Tuesday, October 15, 2002

So, once again, I've proven that when I'm not paying attention, I can indeed get lost anywhere. Apparently there are two Highway 1's coming up from the Santa Cruz area. And since I missed the turnoff for the first one, we ended up getting onto the other one. Well, no harm, no foul, I always say. It was a longer drive, we ended up driving through San Francisco (which is gorgeous to come into at night with a fog layer going on) and getting stuck in baseball traffic for a bit, but in the end we made it back to where we needed to be.

Lara apparently had a wonderful time with Erin, Christy, Sherrie and Megan, and Joe and I accomplished a lot with the "guy time," and it was a wise decision by all, although next time I think Joe and I need to drag Greg down. You hear that, Dean?! You cannot escape!

Erin's fencing lesson went extremely well and she's doing fantastic. I'm really enjoying teaching again, but I attribute a lot of that to the fact that I have an excellent and attentive student (even if she did get a bit gungho on the attacks -- just kidding, E, you did fine ... but I'll be sure to pick up another set of sticks in case these get too cracked). Ooo! Ooo! Erin has a cool work story to tell, whenever she has time to get online (Tuesdays/Thursdays just suck for her, I know, so you'll probably have to wait until another day)!

The super-secret top-clearance online project Joe and I have been working on is almost ready -- we should be set to unveil it in a few days after we get the bugs ironed out. I think you'll all like it.

On the comic related front, I've just about wrapped up the revisions on the five pages, and expect to get the final touch-ups done today. I went back and made some changes based on the feedback I got from the whole team, and I wanted to punch up a few bits and give them a little more zip. I'm still doing the final mental storyboards and the last pass, but by the end of today, I should have our five pages ready. I've also been banging out ideas on cover proposals and how our cover should look as well as giving some thoughts to logo concepts. I may try and do some dummy pencil sketches (by "dummy pencil sketches," I mean they look terrible, as they were drawn by a dummy, namely me, but still show the general idea of what I'm thinking, even if they suck, and damn this sentence needs to stop, but no, I think it's out of control now and no one will ever be able to stop it because this joke has gone on far too long and it's hurdling forward without me even willing it toandohmygodI'velosttheuseofthespacebarsomeonesavemeAAAAHHHHH!! *CRASHTHUDBANGBOOM* Whew. Saved. Sorta.) so that people can see what I'm thinking. I also have to bang out the one page synopsis and a new "This is who we are and why you should buy this" page over the next couple of weeks, but those aren't immediate needs.

Well, I just remembered as Erin popped online that they're striking at Santa Cruz right now, so she doesn't have classes, which should give her a nice, relaxing Tuesday.

Oh! The Ataris play San Fran in December! I'm soooo there!

Anyhow, back to the trenches. And crew, post soon!


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