Thursday, October 17, 2002

So, by now it should be evident that I'm a pop culture junkie. It should also be obvious that there are certain directors whose work I generally adore. One of these directors is Mr. John Woo. Now I have a bit of John Woo news, but I need to set it up for you...

Last year, BMW (yeah, the car company) did these mini-movies last year in a series called "The Hire." They got five talented directors and let them each make a small 5-10 minute movie using one of their cars. Basically the only rules that I can determine is that the car had to be in like 1/2 or more of the movie. Other than that? Go wild... Frankenheimer did this great piece about a guy who may have swallowed diamonds. Ang Lee did a piece about perhaps the next Buddha. Guy Ritchie took his wife Madonna and made her shaken and stirred. And they were great fucking films.

Well, BMW is doing a second season, but only three directors this time. The third one is Tony Scott (who did Top Gun, Crimson Tide, Enemy of the State, Spy Game and Beverly Hills Cop 2, for those of you who want the benefit of Cliff's patented Useless Trivia database). The second one is Joe Carnahan, who I've never heard of. And the first one? The first one is from John Fucking Woo. There's a trailer up for it now and the movie will go up for free next week. I highly recommend going and having a look at it. It's freakin' gorgeous, and it's just the trailer. Plus the movie will be FREE next Thursday.

You have absolutely nothing to lose and a whole ton of flashy cinema to gain. If you didn't watch the first season, go watch them and then check out the trailer. If you saw the first season, just go see the trailer and you can thank me later... seriously.

BMW Films


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