Sunday, August 24, 2008

So yesterday was Avri and I's "wander around the city" day. We ended up going and seeing an outdoor museum that is a section of the Wall still up, covered in graphitti. I got tons of great photos, but I don't know if I can upload the photos from my laptop. I'll put up all the photos when I get back to the States on the first, though. We wandered along the wall for a while, but we also went by the Reichtstag. There was a phenomenally long line, so we didn't try and go in, but I took wonderfully dark photos as we went around it. There were very ominous clouds in the sky, and the imagery was particularly effective. Avri and I took a bunch of photos as we meandered around, including some odds and ends that made us laugh, including a hotdog stand that was named "Wurst :-)" That's right, an emoticon in a stand name. Avri damn near got himself killed running across the street to get a photo on his iPhone. We wandered around on the UBahn and the SBahn for a bit, which was entertaining. There were three people having a conversation across from us that wandered through German, Castillian Spanish and what sounded like maybe Turkish? And they would change languages in the middle of the sentence, which was kind of cool, in a very odd way. There was also an asian couple that sat across from Avri and I on one of our SBahn trips, speaking in flawless German, and I think that threw me off more than anything. Our hosts were feeling sick last night, so they crashed early. Avri and I weren't feeling up to going out into the city on our own to go clubbing (especially since we don't speak almost any German between the two of us) so we went downstairs and to a corner pizza shop. I got prosciutto on a pizza, which was awesome. We wandered back to the apartment and then just killed an hour or two watching episodes of "Burn Notice" on my laptop. We slept until about 12:30 or so, and now we're going to go out and get breakfast/lunch/whatever meal we're eating right now. Tomorrow morning, we part ways - Avri heads back to the U.S. and I head off to London, where I'll be until the morning of the 30th, when I fly back to Hannover for the last Fury show. I'm going to be meeting up with Nils for sure, and I think he's probably going to the concert with me - not entirely certain yet, but seems likely. Anyway, looks like we're about to head out for the day, so I'll try and make another post tonight... sometime. P.S. it's 1:15 p.m. here, regardless of the timestamp on this post...

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