Thursday, October 10, 2002

My mood last night was more along the lines of minor annoyances to goofing off with my friends.

But I really hate Tuesday and Thursdays. I'm in the middle of my usual marathon of classes, with my acting class starting in about 20 minutes, and lasting for three hours after that. I love the class, it's a lot of fun, but I've been going non-stop for the last 5 hours already, I'm sooo ready for a break by this time.

I complain a lot about school, don't I? Okay, now I'll be positive about it.

My acting class is amazing. I really like it, and the only reason I don't want to go right now is because I'm freaking tired. I'm surrounded by people who have been in far more plays than I have, and are better than me. You have no idea how complimented I feel just by being included in this class with my very talented classmates. The teacher, Marsha Taylor (I think that's right, we just call her Marsha), is great. She's an amazing teacher, with a great deal of knowledge that she just wants to share, and at the same time, she's a human being like the rest of us, and swears, and tells bad jokes right along with us. I just hope I'm doing okay by her standards. I worry because she doesn't talk to me like she does some of the other students, and I wonder if it's because she doesn't think I need help, or because she just doesn't notice I'm there. If it's the first one, that's okay, I guess, but I'd still like her to say something to me. If it's the other, then I need to turn off my l33t ninja skillz when I enter the class then, because they're not helpful.

Hmmm.... my other classes... well, my History of Theater Design is interesting. I've had about three classes with the teacher, Nick Nichols, before, and I like him, so it's going well. It's mostly just a lecture class, so nothing horribly fascinating. Just more random knowledge to add to the assortment of crap already cluttering up my head.

The only other thing I'm doing right now is working in the scene shop, which is always entertaining. Yay, lifting heavy objects and getting dirty. I've learned more about the rats problem we have in the department than I ever wanted to know. This is just about the only bad thing about having a school in the middle of the woods: when you store a lot of stuff in dark, mildly warm areas, you have rat problems. They've been eating wax in the foundry lately. Ewww....

Rehersals are going well. For those who don't know (I don't remember if I mentioned it), I'm in a play called "The Real Inspector Hound" in a Tom Stoppard Festival here in Santa Cruz. I've been working for this production company for a long time, and I'm friends with damn near everyone involved. I did the same play last year, so it's not as much work memorizing and such this year. But I've gotten better as an actor in the months in between, so I'm having more fun with the character, and trying to understand more, and so on. I'll post the dates and such, and let you all know when it goes up, so if any of you are in the area, you can come say hi to me. ^^

Wow, I've rambled a bit, haven't I? I guess I'm feeling wordy. ^^ I'm listening to John Mayer, and he's making me happy, so I guess it's just spreading to my fingers and making me type. ^^ "Which song, " you ask? '3 x 5' It's one of my favorites, and I plan on making a music video for it. I just need to get organized, and schedule around my actors. I'm in it too, cause I'm vain, and I'm the director, and I say so. ^^

Anyway, I've babbled enough. Go on with your lives. ^^


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