A conversation between Cliff and
Ian M.:
Cliff (4:14:45 PM): You still have the "Golden Delicious" CD in your laptop, BTW.
Ian (4:14:54 PM): ....I do?
Cliff (4:14:58 PM): The case itself was empty.
Ian (4:14:58 PM): Well.... >_> fuck
Ian (4:15:05 PM): Color me dipshit
Cliff (4:15:09 PM): No biggie. I'll just get it next D&D I'm at.
Ian (4:15:24 PM): No no. I'll hire two hobits.
Cliff (4:17:09 PM): Sweet! Will they have a dwarf, a human, an elf and a grizzly old Acadamy Award nominee with them?
Ian (4:17:54 PM): I'll just be hiring the hobits. Who they gather on their way is their own buisness. I'm not paying 7 other people.
Cliff (4:18:24 PM): Just as long there isn't some volcano, or a great big eye over my apartment, I'll be fine with that.
Ian (4:19:01 PM): Then perhaps you might wanna go talk to Sean. I think he's getting the contracting work done for that.
Ian (4:19:18 PM): Hey, if you want hobit messengers you need to set up something for them to walk toward.
Ian (4:19:37 PM): Else they;ll just end up at the gold club.
Ian (4:19:39 PM):
Again.Cliff (4:19:48 PM): Okay, the volcano I can compromise, but if he's getting a damn giant eye built, it'd better be on the roof and not in the back yard.
Cliff (4:20:01 PM): I have enough trouble sleeping without a giant fiery eye peering in my window all night long.
Cliff (4:20:12 PM): I think the hobbits miss their elven princess.
Ian (4:20:16 PM): He won't judge. Much.
Cliff (4:21:16 PM): Oh he says that, but seriously, he'll have the cats batting at the window 24/7, thinking he's the biggest ball ever, and
they can't play with him...Cliff (4:22:12 PM): I
am curious where you're going to find a giant tree to carry them around, though.
Cliff (4:22:17 PM): Especially in SF.
Ian (4:22:39 PM): Redwood forest just past the hills
Cliff (4:23:18 PM): Fair enough. Maybe they can smash EA on their way down, for making all those crappy games based on their books.
Ian (4:23:52 PM): Games require less paper than books. I think they're actually fine with it.
Cliff (4:25:19 PM): We were joking around that since they're making two movies based on The Hobbit, which is a short book, how many movies are they going to have to make for The Simarillion? I've decided it should just be a seven week long, continuous miniseries, and it still won't be worth watching.
Ian (4:25:46 PM): Oi.
Cliff (4:26:30 PM): Will anyone sit through 6 hours of "so and so begat so and so"? I would say no, but apparently biblical translations are quite popular these days. I suppose it depends on who reads that section.
Cliff (4:26:39 PM): Someone like Samuel L. Jackson would have me riveted.