Thursday, October 10, 2002

Part of the reason I think my moods were shifting so fast was that I went a bit too far with my diet and didn't eat enough, by basically skipping lunch a couple of days in a row. This, needless to say, is a bad thing. When your body's trying to readjust to a lower amount of intake, turning that level down even more suddenly is never a good thing. On top of that, I think I'm finally getting through the tough point of cutting down on caffeine. You may not realize it, but cutting down on your caffeine intake is kind of like quitting smoking -- it's hard and you find yourself craving a soft drink regularly. I'm using water to help make up for it, but it's still not a perfect substitute. I may have just gone too far too fast and that caused the biological part of it.

On top of all of that, I've got a lot on my mind, but I think (I stress think) I've gotten to the point where I've done what I can and accepted what I can't. Just because I generally end up doing the right thing doesn't mean it's easy, and you better not forget that.

The apartment's gotten into a good rhythm now -- Joe and Lara both got jobs yesterday! Go them! And I'm getting used to having roommates again, which is taking quite a bit of effort, but I'm basically accumulated now. I've been living by myself for the last couple of years and that took some adaptation. But I like having people around. I knew that before and I know that now. The more I see my friends, the happier I am as a person. But I have to confess, I was a little worried at first because I hadn't been hanging out with Joe regularly for a couple of years and I didn't know Lara at all, really. And they're married! I mean, y'know, married! That's still a trip. All my other friends who're married are half the country away, but now I get to see Joe and Lara every day and see how married couples act. And I'm happy that I've got people to talk to all the time. It's nice. The "I'm a Loner, Dottie... A Rebel" act is fun for a while, but it's more fun hanging out with people you trust.

Anyhow, I'm not long for the office, heading home soon, so I'm gonna wrap this up. Those of you who are worried about me, don't be (well, except for maybe one or two of you... you can worry, but only a little bit...) as I'm really doing okay. I have my friends, I have my music, I have everything I need to keep me going. The fuel is in my blood, the strength is in my veins, the world is ready to rock'n'roll.

NOW PLAYING: The Get Up Kids - "Hannah Hold On"
Lyrics: "I never witnessed bitter like this/ You¹d think I'd have shot in cold blood/ If you won't admit it and I won't be around/ Just so I hear the applause ... / This isn't all we can do/ When in doubt you move on/ No need to sort it all out/ By the time you read this I'll be gone... / Hannah hold on / Hannah hold on / Its all been said / Its all been done / Hang on ... / You only disappoint the ones who don't believe... / Hannah hold on"

(P.S. I realize this was posted earlier... we're having blog problems and I'm trying to fix them. Be patient...)


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