Sunday, December 08, 2002

It's amazing, took us about 3-4 hours to reach a consensus as a group, but once we finally did, the studio came up with and worked out a great new concept for our next comic proposal. We came up with an idea, a plot outline and the whole rest. Now, over the next few days, I'll start banging on the script for the pages as everyone else continues to work on the other proposal. We have one page done being inked, one page off to be inked, one page half way being done being pencilled and two pages that are written but not started yet. The meeting was a lot of fun, but also a great big load of chaos (as it really should be). Erin showed up first, then Greg and Liz a few hours later, and then Lara came home from work, followed by Joe. All in all, the whole day was the most fun I've had in ages. Anyhow, I've only been conscious for about fifteen minutes and so my consciousness level is still not all that high, but someone had to say something...


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