Wednesday, May 28, 2008

You're not subtle, but you don't want to be. Fast, loud, and dramatic, you want people to notice you, and then get out of the way. In a world full of sheep, you're a raging bull.

Take the what car are you quiz">Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Well, this is just turning into a crappy week. Robert Asprin has passed away. For those of you unfamiliar with him, he wrote a great series known as the Myth series. There were lots of books in the series, starting with "Another Fine Myth." If you haven't read any of them, I highly suggest picking up at least the first omnibus and laughing yourself silly. Yet another person I'm not pleased to see pass away...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rory Root passed away yesterday. That doesn't mean anything to almost any of you, I'm sure, but Dom and I are sharing our moment of grief together. I spent probably two hours a week from 2000-2001 in Rory's shop, Comic Relief, down in Berkeley, and about the same from 2003-2005. For my birthday party one year, I set up a scavenger hunt, and one of the places I had people go to was Rory's store. I stopped by every year at SDCC to say hi and shoot the shit for ten fifteen minutes, and always walked away with three or four TPBs from people I'd never heard of and would come to love. Rory introduced me to a lot of great writers, a lot of great comics... he knew everyone in the business and had nothing but respect for people. He had endless stories to share, he was always encouraging and he would offer insight into every aspect. Rory set the bar where it is on what people should expect from their comic shop owner -- a little neighborhood bar, a little bookstore, welcoming and yet still intimate to those who were regulars. The world lost a very kind and generous soul. Some people should have more time on this Earth than they were given -- I'd have gladly given Rory some of mine if I could.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

My office at 8 or so on a Saturday night, when there are only five or six of us working...

Friday, May 16, 2008

More random experimentally photos... Mostly of cats, but also of pictures and blinds and things...

Monday, May 12, 2008

I call shenanigans. I want a do over. For the entire year.

Friday, May 09, 2008

For those of you who aren't aware, Trent Reznor is awesome and released a brand new Nine Inch Nails album on the web for free. This is all new stuff and it doesn't cost you a dime. You can get it here and I recommend you go get it and enjoy it. It's not the best NIN album ever made, but there are several great tracks on it, and, hey, it's fucking FREE and you can't beat that...

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Hey all, How's it hangin'?

I know some of you are going to be out of town but Bowling for Soup is suppose to play in Turlock at the lame ass fair on July 26. Show is free with fair admission which is 10dollars that day. I want to see them, Vader doesn't. If any one is interested please let me know.

love ye

Thursday, May 01, 2008

A conversation between Cliff and Ian M.:

Cliff (4:14:45 PM): You still have the "Golden Delicious" CD in your laptop, BTW.
Ian (4:14:54 PM): ....I do?
Cliff (4:14:58 PM): The case itself was empty.
Ian (4:14:58 PM): Well.... >_> fuck
Ian (4:15:05 PM): Color me dipshit
Cliff (4:15:09 PM): No biggie. I'll just get it next D&D I'm at.
Ian (4:15:24 PM): No no. I'll hire two hobits.
Cliff (4:17:09 PM): Sweet! Will they have a dwarf, a human, an elf and a grizzly old Acadamy Award nominee with them?
Ian (4:17:54 PM): I'll just be hiring the hobits. Who they gather on their way is their own buisness. I'm not paying 7 other people.
Cliff (4:18:24 PM): Just as long there isn't some volcano, or a great big eye over my apartment, I'll be fine with that.
Ian (4:19:01 PM): Then perhaps you might wanna go talk to Sean. I think he's getting the contracting work done for that.
Ian (4:19:18 PM): Hey, if you want hobit messengers you need to set up something for them to walk toward.
Ian (4:19:37 PM): Else they;ll just end up at the gold club.
Ian (4:19:39 PM): Again.
Cliff (4:19:48 PM): Okay, the volcano I can compromise, but if he's getting a damn giant eye built, it'd better be on the roof and not in the back yard.
Cliff (4:20:01 PM): I have enough trouble sleeping without a giant fiery eye peering in my window all night long.
Cliff (4:20:12 PM): I think the hobbits miss their elven princess.
Ian (4:20:16 PM): He won't judge. Much.
Cliff (4:21:16 PM): Oh he says that, but seriously, he'll have the cats batting at the window 24/7, thinking he's the biggest ball ever, and they can't play with him...
Cliff (4:22:12 PM): I am curious where you're going to find a giant tree to carry them around, though.
Cliff (4:22:17 PM): Especially in SF.
Ian (4:22:39 PM): Redwood forest just past the hills
Cliff (4:23:18 PM): Fair enough. Maybe they can smash EA on their way down, for making all those crappy games based on their books.
Ian (4:23:52 PM): Games require less paper than books. I think they're actually fine with it.
Cliff (4:25:19 PM): We were joking around that since they're making two movies based on The Hobbit, which is a short book, how many movies are they going to have to make for The Simarillion? I've decided it should just be a seven week long, continuous miniseries, and it still won't be worth watching.
Ian (4:25:46 PM): Oi.
Cliff (4:26:30 PM): Will anyone sit through 6 hours of "so and so begat so and so"? I would say no, but apparently biblical translations are quite popular these days. I suppose it depends on who reads that section.
Cliff (4:26:39 PM): Someone like Samuel L. Jackson would have me riveted.