Friday, August 29, 2008

Spent much of yesterday engaged in "that most British of activities" -- queueing. I lost about three hours of the day waiting for The London Dungeon, but it was certainly fun enough. Part history lesson, part low-budget Disneyland, part haunted house, the London Dungeon is worth taking in, but I certainly wish I'd have known about the Fast Track tickets before I spent three hours in line. Didn't take pictures on the inside, although I certainly could've, mostly because flashes destroy that kind of atmosphere, and there were enough people around me doing so already. The "tour" walked through the the plague, Jack the Ripper, Sweeny Todd and other bits of ghoulish London history. There were a couple of "ride" bits, but nothing too exotic or impressive. Still, it was an experience worth having. Across the street while we queued, the guys in front of "The London Bridge Experience" were trying to draw people in, but it seemed they weren't getting many bites. I wasn't particularly interested, since it seemed they were going even more funhouse than the Dungeon was. They did, however, do a fun version of "Thriller" at one point, at the end of which, the guy with the microphone said "Can you believe they pay us for this rubbish?" I snapped a couple of photos of them as I passed. Also of humor, about two hours into the queue, I made some comment to the couple standing behind me, who must've barely been in their college years. They practically jumped when i did. "I thought you were German!" the girl told me. So in Germany, I got mistaken for a Norweigan, in Britain I got mistaken for a German... apparently I'm hard to pick as an American until I speak, and then it's obvious from there.

After the Dungeon, I hopped back on the Tube then headed over to Waterloo station, but of course, I got off at Waterloo East, where there is, apparently, absolutely nothing of interest. So I ended up walking over to the main Waterloo station and then to more points of interest. I ended up walking around the London Eye, but decided to pass on going up on it -- somehow the idea of spending the equivalent of $30 to go up in the air for 30 minutes didn't seem all that enthralling when I'd seen London via air when I flew in. (And the fact that I'll be flying out tomorrow and back in and out the day after that.) Over by the eye, though, at County Hall, I found both the Movarium (which is a museum of movie history) and the Dali Experience, both of which I took in. The Dali Experience, while entertaining, was another "no pictures" zone, so all I have is my memories for it, but the Movarium allowed pictures all over the place, so I got a bunch of shots from there. There were tons of props from all sorts of things, and it was entertaining enough. I grabbed buffet style Chinese food there, and regretted it a few minutes later -- the food was terrible, and I ended up eating again just a short while later, since I couldn't stand the "food" that I'd paid for there.

I headed back to the hotel and decided to put in an early night, as I'm going to do again tonight. Tomorrow morning, I need to head down to London Heathrow, catch my flight over to Hannover and meet up with Nils to see Fury In The Slaughterhouse's last (sort of) concert. Day after that, I'm headed back stateside. I've got loads upon loads of photos to sort through, and hopefully my voicemail is full of people calling, throwing money, job offers and beautiful women at me. I suspect it'll take a day or two for me to get back onto my normal schedule again, but we'll see how it works out in the end. Monday is Labor Day, so no one's much working anyway, and that helps a bit. Not exactly sure what I'm doing with my last day here in London. Might take in the Tate Modern. Might visit The Clink. Might even swing by the Tower of London (not to see the jewels, but just to get a walkthrough). Might even stop at Picadilly again, see if there's any interesting shows to take in, although I expect it'll be insanely crowded, since it's a Friday.

Anyhow, enough of my prattling on. May make a post tonight right when I get in (been doing the last few in the morning before I go out) since I'll be heading out so early tomorrow. We're in the homestretch from here, lads.



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