Sunday, August 24, 2008

Our last day in Germany was something of an odd day, mostly with us wandering around trying to find things that weren't open. Our hosts, Mary and Carlos, were with us, and to be honest, I think Avri and I had better luck wandering around on our own. We tried to find an open club, since Mary was quite insistent that we check out the club scene, and since Avri and I decided not to go clubbing last night after Mary started feeling sick and went to bed. Avri and I weren't that tired, however, but nor did we want to go out clubbing, so we wandered outside, got pizza from a place that was open past midnight, came back to the house and watched episodes of "Burn Notice." Yeah, I know, we're mildly lame, but somehow getting lost in Berlin on a Saturday night by ourselves didn't seem the best of idea. Sean's camera is acting funny, so I'm relying on Avri for our pictures today.

Most of today felt like we were trying to get things to work and they simply would not. We had breakfast/lunch at some place I did not catch the name of, but we couldn't get a table so we had lunch at the bar. We went to a club, but it was members only and they wouldn't let us in. We tried to find the Jewish history museum but to no avail. So we ended up getting drinks at a pirate bar. There was a very odd man who was drunk and/or crazy who came up to us to tell us about how Sting played a concert in OVERALLS. Yes, he said it that loud. There was also some bad cover band playing a tiny festival (I think the band's parents were the only ones there) with terrible songs and a drummer who was playing a bunch of beats that weren't there. (now that I think about it.... maybe the drummer was fighting a bee. They seemed to be attacking us everywhere else.) In the end, we didn't really do a whole lot today, although we did sort of wander around the city a bunch, so I guess that was cool.

Tomorrow morning, Avri and I part ways. He heads back to the states and I head off to England, where I'll hopefully be staying with a friend for 5 days or so, flying back into Hannover Saturday morning for the last Fury In the Slaughterhouse concert (and meeting up with Nils, the guy who sent me Fury CDs from Germany before there was and then flying back to the states on Sunday. If I make a post at all on Sunday, I'm pretty sure it'll be from London-Heathrow and will be me saying "Oh my god, I'm SO tired, but it was AWESOME!" So more later, when I'm in England.

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