Wednesday, March 12, 2003

w00t! I've burned another piece of hardware out on my system long before it's warranty is up...This will be 5th, maybe 6th hard drive I've burned out now (this one is clicking loudly periodically and last night Windows told me not to unplug the drive when the PC was on o_0)? I've burned out many a videocard, a soundcard, an extremely expensive 19" monitor (plus the next 3 or 4 they sent me in the mail to replace the burned out one all within a week of each other), 2 motherboards, 2 processors, a CD-RW, and a partige in a pear tree. So now the question is...shouldn't manufacturers be sending me their stuff to stress test their hardware for free (nearly 24/7 operation baby!!!)? Anymore I'm burning out a piece of hardware every 3 months anymore and I have yet to have a piece of hardware besides cheap CD-Roms, Floppy Drives, and Power Supplies (who the hell would be dumb enough to give me a warranty on a Power Supply? :)) burn out on me within their warranty period *nock on wood* (and I still think theres more stuff I've burned out in the alloted warranty time, but it's not coming to mind) :)

On that note, relationships suck horribly...why can't I get a warranty on those (especially when I'm not the one causing the malfunction)? =P


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