Tuesday, November 26, 2002

So here I am, just a little bit older, not a whole hell of a lot wiser. For those of you out of the know, I turn 26 today. I'm still having very mixed feelings about the whole thing. On one hand, I'm not that old. I'm not 30. I'm not 40. I'm not 50. So I can't be too old, if I'm not thirtysomething. On the other hand, I'm over a quarter of a century old. I've lived somewhere between one-third and one-fourth of my life, on the statistical average. All that time is gone, lost, unable to have again. And the further I try to think back, the harder it is to remember clearly. I have memories of high school, college, but further back than that, it's a jumble and a blur that I can only pick specific things out of, and even then with some effort. Older than that? Only a handful of memories remain. Childhood? Most of it's been blown away over the course of time. It's funny, but as you get older, you start thinking in terms of years. What's happened in a year rather than what's happened in a week, a day, a month... I'll make a big year end post the day before New Year's that'll talk about how this year's been for me, but I can only say thusfar it's been extreme. Nothing's been mild, I've got to give it that.

Anyhow, it is Tuesday (on top of being my birthday) so I'm going to watch Buffy and then 24, but I do want to leave you with a bit of lyrics that hit me particularly hard today. Erin and I were talking a while ago about Nickel Creek made her cry the first time she heard them. It'd been a long time since I'd wept at music, but I'll confess, I did shed a tear today listening to this new band I literally JUST found today. They're mainstream emo rock, really, and I have this sneaking suspicion they're going to be fucking huge soon. Seriously. They are that good. You'd like them. They're kind of Third Eye Blind meets Matchbox-20 with flashes of The Get Up Kids and hint of Bruce Springsteen. Honestly. Anyhow, I'll let the lyrics speak for themselves and I recommend you hit their site and listen to this song... you owe it to yourself.

NOW PLAYING: July For Kings - "Normal Life"
Lyrics: "I just want to live a normal life / get a fast car and a pretty wife / we could have children of our own / settle down here until they're grown / we could buy a house out on the beach / and just die there, out of reach / do you want to live / do you want to live / do you want to live a normal life..."


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