Thursday, August 21, 2008

So I have a handful of consciousness before I pass out, so I will endevor to write down what few things I remember while I can still type and have not passed out. (I couldn't sleep on the planes, so I've been up, oh, almost 30 hours straight at this point...)

The flights were semi-complicated, and we had long layovers in both Charlotte and Frankfurt. I wanted to sleep on the Charlotte->Frankfurt flight, and I tried for almost 5 hours, but couldn't manage to get one bit of sleep. My body was just fighting the crap out of it. So here I am, almost 8 p.m. local time, on the last legs of awakedness, struggling to keep myself together for another hour or so before passing out into sleep that will be nigh impossible to awaken me from.

We got off the flight in Berlin and then manuevered our way to a bus, took the bus to the end of the line, got on the subway, took it down a way, and met up with Avri's friend Mary and her boyfriend Carlos, whom we're staying with. We went out for lunch, and were assaulted by bees constantly and had to wait ungodly long for our food, which was tasty, I will confess. Flaamkuken, I believe, it was called. Sort of a weird pizza like thing. After that, we went and hung out in Girlitzer Park, sort of people watching for an hour or so before heading out for a nice long walk, where we saw the three holy men statue/art thing. I'll try and get a picture of it later, but I didn't have my camera with me today. Far too tired.

Tomorrow we head to Hannover, and see Fury In The Slaughterhouse in concert. I'm massively looking forward to it, and am particularly psyched about getting to meet the band. I don't expect we'll be up before 10 a.m. local time, though, as Avri and I attempt to get sleep to recover for the little amount we've been cramming in the last few days. I think we got about 2 1/2 hours Tuesday night, and technically it's Thursday night here now.

i haven't tried to see if I can figure out photos with my laptop yet, but I've barely taken any with my main camera (or the mini Sean gave me). I should take a bunch with the little camera tomorrow and then Saturday and Sunday get a bunch with the big daddy. I am, however, going to get a picture or two from the balcony of the apartment we're staying at before I crash tonight.

I'm sure I'm missing something, but I'm pretty damn tired and am having trouble keeping a thought clear in my head right now. I wouldn't expect a post tomorrow unless I'm so amped after we get back from the concert that I have to make a post right then and there. We'll see how it goes, I suppose.

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