey believes that if you want to be the man, you've got to beat the man. Even without the Admiral and with a hole in backup 1 (Speedy is missed, who steps up if Parker goes down?), the Spurs are still my favorite. Great team defense (Bruce Bowen, Kobe Stopper) and of course, Tim Duncan. Beyond them, I have to say I'll hang my hat on the T-Wolves if they manage to make it out of the first round, while you can never fully count out the Lakers.

Although... if Vince Carter getting his diploma disrupts his team, Kobe flying in from court in Colorado will definitely be a fat distraction. Let the Zen Master try to deal with that.

In the East, I like what the Pacers have done, but I can't see them getting past the Pistons and their addition of Sheed, his respectable shooting and AWESOME defense. You need a better PG than Jamaal Tinsley to make it out of the East, something Kidd has proven. Pistons-Spurs finals... can you imagine the scoring on that one? I'd set the over/under at something like 155.5, and that's being optimistic.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

I love the new NBA ads featuring the players attempting to court the championship trophy. My favorite so far is Gary Peyton talking about how he gave everything up and took a pay cut for "her". And I hate the Lakers. Although Vlade writing "her" love letters was pretty funny.

I also like the little Sprite guy doll. I'm easily amused.

I'd also like to ask for the monkey's opinion on who's going to take the championship, because he knows his shit. Although I'm freely taking all and any suggestions, except Golden State, because they're not in the tournament.
I hate paper sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much right now.
Ugghhh...Feeling soooooo sick...Now if only there was some germ causing this It'd actually be sometin to be happy bout -_-

Friday, April 16, 2004

Ugh. Let's leave it at that. Ugh.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

is it wrong that I feel all warm and fuzzy inside when a Sports Illustrated writer suggests that someone, somewhere learn how to pitch the eephus?

link here.
Dammit, why does everyone keep trying to farm a monster I can summon by taking off my pants? And stealing my crawlers and giant bees while I'm at it...

Of course, I'm in Valkurm now, so it doesn't matter, I'd rather have two white mages...

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Heh...looks like I'm giveing the company that got me on the N-Gage marketing thing to see if they are doing one for the QD. Nothing like an eaisy check I say and another NGage to put on Ebay =)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Just saw the N-Gage QD, which I can safely say Does Not Suck. Now all they need is to wipe America's memory of the bloody abortion which was the N-Gage, and then get some actual decent games on that thing...

And then they'll still probably flop unless they get the fat Euro-style bundles going where you get an N-Gage QD and a few games with your (insert carrier here) plan. Because the American market only gives you one chance, and when you falter, you're toast-see: Atari, Sega. Okay, okay, 3DO lived for much longer than it should've, but that's through money and sheer willpower/insanity on the part of Trip Hawkins.

Monday, April 12, 2004

It is it really that insaine to travel to the other side of the US just to be with a girl for 5 days without really careing bout the costs? ^^
Ah, Plato. Where would relationships be without you?

A lot hornier, that's for sure.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

OK, time for the age old question: Peeps, for or against?
PS. I am officialy a "Meat Popcicle"

Friday, April 09, 2004

Wheee!!! And a woman makes for yet another fun turn in my life. It's fun digging one's self out of holes that were dug months ago without thier knoledge that suddenly get pointed out. Now as to how one comes out of such a situation unscathed is beyond me. *sigh*
Thanks to CNN and a link from Die Puny Humans, I have officially read Way Too Much about child killing and religious fervor.

I need a hug.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

It's Samurai Bob!!!
This pic is specifically for Hamu.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I'm waiting around to get laid off at work.

How fun is that?
Get me one of these, STAT!

Monday, April 05, 2004

Well, I'm pleased to say I've made a Firefly convert out of Greg. He's a hooked addict like many of us.

Also in Firefly news, sounds like the whole cast will be coming back and the movie will be a continuation of the series. It starts production in June and we should see it in theaters sometime next year. Dunno about the rest of you, but I'll be there opening show.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

In the interests of cheering people up, check out:

Penny Arcade Remix. Funnier than the real thing... trust me.

Friday, April 02, 2004

And she died.
The good: I can't stop thinking about her.

The bad: my Grandmother is on her way out.

The ugly: it's going to be a long weekend.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

I have now overtaken Kenya.
I'm sorry, this is funnier.
Well, somebody had to post today...

So, I bring you the results of the first International Space Quidditch Match!

Yes, I'm easily amused... what's your point?