Friday, March 07, 2003

Y'all get another pasty post, since it's funny, and I hate typing things twice. ^^

*start paste*
I forgot to mention the really funny thing that happened yesterday at the GDC. I was at this one booth, for a company called Semi Logic, and they were handing out these quizzes. If you did one, you'd get a free t-shirt. They had an artist's quiz, and one for programmers. They offered me one, and I figured, what the hell, I'll try. So I take the artists quiz, since my programming knowledge will fit comfortably inside an electron, with room for a new couch. Anyway, I take this quiz, thinking it'll have just general art questions ("what's a 2b pencil?").

God, I was soooo wrong. When they say "art" they mean "3-D rendering art master of all knowledge in this field". The quiz is all based on a familiarity with 3-d rendering. So I'm screwed, right? Nope, cause they say you can draw a picture on the back. ^^ So I did, but then I decided to take the quiz anyway, because I like inflicting pain on myself like that. There were about 15 questions or so, and I guessed on all but 2. Well, I guessed on those 2 as well, but they were more educated guesses. ^^

So I give the quiz back, and the guys giggle because a)I'm an actress and I took the quiz, and b)I actually drew something for them, and only 3 other people had done that. But then we all were surprised. Out of the 15 questions on the quiz, guess how many I got wrong.

4. That's right. Only 4 wrong. In a field I know nothing about. The booth guys were impressed. They accused me of knowing test takeing techniques, to which I replied that since I was a Theater Arts major, I don't take tests. ^^ They were impressed, I was impressed, and I got a free t-shirt (and the guy asked for my business card, too. ^^).

I just thought that was funny. ^^ I guess I'm smarter than I look.
*end paste*

All you people from Nekobox hate me, I know. The other couple thousand of you that I *know* visit here, for god sakes, post a comment!! ^^


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