Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Cute and cuddly I won't argue with, but then again, so is a lion from the African plains... And I did cut the weapons too long this time, a mistake I will rectify for our next set. Still, unchecked aggression or something? Something we need to talk about, Erin? Thankfully I'm a good blocker, although this time I split on the attack, which means it was at least partially my fault...

Anyhow, I have currently contracted a mild version of the plague. Apparently it seems to be going around as Greg also seems to have it. I slept until 10:30 and declared this a work-at-home day (with my boss's permission, of course) and hopefully nothing will collapse in my absence, but I'd rather be home getting well than in the office spreading my plague to everyone I work with. Sorry to tell you this, Erin, but you may have a case of it coming up. *sigh* Thankfully, the extra rest seems to have done me some good, and I expect to spend most of the day puttering around the Maxis website and sleeping, and should be back into a reasonable approximation of myself tomorrow, although you're all more than welcome to pity me in my illness. (Although shoot some pity Greg's way as well...)

It's just a friggin' sinus cold and I typically get one about this time of year. I didn't when I was in Vegas because there was no serious temperature shift, but now that I'm back to the wonderful Bay area, I have to learn that there's actual SEASONS again... go figure.


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