Sunday, December 08, 2002

Heh. One of my fellow netizen friends sent me this survey and so I figured, sure, why the hell not. She posted it on her blog, might as well post it on here with my answer. Hey hey, the gang's all welcome to do it too if they want. Just cut'n'paste and fill in the blanks with you, not me. That's what I did...

On with the show, baby, on with the show... come on baby, no no no... Sorry, 80's flashback.

Name: Clifford Anders Hicks
Birthdate: 11/26/76
Birthplace: Sulawesi, Indonesia
Current Location: Bay Area, California
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blonde/brown
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Saggitarius
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Number of siblings: 1

Your heritage: 100& mutt. Approx. 30% German, 20% Norweigan, 10% Swedish, 10% English, and the other 30% assorted others.
The shoes you wore today: Black Vans.
Your Hair: Newly cut pretty short. Doesn't look too bad, really, but I'm still getting used to it.
Your eyes: Deep and mysterious, calculating and cautious, playful and giddy, mischievious and wondering, innocent and lost. Take your pick on any given Sunday.
Your weakness?: Can never turn a friend down unless there's no other option.
Your fears: Afraid of being alone, afraid of losing what I have for what I want, afraid of failure, afraid of being forgotten.

What is:
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes, amazingly enough. Yes, some men DO look above the neck. I am one of them.
Your best physical feature, in your opinion: My grin.
Your best physical feature, in other’s opinions: I think other people would say I have no redeeming physical features whatsoever.
Your sleep position (side, back, or stomach): Ugh. I fall asleep on my stomach 90% of the time and spend most of my time sleeping on my side or on my back, apparently. I can, I've been told, snore from time to time.
Your greatest accomplishment: Successfully bucking the odds and moving to California, not once but twice.
Your favorite art period: Impressionism.
Your favorite class: When I was still in school? Creative Writing, obviously. Or Postmodern Lit. Take your pick for me.
The best time of the day: Between 8-10 p.m. and between 2-4 a.m.

Do You Prefer:
Single or group dates: Generally? Group dates if I'm/she's nervous, single dates if I'm/she's not. But then again, I don't date much by choice. My list of "bad dates" runs pretty long and contains a lot of stories that are pretty funny if you can laugh at your own adversity. I try to.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Being inside or outside: City boy says -- inside unless engaged in outside activity, preferrably with others.
Showers or baths: Survey says... showers. Rarely have time for baths.
Hot or cold weather: Cool, but not cold. Give me a foggy, rainy Saturday afternoon any day.
To lead or follow: Ain't got time to wait for other people to make decisions. I'll be in the lead if you need me.

Do You:
Smoke: Nope.
Cuss: Ridiculously often. Well, not THAT often, but I *like* swearing.. =)
Sing well: Passable, but certainly not enjoyable.
Take a shower everyday: Every day or two.
Sing in the shower: Not generally, but every once in a while.
Have a crush(es) on celebrities: Celebrities are fun to gawk at, but they're not real people.
Think you've been in love: Twice.
Enjoy shopping: From time to time.
Collect anything: Literature, music and graphic novels.
Want to get married: Yeah, I think I could be into that idea, truth be told.
Type with your fingers on the right keys: My typing skills are, let us say, fucked up. I type fast, but I don't type traditionally by any stretch of the imagination. Comes from doing it wrong, but doing it wrong a lot for a long period of time and getting good at it.
Think you're attractive: Bah.
Get along with your parents: Like most people and their parents, I'd guess. Some of the time.
Get asked by friends for advice often: Ze Doctor *is* in...
Like thunderstorms: Oh, I love rain. I love going out and standing in the rain, just letting it pour down on me. Don't give a shit how soaked I get, I love standing in the rain.
Play an instrument: Can passably play guitar.
Have any quirks: Ask everyone else. I'm sure I do and just don't know what they are.
Have pets: Siamese cat named Marx who's asleep on the floor right behind my chair right now. He's sunbathing. Cats are, indeed, solar powered.
Like yourself: I get along with me. I'm fond of me. I'm not perfect and there's things I'd like to improve or fix, but I'm working on what I can, and what I can't, I'm trying to accept or outwait.

In The Past Month, Did/Have You:
Drink alcohol: Yes
Smoked: no
Done a drug: No
Have Sex: no
Made Out: no
Go on a date: no
Go to the mall: Oh sure, my roomies work in the mall...

Have You Ever:
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: It's been a while, but yep.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Hard to say. I've been extremely intoxicated, but never to the point of sickness, vomiting or other major difficulties (unless you count trouble walking)...
Been called a tease: Yeah right.
Been beaten up: Gotten into a couple of fights, but never really been badly beaten up.
Shoplifted: Ah, an illspent youth. Once or twice. Regretted it, but I was young and foolish then, I feel old and foolish now.

The Future:
Age you hope to be married: An age? Hell, I gotta find someone even remotely crazy enough to consider it before I think about that kinda thing.
How do you want to die: In a quick, fast blaze of glory or when I'm old and surrounded by dozens of people I love who love me. I do not want to die "alone, unmourned and unloved."
What do you want to be when you grow up: Older.
What country would you most like to visit: I'd love to see Japan, I'd love to visit England, I've love to go back to Italy again, with MY friends this time...

Opposite Sex:
Best eye color?: Blue.
Best hair color?: Red or black.
Short or long hair?: Long enough to reach the shoulders.
Best height: 5'3-5'8"
Best first date location: Neutral ground of some kind...
Best first kiss location: Some place private, with special meaning if you can get it. Been so long since I had a first kiss, I couldn't even remember...

Number of...
Number of girls I have kissed in my life: 3
Number of girls you have made out with: 2
Number of girlfriends you've had: 1
Number of boys I have kissed: 0
Number of boys you have made out with: 0
Number of boyfriends you've had: 0
Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
Number of people I could trust with my life: 5
Number of piercings: 0
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: I worked for newspapers for over 5 years and was picked up by syndicates more than a few times. I couldn't even count.
Number of scars on my body: 2
Number of things in my past that I regret: Three.

Which is better:
Feeling too much or feeling too little: Feeling too much.
A helpful action driven by malice, or a harmful action driven by an honest desire to help: As long as you're trying to help, you're doing the right thing.

Would you rather:
Be blissfully happy but know you’ll die before you turn 20, or unbelievably sad but know you’ll live to be 100: You can't put any price on true happiness. It's worth everything, even a short life.
Be depressed and wealthy or content and poor: Content and poor. See previous statement on true happiness.

Would you like your parents as people if you just met them on the street?: If I met my folks on the street, I could imagine there would be a lot of differences and I have trouble seeing us staying in touch.
How about your siblings?: Curt? Hell, I dunno how Curt and I would react if we ran into each other on the street.

If you could:
Go back 5 years, what would you tell your younger self: "Don't worry, life picks up a lot and you won't believe what your friends are like..."
Talk to a famous person (alive or dead) who would you want to talk to: I'd love to go out drinking with Bono one night, just to see if he's like how he comes across in interviews.

What color do you associate with:
Tranquility: green
Anger: orange
Happiness: violet
Jealousy: red
Mystery: crimson
Fear: yellow
Despair: blue
Indifference: tan
Optimism: red
Energy: neon shades (green/orange/pink)

What do you do when you feel:
Bored: Read, write, ponder, wander the 'Net.
Excited: Talk to people or go do things with a group.
Happy: Ahem... "hang with my homies."
Sad: Avoid all people or find one person I trust and confess.
Angry: Stomp from place to place. A lot.
Depressed: Avoid all people or find one person I trust and confess.

What has changed about you the most in the last five years?: My year spent in Vegas, where I lost the will to live, or my return to the Bay Area, where I arose from the ashes once more.

Squirrels: cute fluffy animals or rabies-infested killing machine?: They're secretly scheming to take over the world. You can't fool me. No sir.


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