Sunday, October 20, 2002

It's been a hell of a weekend, but I think I'm gonna go to bed shortly. Still, a brief rundown on the weekend:

-- Friday: Fencing went very well. Erin fractured my stick (it has a large slice of it that's barely attached) and I put some pretty good breakage points in hers. Erin continues to be a far better student than I had expected (and I had high expectations) and on top of that, it's fun just being able to groove with one of my best friends on a regular basis. Hung around and watched Firefly at their place with Erin, Sherrie and Christy (who demands a return of editorial comments to her name). Much fun was had. I was there way too late to safely drive home (and let it be stressed that I am *not* complaining -- I had obscene amounts of fun, honestly) and ended up crashing on their couch for the night. Thanks again, ladies, I very much appreciate it. Definitely a fantastic way to start the weekend.

-- Saturday afternoon: Picked up new sticks and grip taped them up for Monday. The new ones are the same width, but might be a little longer. Next few lessons should be interesting as we're starting to get into the slightly more complex stuff. Did a bit of minor cleaning and reorganizing. Also scanned in some pictures from both the weekend that we had the studio meeting and the Sunday where Joe, Lara and I went down to Santa Cruz and hung out with Erin, Sherrie and Christy (who doesn't really merit an additional comment here, but is getting one to prevent future bitching)... Thought you might want to see a picture or two, so here's one of the bunch of us at the studio meeting. For those of you out of the know, from left to right that's Joe, Greg, Liz, me and Erin. Lara took the picture, so she's not in it. If you want to see photos of something else, or different groups of people or whatnot, just lemme know. We have a whole ton and I can probably shrink them down to be managable.

-- Sunday: Joe, Lara and I went up to Sacramento to do the Ren. faire with Greg. More fun was propagated. Ended up buying a matched pair of sai for about $30. They're lovely swordbreakers and I'm probably gonna mount them on my wall. It's only 9 or so, but I'm gonna go read a bit and then turn in. Back to Santa Cruz for more merriment, mischief and fencing tomorrow!


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