Monday, March 10, 2003

Yes, I've been kind of AWOL for a while, I realize. Life hasn't exactly been putting two and two together lately into four... (more like 2.75 or 3 if I'm lucky). After GDC (which went... well, it went, I guess) I fell victim to the black plague, and have since died several times and resurrected myself, much to my own dismay. I have an interview on Tuesday... no no, don't get excited. It's for a possible job selling insurance. I'm humoring them, really, and finding out what the pay is like, but I highly doubt I'll do it. It sounds like one of those venture capital scams where I have to put money down to start making money, and that's not really my deal. We'll see what they say, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

So, what is The Touched? Erin pegged a lot of it on the head. We're mostly sort of random commentary on life, liberty and the persuit of a better life. What's the point? There is no point. What's the reason? There is no reason? Why do we do it? To entertain ourselves and others. The Touched was founded in the middle of last year post a very interesting E3, which was then followed by a more interesting birthday party where I was flown up to Reno and flown out of San Jose on a few days notice. From there, it sort of merged into a group of people with common interests and a similiar surreal sense of humor. Over time, the group has grown and shrunk. Greg used to post a lot, now he posts very little. We brought Christy into the fold after she moved up from bit part to recurring character (and since to major player). She was posting so much in the comments and showing up at so many parties and events, it just seemed like The Right Thing To Do. Lara joined in a few posts and then lost interest. Fair enough. So the regular posters from the beginning, i.e. myself, Erin, Liz and Dave, are still mostly around. And we post whatever happens to be on our mind -- humor, insights, depression, life in general or life in specific. There are no rules about what you can and can't post on The Touched. Profanity? Shit yeah! Sex? If you wanna talk about it, by all means, we won't tell you no (although we may be a little amazed/shocked/horrified/impressed, depending on how well you write about it and who you are (yes, Dave, I mean YOU so just... don't okay? Please...)) and I'm sure the readers will love it. Chaos? Shit we write about chaos all the time! Badgers? Okay, okay, maybe we don't need no stinkin' badgers, but you can still write about them if you want...

Some people asked how they get elevated into the community of people who post ON The Touched instead of the people who make comments. Well, you sniveling little maggots should be content we even gave you a comments section to post in! Why, when I was a kid on the Internet... Ahem. So, how does one get into The Touched? Well, it's hard to say, really. Of the initial group, Erin, Greg, Dave and I all shared a hotel room together at E3. From there, I was flown up for Erin's birthday by Liz, and that was where I met Liz (Okay, so it wasn't directly from there... I went back to Vegas after E3 and it was a week or two later). I then met Christy through Erin. So really, the group sort of hangs out, and by sort of hangs out, I mean I see just about everyone regularly and they all intermingle semi-regularly to occasionally (except for Dave, who was last physically seen at New Year's, because, well, he's still in the middle of the fucking desert!)

Where does it go? What will happen to our cast of characters? Is this really as dramatic as I'm making it sound?! ... Yes and no. It's life, or something like it. It's reality, or a close approximation. It's what happens when real people stop being polite and start writing what they're thinking. I can't make it any clearer than that, because it isn't any clearer to me.

But what the hell. It's fun and it's something to do.

P.S. Still unemployed. Send more money.


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