Monday, November 25, 2002

So I feel obligated to make some kind of a post, despite the fact that I'm in a state of 1/3rd consciousness. It's been something of a manic weekend, so I really should write a long report, so despite the fact that I'm starting writing this at 10:45 a.m., I have a feeling the post itself won't be done until 2ish. I'll try and give you a full recap of the weekend as best as I can, trying to pick out details and string them together into some form of coherence. Still, even I can't work miracles all the time.

Let's start with Friday -- I got to have a little mellow of a Friday, hanging out in the office playing the C&C Generals beta until almost 5, since Erin and I didn't have fencing. We were going to do it Saturday, but things popped up in Erin's world, so we showed up around 5ish, hung out with Erin and Sherrie for a while, then Erin took off to get ready for the show and the four of us (yours truly, Joe, Lara and Sherrie) went to go get food. I brought some to Erin to eat backstage before the show.

The shows played better this time. Hound came across as a little goofier (mainly because it was the last night) and a bit more slapsticky. Not bad, necessarily, just a change of speed. Boundaries did play better this time, although still not perfect. I can't put my finger on why. Magritte came across much better (as said in my previous post) because I could hear everything this time.

After the show, we went back to Erin's place for the cast party. Slow start, big finish -- we headed out of Erin's place at 2 a.m. and rolled into the apartment at about 3. A good amount of fun was had.

Yesterday, Erin and Lara spent the day hanging out, so Erin'll have to give you a recap of how that went (if she so chooses -- no one's obligated here). I hung around the apartment and got caught up on my anime viewing (watched Vandread Second Stage: Volume 1 -- still need to pick up the other Second Stage DVDs...) as well as The Shawshank Redemption, for personal reasons which I will not discuss here. Joe came home with Steel Battalion, which I'm sure he'll spend endless hours mastering. Giant mech games usually aren't my speed, though, especially with so many controls. Still, maybe I'll pick it up and spend some time with it. Haven't really decided yet.

And last night, we saw DJ Shadow. The show was pretty good -- Shadow himself was excellent, although towards the end they cranked up the bass pretty good. I was pleased to hear him do parts of "Midnight In a Perfect World" in his encore (which started at midnight -- Shadow checked his watch...) , and it was fascinating to hear him blend two or three of his existing songs together into new compositions... I dug that. There were opening acts (I'd never been to this kind of show before, and this was Joe's first concert of any kind) and the first one wasn't bad, but the second one (and I know I'm going to take a lot of flak for this) sucked. Lyrics Born just wasn't my thing. He kept trying to get the crowd more amped than they wanted to be, and was failing. But the minute Shadow came on stage, all went well. I would've liked more Shadow and less opening filler. Shadow wasn't on stage until almost 10:30. Still, he put on a hell of a show. Joe and I rolled into the apartment shortly after 1. And I was in at work by 9:30. Dear lord...

Barrenhollow may run a few days late this week, due to Thanksgiving and the fact that I don't really want to anything strenuous tomorrow, until it's one of those few strenuous activities that's loads of fun and/or memorable. But we don't typically get those activities in my life. Still, a fella can hope, I guess.

Anyway, I have to honestly jet now, as I need to grab lunch, then I have two one-hour long meetings, then I get in the car and drive down to Santa Cruz for fencing, then I have to drive back home and promptly pass out. Remind me on Friday that I should be sleeping if you see a post from me.


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